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Running head: Case Study: Mr.

Roth 1

Case Study: Mr. Roth

Mae Hughes

Grand Canyon University: EAD - 530

December 14, 2020

Case Study: Mr. Roth 2

Case Study: Mr. Roth

Observation Reflection Questions

After reading over this case study the first thing that I noticed about Mr. Roth was that he

was engaging with the students in conversations as they were entering the classroom, asking

them nonacademic related questions and the students seem to enjoy this interaction and were

genuinely engaged in the conversations with him building a strong rapport with him. The

classroom environment was perfect for a U.S History classroom there were posters hung around

the room referencing historical figures and events. There was an area in the classroom that the

students contributed to by creating political cartoons referencing different freedoms located in

the Bill of Rights. The climate of the classroom seemed to be relaxed, it was obvious that the

students felt safe, engaged, connected, and supported in this classroom [ CITATION Dou \l

1033 ]. Instructional strategies that were used during this lesson were direct instruction,

individual/independent study, and collaborative learning. One of the first student engagement

strategy that I noticed being used by Mr. Roth was presenting the class a bell ringer question of

the day, he then engaged the entire class by asking for volunteers to share their thoughts as well

as calling on random students who were not volunteering. He was also able to engage the

students by placing them in a group to have them complete an exercise, and then met again as a

whole class. These strategies were effective because the students were doing different things and

were able to discuss and share their thoughts with their peers. To differentiate instruction during

the class some strategies that were used were students doing individual reading, and group work.

Elements in this lesson that required the students to use higher order thinking was identifying

new vocabulary words, and challenging the students to be able to explain the concept of Judicial
Case Study: Mr. Roth 3

Review and how the case of Marbury v. Madison [ CITATION Cox191 \l 1033 ]. There was no

technology used in this lesson.

Post-Conference Preparation Questions

Some questions that I may ask Mr. Roth on evaluation would be How did you assess

student learning as you went through the lesson? What did this tell you? Is there anything that

you need to spend some additional time on based on the feedback received from these

assessments? Some positive feedback I would give Mr. Roth about his lesson would be that I

liked and appreciated the way he would give the students instruction, wait for them to what was

said and he would walk around the room to make sure the students were on track as well as on

the right track. I will share this because it is important for the teacher to have positive feedback

on what they have been doing and this strategy lets the students know that the teacher is present

and is paying attention to what they are doing [ CITATION DiP \l 1033 ]. Some constructive

feedback that I would give Mr. Roth would be to include some kind of hands on activity for the

students to do for example finding research themselves on the case that was presented and not

just in the literature that was provided for them. I chose this because there was no extra research

required from the students except in what was provided for them. Along with this I would

suggest that Mr. Roth incorporate some kind of technology such as a power point presentation of

the case, or letting the students use school chrome books to research the case that was presented

to them.

Some additional question I would ask Mr. Roth would be; Did you get the learning outcomes

you expected from the lesson? If you could change anything, what would you have done

differently? And, lastly how will you utilize what you taught today to make connections with

previously taught content as well as future content?

Case Study: Mr. Roth 4

Cox, J. (2019). Teaching Strategies that Enhance Higher-Order Thinking. Teach Hub. Retrieved





Douglas Fisher, N. F. (n.d.). Why Talk Is Important in Classrooms. ASCD. Retrieved from


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