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Republic of the Philippines


Echague, Isabela


Name ___________________________________ Score________

Year and section; _________


_______________ 1. Most deaths occurring during the first 48 hours after birth result from the
newborn’s inability to establish or maintain adequate respirations.
_______________2. If a newborn’s amniotic fluid was meconium stained, stimulate an infant to
breathe by rubbing the back or administering air or oxygen under pressure.
_______________ 3. The sound of the baby crying is proof that lung expansion is good.
_______________ 4. It is important not to let oxygen levels in a newborn fluctuate, as fluctuation can
cause rupture of lung alveoli.
_______________ 5. If endotracheal tube is inserted and air can be heard on only one side or
sounds are not symmetric, forwarding it half a centimeter will usually
allow oxygen to flow to both lungs.
_______________ 6. During surfactant, maintain infant’s position during administration to
encourage drug to flow to both lungs.
_______________ 7. A decreasing respiratory rate in a newborn is often the first sign of
obstruction or respiratory compromise.
_______________ 8. When performing resuscitation, depress the sternum approximately 1 or 2 in. its
depth at a rate of 100 times per minute.
_______________ 9. The rate of fluid administration must be carefully monitored because a high fluid
intake can lead to patent ductus arteriosus or heart failure
______________ 10. Dehydration may be monitored by lesser than 1.015 to 1.020
______________ 11. Increasing heart rate proof that hypotension is improving and the kidneys are
being perfused.
______________ 12. During resuscitation, 0.1 to 0.3 mL/kg naloxone (1:10,000) may be sprayed
into the endotracheal tube to stimulate cardiac function .
______________ 13. Dehydration may result from increased sensible water loss from rapid
______________ 14. Incubators allows maintenance of a neutral thermal environment for neonates
requiring minute-to-minute intervention.
______________ 15. Skin-to-Skin Care method of care not only supplies heat but also encourages
parent–child bonding.

____________________ 1. Infants weighing under 2500 gm?

____________________ 2. Those born weighing 500 to 1000 gm are considered?
____________________ 3. Live-born infant born before the end of week 37 of gestation
____________________ 4. Infants who fall between the 10th and 90th percentiles of weight for
their age regardless of gestational age?
____________________ 5. Those born who fall above the 90th percentile in weight?
____________________ 6. Infants who fall below the 10th percentile of weight for their age.
____________________ 7. Those baby born weighing 1000 to 1500 gm.
____________________ 8. The most common cause Small-for-Gestational-Age Infant?
____________________ 9. The major contributor for Small-for-Gestational-Age Infant?
____________________ 10. An infant born after the 42nd week of a pregnancy?
____________________ 11. Refers to swelling, or edema, of an infant’s scalp that appears as a lump or
bump on their head shortly after delivery?
____________________ 12. Red blood cell production can be stimulated by administration of what drug
____________________ 13. Destruction of brain cells by invasion of indirect bilirubin
____________________ 14. A condition that may occur from bleeding into the aqueduct of Sylvius with
resulting clotting and obstruction of the aqueduct.
____________________ 15. The amount vitamin K should be administered with a pre-term infant.



_____ 1. High concentration of oxygen A. Respiratory Distress Syndrome

_____ 2. Deficiency of vitamin k B. Transient Tachypnea of the Newborn

_____ 3. Abnormal arteriovenous shunts C. Meconium Aspiration Syndrome

_____ 4. Reaction in an infant with type b blood D. Sudden Infant Death Syndrome

_____ 5. Sleeping in a room without moving air E. Periventricular Leukomalacia

currents F. Apnea

_____ 6. Relaxation of the rectal sphincter G. Rh Incompatibility

_____ 7. Low level or absence of surfactant H. ABO Incompatibility

_____ 8. Retained lung fluid I. Hemorrhagic Disease of the Newborn


_____ 1. Respiratory Distress Syndrome A. avoid rapid fluid infusions

_____ 2. Transient Tachypnea of the Newborn B. Preterm labor may be induced
_____ 3. Meconium Aspiration Syndrome C. administration of vitamin K
_____ 4. Sudden Infant Death Syndrome D. exchange transfusion to recipient twin
_____ 5. Periventricular Leukomalacia and transfusion to donor twin
_____ 6. Rh Incompatibility E. kangaroo care
_____ 7. ABO Incompatibility F. cryosurgery or laser therapy
_____ 8. Hemorrhagic Disease of the Newborn G. Phototherapy
_____ 9. Twin-to-Twin Transfusion H. sleep on their back
_____ 10. Retinopathy of prematurity I. Surfactant Replacement
J. it spontaneously fades as the lung fluid
is absorbed
K. Amnioinfusion


