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Problem Identification is the first stage of the policy making process where the issues and concerns of

an individual or a member of society have been recognized as a matter of public concern. It is the finding
and defining of a problem that needs to be resolved. This phase involves data gathering and research in
order to frame a problem statement.

Agenda Setting is the construction of public problems or the set of significant issues calling for an action
or decision for the policymakers. It is the breaking through of an issue from the complexity of
environmental factors such as the interests or preferences of an elected official. In this phase, the
problem must reach the level of public interest or the legitimate concerns that the government must
intervene in.

In public policy making, particularly on problem identification and agenda setting, the political leaders
play a key role. They are the ones responsible for the inclusion of the issues or concerns of the
community in the agenda of the government.

An example is when there was a need for a legislative measure to protect the Covid-19 patients and
healthcare workers from harassments and discrimination due to the alarming increase of cases of
violence and discrimination against Covid-19 patients and healthcare workers. A legislator, in the case of
the Province of Rizal, a Provincial Board Member sponsored a bill or a proposed Ordinance to denounce
those acts and hold the perpetrators liable.

Another example in the case of Rizal Province, the Provincial Governor has issued relevant Executive
orders to implement and strengthen the Department of Interior and Local Government Memoranda on
the fight against COVID-19.

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