A Synopsis On HR Interventions For Work - Life Balance IN

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HALL TICKET NO: 1206-18-672-051

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Today work-life balance has become an increasingly pervasive concern for employers as
well as employees. Demographic changes as seen in the increasing number of women in
the workplace and dual career families have generated an increasingly diverse workforce
and a greater need for employees to balance their work and non-work lives. In response
to these changes, employers have introduced innovative practices that allow employees to
find greater work-life balance. Increasing attrition rates and increasing demand for work-
life balance have forced organisations to look beyond run of the mill HR Interventions.
Organisations have crafted many policies and practices to address the changing needs and
demands of employees and help them achieve better work-life balance. Such
interventions are typically defined as family-friendly policies (FFPs) or work-life benefits
and programmes (WLBPs).
WLBPs are those institutionalized structural and procedural arrangements, as well as
formal and informal practices that make it easier for individuals to manage the often-
conflicting worlds of work and family lives.
WLBPs can be organised into three Policies major categories, policies, benefits and
Policies cover the formal and informal ways by which employees’ work and leave
schedules are handled, including part-time work, flexitime, and parental/family leave.
Benefits cover different forms of compensation that protect against loss of
earnings,payment of medical expenses and sponsored vacation.
Services include on-site or near-site childcare centers, medical facilities and
To understand the need of HR Interventions in work life balance, one first needs
to understand about work life Imbalance, as with the understanding of origin,causes and
effects of this imbalance, the balancing act becomes easier. The corporate world of today
is exceedingly demanding.The work culture varies from organization to organization.
The employee can better understand the nature of his work life balance as work life
balance can vary among individuals.It is this point of time that an employee starts resting
immense trust in the organization and his commitment levels to the organization increase.
Thus,work life balance can bring a huge transformation at the organizational and
individual levels. It helps an organization to inherently build a strong value system,
which is attributed to the work life balance enjoyed at the employee level. consequently,
the organization does not have to impose a formulated of organizational values because
they now become intrinsic to it.

Kalliath, Thomas; Brough, Paula, (2008), in the paper titled ‘Work-Life Balance: A
Review of the Meaning of the Balance Construct’ examined six conceptualizations of
work life balance found in literature: multiple roles, satisfaction between multiple roles,
equity across multiple roles, fulfillment of role salience between multiple roles, conflict
and facilitation and perceived control between multiple roles. The study reveals that
assessment of work-life balance should include two points:1. Weather an individual
prefers to spend more or less time on work and non work activities. 2. Weather balance
leads to growth in work and non work domains.

Baral and Bhargava (2010) in their paper titled "Work-family enrichment as a mediator
between organizational interventions for work-life balance and job outcomes” have
examined the role of work-family enrichment in the relationships between organizational
interventions for work-life balance (job characteristics, work-life benefits and policies,
supervisor support and work-family culture) and job outcomes (job satisfaction, affective
commitment and organizational citizenship behavior). They found that job characteristics
were positively related to all the measures of job outcomes. Supervisor support and work-
family culture were positively related to job satisfaction and affective commitment. No
significant association was found between work-life benefits and policies (WLBPs) and
any of the job outcome measures. Job characteristics and supervisor support were
positively related to work-to-family enrichment. Work-to-family enrichment mediated
the relationships between job characteristics and all job outcomes and between supervisor
support and affective commitment. Their research had the limitations that the
correlational design prevented them from making conclusions about causality.

Gunavathy, J.S., (2011), in the paper titled ‘Work-Life Balance Interventions Prevalent
in the Indian Industry’ examined the results of the study on organizational policies and
provisions regarding work-life balance of employees, which was carried out among a
cross-section of leading corporate entities (N = 30) in Chennai representing equally the
three industrial sectors, namely, manufacturing, information technology and services.
Factors impeding work life balance of employees were identified as extended work
hours, work intensification, poor boundary management by individuals, personal
constraints etc.

Rakesh Yadav, (2011) analyzed that factors such as absence of personal life, physical
strains,unscheduled work hours were affecting the attrition from HR perspective which
could be minimized by giving extra break to employees who work continuously in night
shift for five days,compensating workers with wellness programs and stress busters and
aligning employees holidays with the clients’ holidays.
R Baral and S Bhargava (2011) in their research titled “HR interventions for Work life
balance” quotes that work life balance is the concern for both research scholars and the
business leaders in the view of technological, demographic and organisational changes
related to it. They have explained about the challenges that the HR managers face while
effectively implementing the policy in their organisation. They suggest that the
organisations must implement Work life balance policies and incorporate the
organisational culture that ensures employee commitment and productivity.

