School of Access English For Academic Purpose Cornel. J. Notes

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Institute of Technology Campus

School of Access
English for Academic Purpose
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Main ideas/ notes
Question #I think it inspires your creativity to have downtime. So if you're if you're enjoying
# What is the right life and doing the things you enjoy, your brain is going to rejuvenate and you'll be
amount of lazy to be? more creative. I think it's actually pretty important to carve out lazy amounts of time
# I'm around a lot of per day.
boring people, but I do #24 hours a day, so eight hours of sleep, eight hours to do whatever it is for your
hear people say all the work because you can't really do more than that, than eight hours at least to be lazy.
time that laziness is # Great. I know the opposite to great ideas and stuff like that, but I don't think it's
the key to failure. laziness. I think it is strategic
#How did and what # Even that like semantically just an excuse because like I've written 18 books,
came out of it? Did millions of hours and blog posts we both have to park has at least three.
you get a sense of # I was really happy to just relax. And I went to a comedy club, wants to friend
contentment? Did you perform. I read a book that I'm really enjoying. Opposite
get a sense of #I would argue that a lot of what you a person like you might consider a quote, lazy is
inspiration? Did you actually just doing a kind of different mode of your work.
get a sense of #Hire services: buses, take subways, take taxis. Your own car., skateboard, roller
frustration? Did you blade. Going to choose to walk because I'm making argument for lazy, I do that kind
feel you should have of out of laziness.
been doing more? # walking isn't lazy. a walk is creating an environment for the mind to feel relaxed
and then the border of lazy.
# the sense lazy for you imply has some guilt associated with it. I think you're wrong.
So. What is something that you need an activity you would do that you would
actually feel guilty?
# The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills - I would feel like that was good
anthropological research. Because I think it would probably be fascinating.
#Lazy can be be looked at sort of as a synonym for efficient. Right. So like I want to
do something with the least wasted effort. It's like meetings.
#It’s a way of using my desire for laziness to actually be happy in my productivity.
#lazy it's a way of using my desire for laziness to actually be happy in my
# Actually lazy for you where you would feel disgusted with yourself for doing it.
Well, podcasting for sure.
# laziness can be a strong incentive to innovate and create. I mean, think about the
industrial revolution

You have to get uptown to your office for a meeting. You can hail an Uber and be there in 8 minutes, or you can
walk and arrive in 24 minutes. Which option is the "lazy" one? This disagreement is the crux of today's conversation
about what constitutes laziness and to what degree it is actually a productive creative trait. Would you pay to sit in
the car and arrive quickly, or do the exercise but arrive later than the person you're meeting?

Altucher, J., & Dubner, S. J. (2016, August 30). 172. What Is the Right Amount of Lazy to Be? Retrieved from

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