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Quantization of Energy Lab Report


Spectroscopy Lab


To determine the composition of the new star using a spectrometer


To determine the composition of the new star, I will perform a flame test and conduct a
spectroscopy to find out it’s composition being hydrogen



Quantization of Energy Virtual Lab


Controlled variables: wire, prism, hydrochloric acid

Independent variable: element liquid, flame

Dependent variable: wavelengths, color of the flame

Summary of Steps:

First I chose a known element, it could be either one, I chose Barium first. Once chosen, we want
to clean the platinum wire by dipping it in hydrochloric acid and then you would heat the wire
until no color shows

Next dip the wire into the known element, for me it was barium

then hold the wire above an open flame

then the flame should appear a certain color, for me it was green, record
repeat this phase 6 times

After the sixth time you will then dip the wire into an unknown liquid

repeat the steps above from the known liquids

record the results repeat this part again

For the next phase we want the flame of hydrogen, helium sodium, neon, mercury and star.

first take the flame and place in front of a slit in front of a prism and then in front of a

then you want to analyze the wavelengths and the colors that appear.

record the data

repeat 5 times

once repeated the steps 5 times and you get to the star follow the same procedures until the

record the thickest lines on the spectrometer for the star

record the data


Part I: Flame Tests

Solution Element Name Color Description

Known One barium green

Known Two calcium red

Known Three sodium yellow

Known Four rubidium purple

Known Five potassium blue

Known Six lithium pink

Unknown One unknown pink

Unknown Two unknown 2 blue

Part II: Spectrometry

Known Elements
Spectrum Line Hydrogen Helium Sodium Neon Mercury

1 purple,410nm blue, 445nm yellow purple purple 430nm

575nm 420nm

2 blue, 440nm green, yellow mint blue 445nm

505nm 585nm green,
515 nm

3 green 510nm yellow, yellow green green 540nm

585nm 595nm 520nm

4 green, 535nm orange green green 550nm

690nm 525nm

5 yellow 550nm red 735nm yellow yellow 570nm


6 yellow 575nm yellow, red 675nm

580 nm

7 orange 655nm orange, red 690nm


8 red 680nm red burgundy

705nm 705nm

9 red 700nm red


10 burgund
y 745nm

Star Composition

Line in Star Spectrum Color Wavelength

1 purple 410nm

2 purple 415 nm
3 blue 435 nm

4 turquoise 495 nm

5 green 550 nm

6 yellow 580nm

7 red 695nm

8 burgundy 705nm


Upon experimentations it is hypothesized that the elements that make up this star are hydrogen
and mercury as the color and wavelength is very similar to the star. In my data it appears that
they both are very close in range with nanometers to the color they both portray for example the
purple for hydrogen is 410nm which is the same wavelength as the star and mercury’s is very
close in range being 430. This can be explored further by testing those two elements and
combining them to see of the wavelengths are similar
Post-Lab Reflection Questions.

1. In Parts I and II of the lab, what happened to the electrons of each element to produce the
different colors of light? Explain your answers using important terms from the lesson and
information provided in the laboratory.
Electrons must be heated to emitted light. When heat was added to the elements, the
electrons absorbs the energy and moves to its excited state

2. Stars composed of heavier (more massive) elements are often slightly older than stars
made predominantly from hydrogen and helium. Based on your data, is the newly
discovered star a younger star? Explain your answer.
I believe it's an older star as it uses mercury and hydrogen. In the data table it shows how it's highest
wavelength is 700 nanometers, as well as it has 8/9 spectrum lines each making them both have at most
700 nanometers making it heavier which in the end makes it an older star.

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