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Plant Care Tips

Plants brighten up our homes and workplaces. Aside from aesthetic

purposes, their air purifying and filtering properties help make a
healthier and happier environment. With that said, it's important to
know how to care for them to keep them happy.

Choose the right plant for your space.

How much space do you have? This will narrow down your options in
terms of what plant size to get. Another vital factor to consider is
lighting. Some plants need direct sun, while others will thrive in medium
to even low light spaces. Make sure to choose a spot for each plant
depending on its light requirements.
Plant Care Tips
Water just right.
For beginners, we recommend keeping a tracker. This will help avoid
missed watering days as well as overwatering. Soil moisture meter such
as Sustee also helps. It tells you when it's time to water. It's good
practice to check the soil of your plants from time to time. There are a
few plants that must be watered more frequently than others. Many
plants require a full soak on water day. For those plants, you may give
them a good shower to clean their leaves as well. Make sure to drain
excess water afterwards to avoid root rot.

If your plants seem to be bending and reaching towards the sun, start
rotating your plants once a week, turning the pot around ensures that
more of your plant is getting the same amount of sun, and should help
to straighten it out.

Wipe their leaves.

Make  this a weekly habit. Like furniture, plants also accumulate dust.
Thier ability to purify air and filter toxins is more effective when the
leaves are clean.

Cut out dead and damaged leaves. You may use a sharp pair of scissors.
Pinching off yellow leaves is also okay unless you want to keep them
until they fall off on their own. 

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