Speaking Topic Answered

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Describe a decision you disagree with

You should say:

what the decision is

who made that decision
if you told this person that you disagree
why you think it was wrong decision

It was a few years back when I was still in college that I was offered an opportunity to go on a
voluntary trip to X, the most worth-living city in our country. I was over the moon when first
hearing the news but all my anticipation and happiness fled away when my parents flatly
rejected the idea. I was dumbfounded since my time and effort spent on the preparation for our
project wasn’t about to be paid off. However, I was old enough to know better than making a
fuss about it at the moment; instead, I gave myself time and peace before reasoning with my
parents. It came as no surprise to me when they took their all-time-favorite excuse that I was too
immature to take care of myself and that there were plenty of untrustworthy people willing to
take advantage of me out there when I was unaware. Much as I tried to assure them how well I
would manage to stay safe and help other underprivileged people, I just couldn’t get through
them. As a result, I had no options but withdrawing from the project with regrets. However, I
wasn’t able to hold a grudge against my parents for long because I understood they were just
overprotective and genuinely concerned about my well-being.


Offer/ give/ provide an opportunity

Be over the moon: to be very pleased

Anticipation (n): a feeling of excitement about something (usually something good) that is going
to happen

Flatly (adv): in a way that is very definite and will not be changed

Come as no surprise to someone: will not be surprising [for someone] to learn [something]

Underprivileged (a): having less money and fewer opportunities than most people in society

Get through (phrasal verb): succeed in communicating with someone in a meaningful way

Withdraw (v): to stop taking part in an activity or being a member of an organization; to stop
somebody/something from doing these things
Hold a grudge against someone: to stay angry (at someone or something)

Overprotective (a): too anxious to protect somebody from being hurt, in a way that restricts their

Genuinely (adv): in a sincere and honest way that can be trusted


What skills are necessary when making decisions?

Off the top of my head, there are quite a few skills which should be made use of when we make
a decision. The first one is that we should have a clear vision of what the future is like before a
decision is reached. To be precise, we must weigh the pros and cons as well as the worst-case
scenarios of each option. Secondly, it ought to be noted that judging our own ability correctly is
another skill which is usually ignored. We should be aware of our strengths and weaknesses
before deciding whether to take risks or not.

Do parents in your country allow their children to make important decisions about the future?

Usually, parents are really influential when it comes to big decisions in a person’s lifetime. Since
they have previous experience, they often impose their thinking on their kids and sometimes
urge them to follow their advice. However, the final decision usually depends on the children
themselves. This is simply because they are the ones who will take responsibility for their

Do you think that parents should make important decisions for their children?

It’s true that parents have previous experience and they often impose their thinking on their kids
and sometimes urge them to follow their advice. However, the final decision should depend on
the children themselves. This is simply because they are the ones who will take responsibility
for their actions. So, a father’s or mother’s role here is to inform the young of the consequences
they have to bear if a certain decision is made.

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