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Cold Call Scripts
For traditional outbound cold calling or in response to inbound
calls that were cold, i.e., not from REIRail RVM where you would
have enhanced data on your prospect
1. Talk To People TTP Phone
Script (Cold Call)

Hello, I am looking for ___(First Name Only)___ .

This is ___(Your First Name)___ . I know this call is out of
the blue but.... I was calling about a property I believe you
own on ___(Address)___ .
I just wanted to see if you would consider an offer on your
property there?

If “Yes”, or “How much will you give me?” answer:

Ok Great! Well... we purchase properties cash... we pay all

the closing costs...there are no real estate commissions...
and the best part is we buy them completely as-is so you
don’t have to put another cent into the
an offer like much would you take?
(Check on Zillow) It looks like your home is about _____ sf
is that right? Have you done any remodeling to the kitchen
and bathrooms in the last 5 years?
Option 1 Option 2

We are buying homes My partner runs all the

similar to yours for around numbers... so let me talk to him
(66% of Zillow) _____ . and call you back really soon.

Option 3: The condition of the home is terrible or their

motivation is high... get the appointment immediately!

I am in the area today do you mind if I swing by and take a look?

If “No”:

I completely understand... do you have any other properties

you would consider selling... maybe something that needs to
be fully remodeled (or something that needs a little love)?

If “Yes/maybe in the future”:

Ok, great... should I call you back in a month? I am really

looking for something that needs some love... have you
done any major remodeling to the kitchen and bathrooms
in the last 5 years? (this will open the conversation up for
more “conditions of the home” questions)
Please save my name under (Your name) and Home Buyer
in your phone in case anything changes.
If “How did you get my number”:

We subscribe to several public records databases. We

submit searches for properties we’re interested in and if
they have the number they send it back.

If “Who are you?”:

I am a local real estate buyer looking to do tasteful

remodels in the area
2. Cash Homes Triad Script
With Sellers (Inbound)

Thank you for calling ___ (Seller’s Name)___ , this is

___ (Your Name)___ .
(If they do not say their name, ask “Who am I speaking
Hi ___ (Seller’s Name)___ !
In case we get disconnected, what’s the best number to
reach you at?
I am just curious, how did you hear about us?
Do you have an email I can get from you?
So, ___ (Seller’s Name)___ , what made you call us today?
What is the address of the property?
Tell me a little bit about your house.
Why do you want to sell the house?
When do you want to sell it?
Why that time frame?
Where are you in the process of selling the house?
Have you tried listing it with a realtor? If No, Why Not?
Since we can buy your house “as is”, what kind of repairs
does it need?

Is it OK if I tell you how we work? And if you think we

might be able to help, you can invite us out to look over
the house and talk some more?

_____________ is a group of __ [XX]__ investors local to

_____________ . We buy houses for 2 main reasons. Reason
number one is to buy a home, put a little bit of work into it
and then add it to our rental portfolio.

The second reason is to buy a home that needs some

work and do a complete renovation. Like new roof, granite
counter tops, update the bathrooms & kitchen. We try to
make it one of the better houses in the neighborhood.
Then put it back on the market within 6 months.

___ (Seller’s Name)___ , with that being said, we are not

retail buyers. We will offer you time and convenience for a
discounted sale. We can close quickly, pay cash, and you
will not have to do any repairs or pay any closing costs.
But we are not able to buy every house we look at.
So...based on what we do, does it make sense for you to
invite our acquisition manager out to look at your house?

Look at your calendar. “What time works best for you? We

can do it either ________ or _______ ?” (You supply the day
or week) “We will probably need about an hour. Is that
going to be OK?”
So we will see you on ___(day of week)___ at ___ o’clock.
Remember the whole purpose of the meeting is for us to
have a conversation so we can figure out whether or not
we would be able to help you. I have one request. If for
any reason you don’t think that we can help or you decide
that you wouldn’t want our help... are you OK telling us
NO? You wouldn’t tell us you want to think it over when
you really mean “no” would you?

OK then ___ (Seller’s Name)___ , we will see you

___(Date and time)___ .


Remember, the entire goal of this initial call with the seller is
to confirm they have a house to sell and to make an
appointment. Our acquisition manager will need to call the
seller to confirm this appointment. If after looking at the
property details, if the acquisition manager doesn’t feel like
it’s going to be a good deal, they can make a verbal offer
over the phone, or cancel the meeting.
3. The Diagnosis

Once a caller has divulged the reason they called you

back. (I was curious, my realtor hasn’t been able to sell it,
I’m getting older and want to downsize), respond with
“You mentioned that you called because ___ [REPEAT

• Can you tell me more about that?

