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Livros para pegar na Biblioteca

Histoire des croisades et du royaume franc de jérusalem - René Grousset

Le conquérant du monde (Vie de Gengis-khan) - René Grousset
Akhenaten: King of Egypt
Akhenaten, Pharaoh of Egypt: A New Study
Women's earliest records: from ancient Egypt and western Asia
Tutankhamun's Egypt
Negotiating the Gift: Pre-modern Figurations of Exchang
Gift from the past
Between gift and the market
Silence images: women in pharaonic Egypt
Images of women in antiquity
La politica exterior egipcia en la epoca de el Amarna
La Gréce et l'Orient des guerres médiques à la conquête romaine
La epopeya de los cruzados
Organização política e social na época do Reino armênio da Cilícia
A estrutura social da Armênia na época dos arsácidas
A history of armenian literature
The heritage of armenian literature
Divine liturgies: human problems
The heritage of Armenia
La spiritualità armena
Borders, Barriers, and Ethnogenesis Frontiers in Late Antiquity and the Middle Ages
The Armenian kingdom of Cilicia
History of the Armenians (Agathangelus)
O reino Armênio da Cilícia
Between Islam and Byzantium

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