Seventh Grade

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Gimnasio Yacard Test  X
Reading  “Passion for education”
Preschool, Elementary, Junior, Middle and High School
Subject: English G.Y.Code 20.08.20 Version: 003
Teacher: Ana Gabriela Cortés Barrera Term:
Student: Date: Grade:
TR 1 2 3 4 5
6 7 8 9 10 11
Objective: 5 4 9 6
Student code:
Evaluate the handling of topics seen during the term

 Look the pictures, and describe How Will be  Complete the text using comparatives
the future? Writing 4 sentences in future adjectives
Will. 1. Brian and Paul are twin Brothers. They look similar
but there are some big differences. Brian is
____________ (tall) tan Paul.
2. Brian is also _____________(slim) than Paul.
3. Paul´s hair is ____________ (Dark) and
_____________(Curly) than Brian´s.
4. Paul is ______________(Athletic), spends more
time outside, and is___________(thin) than Brian.
5. The twins also have different personalities, Paul
is_____________(intellectual) and loves Reading.

 Write 4 sentences comparing the characters

10. ______________________________________
11. ______________________________________
12. ______________________________________
13. ______________________________________
14. ______________________________________
______________________________________ 6. _____________________________________________
15. Complete the paragraph using past simple. _____________________________________________
7. _____________________________________________
Messi _____(be) born and ______(raise) in _____________________________________________
Rosario, Argentina. Messi is the third of four 8. _____________________________________________
children of Jorge Messi and his wife Celia Cuccittin.
Messi ______ (begin) football at a young age and
9. _____________________________________________
his potential was quickly seen by Barcelona. He left
Newell's Old Boys' youth team in 2000 and ______
(move) with his family to Europe for Barcelona.
They moved to Spain because Barcelona offered
treatment for his growth hormone deficiency.
He______ (start) in the 2004–05 season, and he
______ (score) his first goal on 1 May 2005 against
Albacete from an assist by Ronaldinho.
 Choose the correct option.

16. It’s a great movie. I have … that .

a) saw
b) seen
c) see

17. Eva, Thomas, and Robert … Hong movie many

times. Kong many times.

a) have been
b) been to
c) have been to

18. I’ve cleaned the kitchen, but I … living room yet.

a) haven’t clean
b) haven’t cleaned
c) have cleaned

19. My family and I … to many different countries

around the world.

a) have flown
b) has flown
c) flown

20. She has a car, so she … there many times.

a) have drive
b) has driven
c) has drove

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