• How quickly would you like to sell the home?
• How long have you been trying to sell your home?
• What other things have you tried to sell the home?
• … How did that go?

• ___ (Seller’s Name)___ How much were you hoping to sell

the home for?
• And how did you come up with that amount?
• Is there a mortgage balance currently on the property?
• Do you know the approx. balance?
Additional questions to ask as you see fit:

• Regarding the kitchen, is that an HGTV kitchen you have

or would you say it needs some work?
• Do the bathrooms need to be updated, as far as the
vanities, cabinets and tile?
• Have you ever had any problems with any leaking in the
basement, or any mold in the basement?
• How long have you lived in the property? (A good
response for rapport if they say a long time is wow “You
have seen a lot of changes over that period of time”)
• Is there anything else you would like to tell me about the
• Is there anything that might happen that would change
your mind about selling the property?
RVM Message
4. Ringless Voicemail Script
(Outbound) – “The Breeze”

#1 The Goal

The goal of The Breeze is to leave a casual message that

sounds un-intimidating. You simply want to pique the
homeowner’s interest enough to call you back.

The goal is NOT:

- to deliver your resume
- to convince them to do anything based on this
#2 The Must-Have’s


Your specific word choice is flexible. But there are certain

key “beats” that you must hit in order to maximize your
chance of getting a return call. Rather than a script, make
sure to hit these points in the course of your message:
• Your First Name
• The fact that you are a LOCAL real estate investor
• You buy properties for CASH
• The fact that you JUST came across their property
• Your call back number (which is your tracking
number). TWICE.
• The fact that they can call or text you back
• That you’d like them to call you back even if they’re
not interested in selling right now.


The ideal length for a Breeze message is 40 to 60

seconds. This may sound like a long time. It is.

It’s also intentional. The point of leaving a long message is


First, it is a qualifying mechanism. A prospect that is

willing to sit through a minute long message is more likely
to have motivation to sell. They have pre-qualified
Second, it gives you enough time to convey all the beats
above without rushing. This is important. Sellers are more
receptive to a message that does not sound ‘canned’. If
your message is too tidy and buttoned up, you may come
across as robotic, not like a real person. This message is
the one time in your professional life where the word “uh”
is acceptable.

In real life, people use filler words like “uh” to bridge one
thought to the next. You should use them here. If you
want to convince your prospect that you really did just
come across their property, you’d do best to make it
sound like you are leaving this voicemail on the fly, and
NOT like you have rehearsed away all of the filler words.
Don’t over-do it. It’s still important to sound professional.
5. Ringless Voicemail Script
(Outbound) -
Cut To The Chase Or “CTC”

#1 The Goal

The goal of Cut to the Chase is to project maximum

confidence and make the prospect feel compelled to call
you back.

*Note – This is an aggressive technique and leaves little

room for error. Practice with a teammate before deploying
in the field.

The Goal is NOT:

- To scare the prospect
- To make the prospect feel shame
#2 The Must-Have’s


• Your First Name and your company name

• The fact that you are LOCAL
• That you and your partners need to buy [2 -4] houses
in the next 30 days
• That their property MAY qualify for your program
• Your call back number (which is your tracking number)
• The fact that they can call or text you back


The ideal length for a CTC RVM message 20 to 30

seconds. You are conveying nearly as much information
as the Breeze so your pace is slightly quicker. More
energetic. The point is to convey urgency. Your pace and
tone will underscore the content of your message: 1)
Scarcity (you only have 2 to 4 slots to fill) and selectivity
(their house “MAY” qualify).

When To Use

CTC language is most successful when targeting tired

landlord lists, as these sellers tend to be less emotional
(all though all sellers use emotion to make decisions).
They can be more receptive to a straight forward
plain-spoken value proposition.
6. Ringless Voicemail Script
Bread Crumbs

#1 The Goal

The goal of the Bread Crumb message is to leave a more

targeted sounding voicemail. This can be used when
going after a specific list like divorce or probate.

