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 Chemicals produced in small amounts / very low concentrations by plants 

 To regulate physiological processes
o Control plant growth & development 
o Affecting division, elongation, & differentiation of plant cells 
 Small molecules 
o Enable transportation across plant cells through cell walls 


 Promote cell elongation
Auxin  Promote apical dominance

 Promote seed germination / break seed dormancy

Cytokinin / kinin  Inhibit apical dominance

 Promote both cell elongation & cell devision

Gibberellin  Inhibit lateral root growth

 Inhibit growth of stem & root

Abscisic Acid (abscisin)  Inhibit seed germination/ promote seed dormancy

 Promote fruit ripening

Ethylene (ethene)  Promote abscission
i) Compare the site of synthesis of auxin and cytokinin in plants

Auxin   Cytokinin
 Merismatic tissues  Merismatic tissues
in shoot tips  in root tips 
 Transported down the  Transported up the
plant  plant

ii) Briefly describe control of apical dominance in plants

 Regulation for apical dominance depends on the antagonistic reactions between auxin
and cytokinin. 
 Auxin is produced in shoot tips and move down. 
 Cytokinin is produces in root tips and transported up. 
 The conc. of auxin decreases with increasing distance from the shoot tip.
 The conc. of cytokinin decreases with increasing distance from the root tip.
 The sprouting of axillary buds depends on the ratio of auxin to cytokinin (A : C) which
vary along the stem. 
 Regions of stem near the shoot tips have high (A : C) - This inhibit the sprouting of
axillary buds (auxin promotes apical dominance)
 Regions of stems further away from the shoot tips have low (A : C) - This promotes the
sprouting of axillary buds into branches  (cytokinin inhibits apical dominance)

The role of Auxin – Cell Elongation ( Acid Growth Hypothesis/ model )

 Auxin increases proton pump activity in plasma membrane. 

 Pump in H+ to the cell wall. 
 Cell wall becomes more acidic. 
 Activate expansions (cell wall loosening protein). 
 Separate cellulose microfibrils from cross–linking polysaccharides. 
 Exposed cross–linking polysaccharides are more accessible to cell wall enzymes.
 Enzymatic cleaving of cross–linking polysaccharides. 
 Allow microfibrils to slide. 
 Extensibility of the cell wall is increased (cell wall loosen and soften).
 Auxin also stimulate water to enter vacuoles.
 Turgor causes the cell to elongate.  
Explain why it is best to keep banana in a place with good air circulation if they are to be
stored for long periods.

One of the mechanisms which controls ripening in fruit, including bananas, is

ethylene gas. It is a positive feedback mechanism. Ripe fruit produces ethylene
(gas), and unripe fruit ripens faster when exposed to ethylene. People tend to
stick green bananas in bags to make them ripe faster. If you can keep them well
ventilated, the ripening will slow down.

The room must be as air tight as possible to prevent ethylene loss. This also
prevents ethylene from entering unwanted areas (like other banana rooms or
cold storage rooms holding ethylene-sensitive items).
The room must be properly insulated to be able to control the temperature
within a degree or so.

The room must have adequate refrigeration capacity to accurately control pulp

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