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Energy Audit: Data Analysis

 Performing Engineering Calculation

o Running simulations and tools if necessary
 Find cost of solution by contacting solution suppliers
o Performing cost-benefit calculations
 Writing the deliverables
o Presentation
o Report

Energy Audit: Results Restitution

 Using simple, direct writing style

 Will ensure the report is clear, understandable and readable

Audit Report

 Report will include:

o Executive Summary
o Energy cost analysis
o Energy management recommendations
o Energy action plan
 Executive Summary
o First thing the reader will see
o Sets report tone
o Summary should be short, concise, and direct
o List
 Recommended Energy conservation measures
o Shows
 Implementation cost
 Financial savings amount
o This section is intended for readers who only want to see the bottom line
 Energy Cost Analysis
o Energy bill analysis
o Energy consumption break-out
o Demand curve
 Recommendations
o Lists areas evaluated in audit scope
o Contains discussion of energy management opportunities
 Cost effective
 Aligned with financial evaluation criteria
o Addressed in executive summary
 Described in-depth
o Should summarize
 Energy
 Demand and cost savings
 Implementation cost
 Simple payback period
o Brief Narrative
o For each recommendation: harus ada method used at the savings estimate
 Energy Action Plan
o Plan will detail
 Recommended actions
 Implementation schedule
o First Implement
 Quick-wins and short pay backs
 So savings can be generated rapidly
o Plan will propose a monitoring system
 Following up on the performance
 Driving continual improvement
 Next Step
o Follow-up actions are necessary to benefit from the audits and drive
o Continuous improvements for the site
o Follow up actions:
 Validate the energy action plan and the implementation schedule
o Establs

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