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Kathleen Joyce Dimacali


1. Give 3 purposes of IV therapy

1. IV theraphy used for rehydration after becoming dehydrated from illness or
excessive activity
2. Easy access of medication directly into the patient's bloodstream.
3. Providing nutrion/vitamin replacemtn

2. Materials needed to prepare an IV

-Nonsterile gloves.
-Antiseptic solution (2% chlorhexidine in 70% isopropyl alcohol)
-Local anesthetic solution.
-1-mL syringe with a 30-gauge needle.
-2 × 2 in. gauze.
-Venous access device.
-Vacuum collection tubes and adaptor.
-saline or heparin lock
-saline or heparine solution
-transparent drssing

3.5 Ways on how to take care of IV line

1.Help protect the IV line. Sometimes an IV line can accidentally come out if
it is bumped. Make sure the IV line does not get pulled by the patient.
2.Speak with your patient. Ask your patient to tell you if the IV line hurts, or
if the IV site feels tingly or numb. Remind them not to pull or tug on the IV line
and to ask the nurses for help if they want to move.
3.Keep IV site visible (especially when client is sleeping). This will make it
easier for the nurse to check the IV without waking your child.
4.Keep the IV site dry. The IV site should be kept dry at all times. This helps
prevent infection and accidental IV line removal.
5.Call the nurse if you notice any signs of complications. These are
outlined below.

3.What are the goals of nursing care for a patient receiving an IV infusion?

1. Maintain fluid and electrolytes of the patient

2. Restore acid base balance
3. Restore blood components
4. Provide nutrion while GI tract is resting
5. Provide avenue for the administration of medication.

4.What are the signs of IV infiltration?

-Inflammation at or near the insertion site with swollen, taut skin with pain
-Blanching and coolness of skin around IV site

-Damp or wet dressing

-Slowed or stopped infusion

-No backflow of blood into IV tubing on lowering the solution container.

5.What is the most important step when discontinuing IV therapy?

- when the patient’s fluid volume returned to normal or baseline.

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