1. An early sign of Hemolytic, Group B Streptococcal Infection includes,

a. meningitis
b. bulging fontanelles
c. lethargy
d. hypotonia
2. Therapeutic management of Hemolytic, Group B Streptococcal Infection includes the following
except for one?
a. gentamicin
b. ampicillin
c. streptomycin
d. penicillin
3. A classmate of yours trying to prevent Ophthalmia Neonatorum needs further teaching, from
your, not so much good looking but very hot CI JBJ, if she states that.
a. women with herpes lesions on their face should not feed or hold their newborns until
lesions are crusted
b. eye prophylaxis should be given immediately after birth so it will never forgotten
c. to delay administration of the ointment until after the first reactivity period so the
newborn can clearly see the parents during this important attachment period.
d. instillation of erythromycin ointment into the eyes of newborns prevent Ophthalmia
4. Which neonatal behavior is most commonly associated with fetal alcohol syndrome (FAS)?
a. Hypoactivity
b. High birth weight
c. Poor wake and sleep patterns
d. High threshold of stimulation
5. A full-term infant admitted to the newborn nursery has a blood glucose level of 35 mg/dL.
Which of the following actions should the nurse perform at this time?
a. Feed the baby formula or breast milk.
b. Assess the baby’s blood pressure.
c. Tightly swaddle the baby.
d. Monitor the baby’s urinary output.
6. The nurse is aware that a neonate of a mother with diabetes is at risk for what complication?
a. Anemia
b. Hypoglycemia
c. Nitrogen loss
d. Thrombosis
7. Neonates of mothers with diabetes are at risk for which complication following birth?
a. Atelectasis
b. Microcephaly
c. Pneumothorax
d. Macrosomia
8. A nurse is assessing a newborn infant who was born to a mother who is addicted to drugs.
Which of the following assessment findings would the nurse expect to note during the
assessment of this newborn?
a. Sleepiness
b. Cuddles when being held
c. Lethargy
d. Shrill, high-pitched crying
9. Based on maternal history of alcohol addiction, a baby in the neonatal nursery is being
monitored for signs of fetal alcohol syndrome (FAS). The nurse should assess this baby for which
of the following?
a. Poor suck reflex.
b. Ambiguous genitalia.
c. Webbed neck.
d. Absent Moro reflex.
10. During neonatal cardiopulmonary resuscitation, which of the following actions should be
a. Provide assisted ventilation at 30 to 60 breaths per minute.
b. Begin chest compressions when heart rate is 0 to 20 beats per minute.
c. Compress the chest using the three-finger technique.
d. Administer compressions and breaths in a 5 to 1 ratio.
11. A postpartum nurse is providing instructions to the mother of a newborn infant with
hyperbilirubinemia who is being breastfed. The nurse provides which most appropriate
instructions to the mother?
a. Switch to bottle feeding the baby for 2 weeks
b. Stop the breast feedings and switch to bottle-feeding permanently
c. Feed the newborn infant less frequently
d. Continue to breast-feed every 2-4 hours
12. A nurse prepares to administer a vitamin K injection to a newborn infant. The mother asks the
nurse why her newborn infant needs the injection. The best response by the nurse would be:
a. “You infant needs vitamin K to develop immunity.”
b. “The vitamin K will protect your infant from being jaundiced.”
c. “Newborn infants are deficient in vitamin K, and this injection prevents your infant
from abnormal bleeding.”
d. “Newborn infants have sterile bowels, and vitamin K promotes the growth of bacteria in
the bowel.”
13. Which action best explains the main role of surfactant in the neonate?
a. Assists with ciliary body maturation in the upper airways
b. Helps maintain a rhythmic breathing pattern
c. Promotes clearing mucus from the respiratory tract
d. Helps the lungs remain expanded after the initiation of breathing
14. When performing an assessment on a neonate, which assessment finding is most suggestive of
a. Bradycardia
b. Hyperglycemia
c. Metabolic alkalosis
d. Shivering
15. A neonate, who is being admitted into the well-baby nursery, is exhibiting each of the following
assessment findings. Which of the findings must the nurse report to the primary health care
a. Exhibits flexion in all four extremities
b. Extension of the toes when the lateral aspect of the sole is stroked.
c. Elbow moves past the midline when the scarf sign is assessed.
d. It is possible to flex the hand onto the arm
16. A mother of a preterm baby is performing kangaroo care in the neonatal nursery. Which of the
following responses would the nurse evaluate as a positive neonatal outcome?
