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Comparing and Contrasting Political system in Republic of

Moldova and United Kingdom

Many states were formed at a point in time when a people sharing a common history,
culture, and language discovered a sense of identity. A great majority of all the world’s nation-
states are unitary systems, including Great Britain and Republic of Moldova. There are great
differences among these unitary states, however, specifically in the institutions and procedures
through which their central governments interact with their territorial subunits. Comparing and
contrasting the two political systems based on their Executive, Legislative and Judiciary show
how different and similar the two are.
In both cases, the Prime Minister leads the government. For example, in Republic of
Moldova, the powers and duties of the Prime Minister include informing the president of
“matters of special importance” and nominating and coordinating the government. Nominated by
the President, the Prime Minister is subsequently approved by Parliament by a vote of
Both of them are theoreticaly democratic and parliament is the centre of the political
system.However, there are some differences.For example, Parliament is an bicameral with an
upper house , House of Lords and a lower house, House of Commons, while in Moldova The
unicameral Parliament enjoys vast oversight powers over the executive branch and it is the
country’s supreme representative body and its 101 members are directly elected for a four-year
term of office.But in both Legislative is the supreme legislative body, and Government is drawn
from and answerable to it.
Another significant difference is that in Moldova, the President is the Head of State and
serves as the Commander in Chief of the armed forces. The President is competent to initiate
laws and address the legislature on several matters. He enjoys the right to dissolve the Parliament
and suspend acts of the government under certain circumstances. His duties moreover include
negotiating and concluding international treaties, accrediting high officials, conferring medals
and other honorary ranks, resolving citizenship disputes as well as granting political asylum and
individual pardons, differs from UK where the head of state and theoretical source of executive,
judicial and legislative power in the UK is the British monarch, currently Queen Elizabeth II.
In conclusion, there are a lot of similarities and differences among political and economic
systems between UK and Moldova because no two governments, past or present, are exactly the
same. They have vastly different histories, culture, traditions, but they remain similar in their
form of government and tendency to respect the human rights.

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