Technical and Vocational Education Faculty: Engineering Education Department (JPK)

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EXPERIMENT i. Capacitor Motor

EXPERIMENT NO. 02 part 1

EEM3 Industrial AC motors
Capacitor motor

Capacitor motor
The next few pages include the following exercises to be performed using
a capacitor motor:

Connection and starting

Rotation reversal
Load characteristic

EEM3 Industrial AC motors
Capacitor motor

EEM3 Industrial AC motors
Capacitor motor

Training content: Connection and starting

Identify the terminal connections of the motor
Read the nominal data of the motor based on the rating plate
Measure motor voltage and current
Operate the motor with a brake
Subject the motor to a load

Enter the nominal data for the capacitor motor:

Nominal power ____W
UN ____V
IN ____A
cos ____
Speed ____rpm
Frequency ____Hz
Starting capacitor ____µF
Operating capacitor ____µF

Assembly instructions: Connection and starting

Assemble the circuits as specified in the following circuit diagram and

set-up instructions
Switch on the brake. This does not yet subject the motor to any load

More detailed information on the brake can be found in the corresponding online

EEM3 Industrial AC motors
Capacitor motor

Circuit diagram: Connection and starting

EEM3 Industrial AC motors
Capacitor motor

Set-up: Connection and starting

EEM3 Industrial AC motors
Capacitor motor

Start the motor with a capacitor

Record a load characteristic

Required settings:

Brake mode: Speed control

Experiment procedure:

Start up the motor and observe its response.

Use the brake to run the motor at the speeds specified in the table.
Measure the motor current and torque in each case.

Make sure to connect the ammeter/voltmeter correctly.

Do not let the motor slow down so much that it stops.

n/(1/min) 2900 2800 2700 2600 2500 2400 2300 2200


EEM3 Industrial AC motors
Capacitor motor

What can be said about the load characteristic?

The torque rises steadily up to 2200 rpm.

At a speed of about 2400 rpm, the torque and motor
current stop increasing.
The motor current rises continuously as the motor is
braked whereas the torque rises hardly at all between
about 2400 rpm and the minimum speed.

Record load characteristics using the ActiveDrive/SimuLoad software

Required settings:

Industrial seriesode
Classic series: Application mode ( Note: when starting the "Simuload"
software you will be prompted to select "Application mode" by default)

Experiment procedure:

Start the ActiveDrive/SimuLoad software.

Select speed control mode.
The motor is to be slowed in 20 steps down till it stops using the brake.(
Note: enter the required number of steps and final speed in
"ActiveDrive/SimuLoad" under "Settings" => "Default" => "Ramp")
Label the graph and axes as in the placeholder.
The following parameters are to be recorded:
Torque M(n)
Mechanical power P 2(n)
After measurement is complete, export the resultant diagram to fill the
placeholder below.
Save the settings of the ActiveDrive / SimuLoad software for future
experiments in a file named "eem3_LoadCharacteristic_3"

EEM3 Industrial AC motors
Capacitor motor

Placeholder for load characteristic 3

EEM3 Industrial AC motors
Capacitor motor

Training content: Rotation reversal

Identify the difference between clockwise and anti-clockwise
Operate the motor in both directions

Direction of rotation
If you look at the drive shaft end of the DC shunt-wound machine from the
perspective of the working machine (in our case the brake), the rotating direction is
positive when it is clockwise. If the motor has two workable shaft ends, then it is the
shaft end opposite the cooling vents, collector or slip-rings that is the shaft end
which defines the rotation direction.

Note: in the "Classic series" (0.3 kW & 1.0 kW) the rotation direction is
determined by the rotation direction of the brake, i.e. if the asynchronous machine
rotates clockwise, i.e. in the positive direction, the control unit of the brake indicates
a negative rotation direction. Thus the rotation direction displayed is always that of
the brake.

Assembly instructions: Rotation reversal

Assemble the circuit as specified in the following circuit diagram and set-
up instructions.
Switch on the brake. This does not yet subject the motor to any load.

More information on the brake can be found in the related (online) documentation.

EEM3 Industrial AC motors
Capacitor motor

Circuit diagram: Rotation reversal

EEM3 Industrial AC motors
Capacitor motor

Set-up: Rotation reversal

Rotation reversal

Required settings:

Switch on the motor and observe it.

In which direction does the motor turn?

The motor turns clockwise.

The motor turns anti-clockwise.

EEM3 Industrial AC motors
Capacitor motor

Switch off the motor and modify the circuit as shown in the diagram below.
Start the motor again and observe it.

Circuit diagram: Rotation reversal

EEM3 Industrial AC motors
Capacitor motor

In which direction does the motor turn now?

The motor turns clockwise.

The motor turns anti-clockwise.

Match each circuit to the direction it rotates (clockwise=1; anti-clockwise=2)

L1 - F2, F1 - U1, N - U2 - Z2, Z1 - CA - CB => ___

L1 - F2, F1 - U2, N - U1 - Z2, Z1 - CA - CB => ___

L1 - F2, F1 - U2, N - U1 - Z1, Z2 - CA - CB => ___

L1 - F2, F1 - U1, N - U2 - Z1, Z2 - CA - CB => ___

EEM3 Industrial AC motors
Capacitor motor

EEM3 Industrial AC motors
Capacitor motor

Training content: Load characteristics

Simulate various loads (load machines) using the
ActiveDrive/SimuLoad software
Investigate parameters for the software specific to the various loads
(load constant and moment)
Record and investigate various operating points
Determine the motor's response to various loads

Assembly instructions: Load characteristics

Assemble the circuit as specified in the following circuit diagram and set-
up instructions
Switch the brake on too. This does not yet subject the motor to any load.

