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Before Reading today’s chapter: Answer

1. Looking at the cover, what do you predict this book might

be about? The cover seems nice. It could be about great
habits to have a better life
2. What ideas do you think will be present in this text?
Great ideas because it is a book that helps. This kind of
books are important for people because they need to
improve some areas of their lifes
3. What is this book about?
This book is about good habits. This book teaches how we
should live our lives.
4. What does the author want?
They want inspire us with his letters.

After reading: Answer the following

1. What is the meaning of what I have read?
If we make an effort, a minimum effort, in a year our
improvement will be amazing.
2. What was the author's purpose in writing this?
Inspire people. People can change if they make an effort in their
daily habits or routines.
3. What do I understand from what I just read?
We can increase our level if we start changing some bad habits.
4. What is the main idea?
We can improve if we follow small habits. We can increase or
decline our level. It depends what we want
5. What picture is the author painting in my head?
It make me think about discipline, good habits. I am in a team
and my partners and I want to get a prize.
6. Do I need to reread so that I understand?
No, I don´t. The text has good structure.
7. What do you think the author hoped you would think after reading
the text?
Be conscious about our way to live and make some
8. What do you think about the story/text?
It is a great story because it makes you think about your life
and what are you doing to achieve what you want
9. Can you summarize the text in just two or three sentences?
Some changes can make a big difference
Practice makes perfect
10. What was your favorite part?
When the team could see that they needed some changes to
start being better
11. Was the plot/text different than you thought it would be?
I thought it was going to start in a different way
12. What would you change in this text if you could write it?
I would not do that. The text is amazing

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