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(words that are often used together)'

rn this unit we focus particutarty on cottocations

lnternationaI aid and devetopment

European countries have, in recent years,
turned their attention to supporting reaI and
deveropmentr in
devetoPment- Africa. rhere u'u
In AI Licouragins'is":lyl':"1.1.':l'f::,:1'^:1g::?*ll ff'lli
'unf achiäved economic growth of more than 4o/o
pet year. Foreign
years up to 2015, a score of African .orntri., of recovering from a long
in world trade now shows rear signs
direct investment atso rose. Africa,s share in the south, Africa's economies
in the east and Mozambique
dectine. From Ghana in the west to Ethiopia of the world' A dozen countries'
have consistentty grown more rapidly
than those of almost any other region
period of six or more years. But many millions of
ayearover a
economies have expanded by more than 60/o the problem'
more de_termined efforts are needed to tackle
peopte in Africa stiti tive in deep poverty3 and grantss to those
srpporting and allocatiq t'"1
The European Union is committea to 1:1r*u"topment
poverty and improve access
pori.i.r to reduce and eradicateT
African governments whicrr ur. prrruin!ä
to heatticare, education and clean water supplies'
time 2
started to be accepted abject poverty
i i.uj,oor.n, *n,.n .qn .ontinue over a long
tonä puttitutar purpos:
is also a cotlocation giving to U" u'"1 7
a to hetp development
get rid of something bad
i ;r utro"ä'.o"tio.uiion completetv
Coltccatlons related to the noun dEbt
Countries often find it imPossible
to repaY debt;the debt burden is
too great. Easing the debt burden
or cancelling debt helPs debtor
countries/nations free themsetves
from the Problem of incurring more
and more debt. Atteviating debt /
Debt retief for poor countries shoutd
be a prioritY.

Trade and cssPeratian

thinks the
countries, especiatty when one country
Free trade agreements often cause disputes between
other is engaged in iestrictive practices''
*:t:""1*:* ;:::''.:Jr*;:T,:::ir"tt'
countries croserv
::ff:i"T1TJ:ff.T:'ä:; #ögoodbererations
rifted ror rong periods. on the other hand,
have the possibitity of entering into monetary union and
related economicatty and enjoying
having a single currencY'

I the ptacing of unfair restrictions, e'g' limiting imports

restrictions on what a country may import/export
certatn gooos
totai prohibitions on importing/exporting

Economic difficutties
we may refer
lf an economy is badty affected by wa1
to itrt d5 -'"'i:;ä
a war-torn
as d wcr economy' Economies In a oacl
t"o ; economies. The verb meaning to reduce the value '
state are often ref
ffi:ilffi;;;;i;;ii""-"tiht "iti;;äu"tntv mav be I a currencv is to devotue (Nor devahmte)'

äJ,ä;. t':r*;'vt.'"""go into

".'l*recesslon ano
currenciesl Economies may countries may eve n suffer a
not come out of I.i.igä irorn recession fol seye-ralyears.' lndeed' for its goods' Lower taxes may
suffer . prices2
doubte-dipl recession. A country may :^,:::]:
ligT t"tessron'
n.i.*Orted to boost the econlmv3 wh11 't 't,:: ;

3 give the economY a tift

96 English Voc:obulory in use Advonced


48.1 Try to remember the collocations in A opposite. Filt the gaps in these sentences.
1 Development is important, but it shoutd be ...........,. devetopment, not the kind that onty
lasts a short time.
2 The government is ..,........... a poticy of giving aid only where it is used to .............

poverty. (Give two answers for the first one')

3 There have been some ...... signs that development projects are ........... root in
manY countries.
4 Mittions of peopte stitt tive in .............. poverty. (Give two onswers.)
5 The economy has ...... from its decline and is now doing wetl.
6 The struggte to ...... economic growth in devetoping countries is a constant one.
7 covernmänts often ...... funds for specific overseas development projects.
g The goat should be to improve ...... to better healthcare and education for the poor.

45,Z Rewrite these sentences about debt using more appropriate language from the opposite
page to replace the underlined words'
1 Over a period of five years, the country gAl huge debts which it could not pay back.
2 Countries in debt are comptetety at the mercy of wealthier nations.
3 The weighi of debt is so great in some countries that their economies are cotlapsing
4 Weatthier countries could do a lot to make the debt of poor countries less heavy, and indeed, in
some cases, coutd forget the debt altogethe r. (Give two answers for the first one.)
5 Over a period of three years, the country suffered a two-stage recession.
6 The fotiowing year, there was a sevefe collapse in the price of crude oi[.
7 White some countries lowered the value of their currencies, one country alone increased the vatue
of its currency due to its strong economy'
I Urgent measures were needed to improve the economy.

45.3 Answer the questions using vocabulary from the opposite page'
L What kind of war can break out between countries concerning imports and exports?
2 Which two verbs are used with sonctions and embargoes to mean (a) 'placing' and (b) 'removing'?
3 What is the name for activities which make free trade difficutt or impossible between countries?
4 What kind of agreement is it when two or more countries decide to share a single currency?
5 What do we caltsums of money given to poor regions to assist their economic growth?
6 What can we call an economy that is devastated by armed conflict?
7 What adjective beginning wiih the letter'a' can be used to describe an economy in a bad state?
g What noun can follow'debt'to create a phrase meaning'removing debt'?
45.4 Now use the answers from 45.3 to rewrite the words in bold'
1 Sharing the same currency was agreed between the five countries in 2003.
2 The goJernment introducei r pu.t .ge of measures to rescue the economy, which was in a
bad state.
3 The two Trade Ministers got together to try to abolish activities that made
trade difficult.
the two countries in 1999.
4 A major dispute concerning exports and imports broke out between
now that
5 The äconomy, which has been seriously affected by the war, is slowly recovering
peace has come.
6 The United Nations ptaced sanctions on the country in 1995 and did not remove
them untit2008'
The region received a large amount of money to help it grow economically from the
Wortd Bank.
g Removing debt has been cruciatfor some developing nations.

English Vocobulory in use Advanced 97

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