*Note – You do not want to explicitly name the pain point

you are targeting in your RVM message. You are implying
that you have secret knowledge.

The Goal is NOT:

- To embarrass the prospect
- To creep the prospect out
- To violate their privacy by leaving details of what you
know on their voicemail
#2 The Must-Have’s


• Your First Name and your company name

• The fact that you are LOCAL
• That you buy a few houses a month
• That you’d been doing some research in the County
Clerk’s office and came across their property
• Your call back number (which is your tracking number)
• The fact that they can call or text you back


The ideal length for a Bread Crumb RVM message 45 to

60 seconds. This message is as much about your tone of
voice as the words you use. You want to slow your pace.
Lower your vocal register in the same way that you might
when having a conversation inside a church or if you went
to visit a sick friend. These aural cues convey gravity.
Your prospect will interpret that to mean that you know
about their particular type of distress [divorce etc]. Never
name this pain point in a voicemail.
Inbound Scripts
If fielding Inbound callbacks using REIRail with
enhanced deep trace data
7. Meet and Greet

REIRail notifies you that Imus Cellnau is calling.
Associated Property: 123 Main Street

Prospect: “Hi, I’m returning a voicemail that I got about

buying my house. What’s this about?”


YOU: Thanks for giving me a call back. My name is

___ (Your Name)___ . Am I speaking with Imus?

Prospect: Yes.

YOU: Great, hey Imus. As I said on my message, I’m an

investor. I buy houses here in ________. I had reached out
to you about 123 Main Street. You own that property

Prospect: Yes, that’s my property.
YOU: Awesome, just wanted to confirm I had the right
person. I know you weren’t expecting that voicemail. So I
appreciate you calling me back. Typically folks who call us
want to know what we do, how does it work, things like
that. Do you have those same type of questions?

PROSPECT: Yes, I am very curious.

YOU: Not a problem, I’m happy to go over all those things.


This opening, while simple, is setting the stage for you to

have a successful call. Note what has happened in this
early exchange.
• Give before you get. Offer your name first. Then
confirm who you’re speaking to.
• Your Seller’s Favorite Word. Everyone’s favorite word
in the English language is their own name. Say it
often. Notice that in this open, we use the owner’s
name twice.
• Their Agenda First. There is still awkwardness on the
phone. Your prospect is still evaluating you. Go
immediately to remove concerns by addressing their
questions first. Explain that you are a cash buyer and
that you look to buy in this area because…

Build personal rapport. Quickly scan the output from your

REIRail Deep Trace and find 2 facts that will help you to
get the prospect to open up. Your goal is to ask an
open-ended question—something that cannot be
answered “Yes” or “No”. The longer they talk the better.

In this exchange, address one of the Deep Trace facts

you’ve identified explicitly and the other implicitly. For
example, if Deep Trace has displayed a picture of the
prospect and he is a 40ish year old man completing a
marathon; and if the property data shows that the house
was purchased 15 years ago. Your next statement might be:

YOU: “I really love that neighborhood. I hear they’re

putting a Cross Fit nearby! You’ve probably seen a bunch
of new businesses pop up in the last few years.”

Note what has happened in this exchange:

Explicitly- You’ve asked about the changes he’s seen over

the years he’s owned the property.
Implicitly- You’ve made a connection with him around the
topic of fitness.

Utilizing this technique, you will begin to build common

ground and rapport with your prospect. This will prompt
him (subconsciously) to share other details about himself.

If possible, repeat this technique once more before

pivoting to discussing the business aspect of your call and
fact finding about the property.
Word Tracks
Word tracks are mini-scripts that have a specific goal within a
sales call. Use them to control the conversation and to guide
your prospect back to your agenda when they stray.
8. 2 Yes’s become 3

2 Yes’s become 3 is not a script per se. It’s more of a word

track that you can use inside of your script. It can be run
at any point in your conversation with a prospect. It is
based on time-tested behavioral science. If you can get a
person to say “Yes” two times they are likely to say yes
again on your third question. Run the script this way.

This simply means to ask your three questions in quick

succession one after the other. Questions one and two
are “seeded”, meaning you must know without shadow of
a doubt that the answer to them is Yes. The third question
is your true target question, the one that you want to
force a yes on.

Using REIRail, gives you the ability to do that easily. When

your prospect calls and your Deep Trace populates their
details, the easiest way to find seed questions is to go to
the Property section. Use TIP property details as
“Seeds” and end with a good “Target” question.

