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She had come to the conclusion that you could tell a lot
about a person by their ears. The way they stuck out and
the size of the earlobes could give you wonderful insights
into the person. Of course, she couldn't scientifically prove
any of this, but that didn't matter to her. Before anything
else, she would size up the ears of the person she was
talking to.

2. She looked at her student wondering if she could ever get

through. "You need to learn to think for yourself," she
wanted to tell him. "Your friends are holding you back and
bringing you down." But she didn't because she knew his
friends were all that he had and even if that meant a life of
misery, he would never give them up.

3. What was beyond the bend in the stream was unknown.

Both were curious, but only one was brave enough to
want to explore. That was the problem. There was always
one that let fear rule her life.

4. It was a concerning development that he couldn't get out

of his mind. He'd had many friends throughout his early
years and had fond memories of playing with them, but he
couldn't understand how it had all stopped. There was
some point as he grew up that he played with each of his
friends for the very last time, and he had no idea that it
would be the last.

5. I'm heading back to Colorado tomorrow after being down

in Santa Barbara over the weekend for the festival there. I
will be making October plans once there and will try to
arrange so I'm back here for the birthday if possible. I'll let
you know as soon as I know the doctor's appointment
schedule and my flight plans.

6. She wondered if the note had reached him. She scolded

herself for not handing it to him in person. She trusted her
friend, but so much could happen. She waited impatiently
for word.

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