a. Respiratory rate of 70.
b. Temperature of 97.0ºF.
c. Licking the mother’s nipples.
d. Flaring of the baby’s nares.
17. A baby has been admitted to the neonatal intensive care unit with a diagnosis of postmaturity.
The nurse expects to find which of the following during the initial newborn assessment?
a. Abundant lanugo.
b. Flat breast tissue.
c. Prominent clitoris.
d. Wrinkled skin.
18. A woman delivers a 3,250 g neonate at 42 weeks’ gestation. Which physical finding is expected
during an examination if this neonate?
a. Abundant lanugo
b. Absence of sole creases
c. Breast bud of 1-2 mm in diameter
d. Leathery, cracked, and wrinkled skin
19. A neonate has been diagnosed with caput succedaneum. Which statement is correct about this
a. It usually resolves in 3-6 weeks
b. It doesn’t cross the cranial suture line
c. It’s a collection of blood between the skull and the periosteum
d. It involves swelling of tissue over the presenting part of the presenting head
20. To help limit the development of hyperbilirubinemia in the neonate, the plan of care should
a. Monitoring for the passage of meconium each shift
b. Instituting phototherapy for 30 minutes every 6 hours
c. Substituting breastfeeding for formula during the 2nd day after birth
d. Supplementing breastfeeding with glucose water during the first 24 hours
21. A 42-week gravida is delivering her baby. A nurse and pediatrician are present at the birth. The
amniotic fluid is green and thick. The baby fails to breathe spontaneously. Which of the
following actions should the nurse take next?
a. Stimulate the baby to breathe.
b. Assess neonatal heart rate.
c. Assist with intubation and suctioning
d. Place the baby in the prone position.
22. Which of the following full-term babies requires immediate intervention?
a. Baby with seesaw breathing.
b. Baby with irregular breathing with 10-second apnea spells.
c. Baby with coordinated thoracic and abdominal breathing.
d. Baby with respiratory rate of 52
23. The nurse is assessing a neonate in the newborn nursery. Which of the following findings in a
newborn should be reported to the neonatalogist?
a. The eyes cross and uncross when they are open.
b. The ears are positioned in alignment with the inner and outer canthus of the eyes.
c. Axillae and femoral folds of the baby are covered with a white cheesy substance.
d. The nostrils flare whenever the baby inhales.
24. A baby is grunting in the neonatal nursery. Which of the following actions by the nurse is
a. Place a pacifier in the baby’s mouth.
b. Check the baby’s diaper.
c. Have the mother feed the baby.
d. Assess the respiratory rate.
25. A 1000-gram neonate is being admitted to the neonatal intensive care unit. The surfactant
Survanta (beractant) has just been prescribed to prevent respiratory distress syndrome. Which
of the following actions should the nurse take while administering this medication?
a. Flush the intravenous line with normal saline solution.
b. Assist the neonatalogist during the intubation procedure.
c. Inject the medication deep into the vastus lateralis muscle.
d. Administer the reconstituted liquid via an oral syringe.
26. Sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS) is one of the most common causes of death in infants. At
what age is the diagnosis of SIDS most likely?
a. 1 to 2 years
b. 1 week to 1 year, peaking at 2 to 4 months
c. 6 months to 1 year, peaking at 10 months
d. 6 to 8 weeks
27. A baby’s blood type is B negative. The baby is at risk for hemolytic jaundice if the mother has
which of the following blood types?
a. Type O negative.
b. Type A negative.
c. Type B positive.
d. Type mok-O positive or Type kit-A negative
28. A baby with hemolytic jaundice is being treated with fluorescent phototherapy. To provide safe
newborn care, which of the following actions should the nurse perform?
a. Cover the baby’s eyes with eye pads.
b. Turn the lights on for ten minutes every hour.
c. Clothe the baby in a shirt and diaper only.
d. Tightly swaddle the baby in a baby blanket.
29. A newborn admitted to the nursery has a positive direct Coombs’ test. Which of the following is
an appropriate action by the nurse?
a. Monitor the baby for jitters.
b. Assess the blood glucose level.
c. Assess the rectal temperature.
d. Monitor the baby for jaundice.
30. A neonatalogist requests Narcan (naloxone) during a neonatal resuscitation effort. Which of the
following dosages would the nurse expect to prepare?
a. 1 microgram/kg.
b. 10 microgram/kg.
c. 0.1 milligrams/kg.
d. 1 milligram/kg.

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