YOU: Mr. Prospect, I did some research before we
reached out to you and I’d like to confirm some things.
Your house is a 3bedroom, 2bath, right?
Prospect: Yes.
YOU: The square footage on that is about 1,500 square
feet right?
Prospect: Yes.
YOU: Had you been thinking about selling the house
before my call?
In essence you are training your prospect to say Yes. Get
them comfortable with answering you in the affirmative.

The other way to run this script is an embed. This is a little

trickier to pull off. But it is very powerful. The idea is to
combine your seed and target questions. Instead of
stacking them back to back, embed all three questions
into what sounds like a single question. The seeds are
actually not answered aloud by your prospect. They don’t
need to be. He or she just needs to say yes
subconsciously in their head.

“Mr. Seller, you ever wake upTIP
in the morning and look out
at all that grass and think to yourself I’m sick of dealing
with all this yard work?”
Seed 1
YOU: Mr. Seller, you ever wake up in the morning?
Prospect (subconsciously): Yes.
Seed 2
YOU: Do you look out at all that grass?
Prospect (subconsciously): Yes.
YOU: Do you think to yourself, I’m sick of dealing with all
this yard work?
Practice with the back to back version before attempting
the embed. Both work great when trying make sellers
more receptive.
9. Feel, Felt, Found

Feel, Felt, Found is another word track that can be applied

at various places within your exchange with the prospect.
It is a way to close the distance between the two of you. It
builds empathy and is a way to overcome rebuttals.
How it works:

After presenting your offer, your prospect objects.

Prospect: That’s way lower than what I had in mind…

YOU: Mr. Prospect, I understand how you FEEL. I have
certainly FELT that way before when trying to negotiate a
deal. But what I’ve FOUND is that sometimes it’s about
more than price and there’s other types of value that
make the deal make sense.

Change up the verbiage to fit your style. But always run

the word track in this order.

TIP – When executing this word track remember to

remember what the prospect says to you, and take care
to use what you heard later in the conversation.
10. You And Me Against The

The ‘you and me’ word track is about positioning. In face

to face sales, you never want to try to sell across the
table from a prospect because it feels adversarial, you
versus them. Whenever possible you want to literally
move to the same side of the table, get knee to knee if
The same is true on the phone. Get to the same side of
the table as soon as possible. You and Me Against the
World can help you do that.
How it works.
YOU: “Mr. Seller, you shared with me that you want to sell
this house and that you’re looking to be rid of all this yard
work. You want a condo in Florida. Well you want to sell a
house. And I want to buy one! The only thing standing in
our way is the market.

I’m gonna be honest here. I have pretty clear criteria that

we follow when making offers. It’s all based on the market.
Let’s hope the market cooperates with us so I can get you
into that condo on the beach. Let’s put our heads together
to make this work.”
11. Trial Closes

Trial closing is a way to test the waters with a prospect.

You want to present multiple scenarios that gauge the
prospect’s readiness to move forward.

You’re not actually trying to close…

Trial #1
“Mr. Seller, if we can close in the next ten days would that
be incentive enough for you to move forward with us?”

Trial #2
“Mr. Seller, are you the only one on title or is someone
else going to have to sign the deed?”

Trial #3
“Mr. Seller do you want us to handle removing the tools in
the garage or are you going to give those to a buddy?”
12. The One Thing

The one thing is really a funnel that will help you get to the
ultimate issue(s) keeping your prospect from doing a deal
with you.

You will most likely not use this word track in a first
conversation. Use this once you have followed up over a
couple of conversations and the prospect is indicating
that he’s genuinely interested but has reservations. He
understands your value proposition of speed over
maximum price.

How it works:
YOU: Mr. Seller, what is the one thing…just one thing that
you would say is preventing you from selling us your
PROSPECT: I don’t want to pay anything to any lawyers.
YOU: Ok so, if we can assure you that you won’t be
responsible for any closing costs whatsoever, you would
be willing to move forward?
PROSPECT: Yes, I think so.
YOU: Well you said that was the one thing in the way. Is
there anything else?

PROSPECT: Well that, and I don’t want to have my
neighbors know that we had to sell the house. I don’t want
this online.
YOU: I hear you loud and clear. So, it’s important to you
that the transaction gets done discretely. Is there anything


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