Ujvala Rajadhyaksha (2012) in her paper titled "Work-life balance in South East Asia:
the Indian experience,'' has provided an in-depth country perspective on work-life
balance issues in India. The findings of the study are that the commonly offered work-life
interventions by Indian companies address issues of gender equality, flexibility, stress
reduction, health awareness and childcare. The social implications of the study are that
the organizational work-life interventions in India are varied and disparate and have
focused mainly on the formal sector. There is no overarching government policy
addressing work and family issues across different sectors. Research
limitations/implications are that the sample of organizations in the study is purposive in
nature and HR policies of smaller companies in the informal sector are not included.
Future research needs to consider how India's unequal economic development across the
organized and unorganized sectors may affect effectiveness of work-life interventions.

Murthy M. and Shastri S. (2015) observed various issues in Work Life Balance of
Parents in the paper titled "A Qualitative Study on Work Life Balance of Employees
working in private sector",like parenting issues: Need more time for children,
Showing work frustration on children. Marital issues: Need more time of spouse, not
able to give time to spouse. Role conflict/ Role guilt: Doubtful about how good they are
in the roles that they play at home... eg. as a mother or as a daughter in law.
● To analyze the specific issues in work-life balance.
● To study the various factors influencing work-life balance.
● To understand the various interventions of work-life balance in the organization.
● To evaluate the HR interventions to maintain work-life balance at EA TEAM
● To suggest some implications to improve HR Interventions for work-life balance
at organization.


● Concepts and definitions
● Issues of WLB
● Factors influencing WLB
● Interventions of WLB
● Evaluation of HR Interventions inWLB
● Implication used to Improve HR Intervention inWLB
● Conclusion


The study focuses on finding out the HR Interventions for work-life balance of
employees in EA TEAM SOLUTIONS PVT LTD.It identifies the extent to which the
employees are able to balance the personal,social and organizational work life.
The study identified the various measures that are able to be followed by the
organization to improve the work-life of the employees and provide a motivational
environment in which the employees are highly satisfied.
The study was of exploratory research type which helped in knowing the HR
Interventions for work-life balance in EA TEAM SOLUTIONS PVT LTD.
Research Design:
Research design is an arrangement of conditions for collection and analysis of data in a
manner that aims to relevance to research purpose.
● A well-structured questionnaire is framed.
● Data is collected from employees
● Findings are made and necessary suggestions and recommendations are given.

Source of data:
Data for this research is collected from primary and secondary sources.

Primary sources:
Primary data are those which are collected for the first time and thus happened to be
original in character. In this research primary data collection is used. Data source is
primary which include employees.

Secondary sources:
Secondary sources are the information which is to be gathered not for the immediate
study but for some other purpose. In this research journals, books, websites, articles are
used to collect the information.

Sample Techniques:
In selecting the sample simple random sampling techniques are used. In organization various departments having
different types of employees are selected on a random basis.

Sample size:
A sample of 50 employees will be considered for the study
Statistical tools:
The research tools used for the survey are structured questionnaire. The questionnaire has
been framed in structure and with a total of 25 questions .
The study of HR Interventions for employee WLB in EA TEAM SOLUTIONS PVT
LTD was for a period of 45 days

● Wendell L.French,Cecil H.Bell,Jr.(2006),6th Edition,“Organization Development,
Behavioral Science Interventions for Organization Improvement”.
● K.Aswathappa(2008),5h edition,”Human Resource Management”.
● Michale Armsrong(2009),11th edition,“Armstrong's HandBook of Human
Resource Management Practice”.
● Seema Sanghi(2011),”Human ResourceManagement”.
● P.SubbaRao(2019),5th Edition,”Personnel and Human Management”.

1. Kalliath, Thomas; Brough, Paula, (2008), ‘Work-Life Balance: A Review of the
Meaning of the Balance Construct’, Academic journal article from Journal of
Management and Organization,Volume-14, Pages: 223-328.
2. Baral, Shivganesh Bhargava (2010), "Work-family enrichment as a mediator between
organizational interventions for work-life balance and job outcomes",Journal of
Managerial Psychology,Volume- 25, pages:274 – 300.
3. Gunavathy, J.S., (2011), ‘Work-Life Balance Interventions Prevalent in the Indian
Industry’, South Asian Journal of Management, Volume-18, Pages: 108-127.
4. R.Baral and S.Bhargava (2011),”HR Interventions for work- life balance : evidences
from organisations in India” International Journal of Business, Management and Social
Sciences, Volume-2, No. 1, pages:33-42.
5. Ujvala Rajadhyaksha,(2012),"Work-life balance in South East Asia: the Indian
experience,''South Asian Journal of Global Business Research, Volume-1, pages:108 -
6. Murthy M. and Shastri S. (2015),”Research Article a qualitative study on work-life
balance of employees working in the private sector”,International Journal of Recent
Scientific Research Research, Volume.-6, pages:5160-5167.

● https://scholar.google.com

● https://www.mendeley.com

● www.raijmr.com

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