More detailed information on the brake and the software used can be found in the
corresponding online documentation

EEM3 Industrial AC motors
Capacitor motor

Circuit diagram: Load characteristic

EEM3 Industrial AC motors
Capacitor motor

Set-up: Load characteristic

EEM3 Industrial AC motors
Capacitor motor

Simulate various loads using the ActiveDrive/SimuLoad software

Determine operating points for the pump/fan load machine

Required settings:

Industrial series: PC mode
Classic series: Application mode ( Note: when starting the "Simuload"
software you will be prompted to select "Application mode" by default)
The settings shown below should be made in both the ActiveDrive and
SimuLoad software:
Load machine: Pump/fan
Load moment: Refer to experiment procedure.
ActiveDrive software settings in "Load simulation" mode:
Under "View" => "Measurement Value Display", select all mechanical
and electrical variables except for slip.
Under "Settings" => "Default" => "Circuit", select the "Single-phase"
SimuLoad (Classic series) software settings in "Load simulation" mode:
From the menu "Settings" => "Measuring Ranges", select "Determine
Electrical Variables" and under "Circuit", select the "Single-phase"

EEM3 Industrial AC motors
Capacitor motor

Experiment procedure:

Start the ActiveDrive / SimuLoad software and open the file you saved as
"eem3_LoadCharacteristic_3" in the "Connection and starting" experiment.
Make the necessary settings.
The following parameter is to be measured and recorded:
Torque M(n)
Commence the measurement; slowly increase the load constant I until the
motor current indicated in the parameter dialog is approximately equal to the
nominal value and save this first operating point.
Increase the load constant to roughly 1.5 times the nominal motor current, wait
briefly and save this second operating point.
When the measurement is complete, export the resulting graph and copy it
into the placeholder shown below.
Save your settings in a file named "eem3_PumpFan_3".

EEM3 Industrial AC motors
Capacitor motor

Placeholder for pump/fan load characteristic 3"

Enter the values measured for the first operating point.

n = ____rpm

M = ____Nm

P2 = ____W

P1 = ____W

= ____%

EEM3 Industrial AC motors
Capacitor motor

Enter the values measured for the second operating point.

n = ____rpm

M = ____Nm

P2 = ____W

P1 = ____W

= ____%

Determine operating points for the lifting drive load machine

Required settings:

Industrial series: PC mode
Classic series: Application mode ( Note: when starting the "SimuLoad"
software you will be prompted to select "Application mode" by default)
The settings shown below should be made in both the ActiveDrive and
SimuLoad software:
Load machine: Lifting drive
Load moment: Refer to experiment procedure.
ActiveDrive software settings in "Load simulation" mode:
Under "View" => "Measurement Value Display", select all mechanical
and electrical variables except for slip.
Under "Settings" => "Default" => "Circuit", select the "Single-phase"
SimuLoad (Classic series) software settings in "Load simulation" mode:
From the menu "Settings" => "Measuring Ranges", select "Determine
Electrical Variables" and under "Circuit", select the "Single-phase"

EEM3 Industrial AC motors
Capacitor motor

Experiment procedure:

Start the ActiveDrive / SimuLoad software and open the file you saved as
"eem3_LoadCharacteristic_3" in the "Connection and starting" experiment.
Make the necessary settings.
The following parameter is to be measured and recorded:
Torque M(n)
First put the motor into operation with the starting capacitor.
Commence the measurement; slowly increase the load moment M until the
motor current indicated in the parameter dialog is approximately equal to the
nominal value and save this first operating point.
Increase the load constant to roughly 1.5 times the nominal motor current, wait
briefly and save this second operating point.
When the measurement is complete, export the resulting graph and copy it
into the placeholder below.
Save your settings in a file named "eem3_LiftingDrive_3"
Reduce the load torque back to the value at the first operating point and switch
the motor off.
Remove the connection between F3 and CA.
Now put the motor into operation without the starting capacitor and observe its

More information on the definitions for the lifting drive load machine and the load
moment can be found in the (online) documentation for the ActiveDrive/SimuLoad

EEM3 Industrial AC motors
Capacitor motor

Placeholder for lifting drive load characteristic 3

How does a motor without a starting capacitor respond when started up?

The response is very delayed.

The motor does not respond at all.

Enter the measured values for the first operating point.

n = ____rpm

M = ____Nm
P2 = ____W

P1 = ____W

= ____%

EEM3 Industrial AC motors
Capacitor motor

Enter the measured values for the second operating point.

n = ____rpm

M = ____Nm

P2 = ____W

P1 = ____W

= ____%

What can be said about the load characteristics obtained for the two load

The motor current and mechanical power P2 increase

proportionally with the load. More than one
The speed at operating point 2 drops sharply. answer may
The efficiency increases with the load. be correct.
The reactive power Q decreases with the load.


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