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Disciplines and Ideas in the

Applied Social Sciences (DIASS)

Quarter 2 Week 3
Content Standards: Functions of applied social science
Performance Standards: Assess objective through an individual project how
the functions of the applied social sciences have been fulfilled in any of the
applied social sciences have been fulfilled in any of the following: case study
of a counselee, case study on integrative social work, comparison of the
programming of any two television networks.
Most Essential Learning Competency: Explain each of the functions of
applied social sciences


At the end of this lesson, the learners are expected to:

1. identify situations that would apply the various functions of applied
social science to news and information;
2. explain the functions of applied social sciences to socialization and
3. explain the function of applied social sciences in news and information;
4. demonstrate understanding on the functions of Applied Social Sciences
to news and information and socialization and enculturation; and
5. value the importance of applied social science in news and information
and socialization and enculturation.

The disciplines of applied social sciences are informed by the core

values of respect for the inherent dignity and worth of persons, pursuit of
social justice, integrity of professional practice, confidentiality in professional
practice, and competence in professional practice. The professionals in the
applied social sciences help individuals fit well in society and challenge the
social environment to become a better place for all. These sciences cover a
broad field, drawing on different social theories and perspectives and
combines theory and practice to deal with the complexity of social issues that
cover human pain, stress, threat to dignity, and threat to human rights
experienced by individuals, groups and communities.

Applied social sciences help us consider all helping situations to be

multicultural in the sense that people’s uniqueness- such as personal history,
culture, gender, social class, religion, language, etc. of individuals, groups
and communities- has to be recognized in the helping process.

News and Information and Applied Social Sciences

The proliferation of news outlets, channels, and purposes require increased

ability for the audience and participants in the news making and
consumption. The new media and social media are providing the possibility
of driving the democratization of information by undercutting the agenda
setting of large media outlets and their ability to control news and information
flows. The overall information ecosystem has changed. More small publishers
have been created forming new clusters of new players and build pathways
for interesting ideas and statements that are finding broader audiences.

The society is informed by simply reading, listening to, or watching just about
anything; through a formed intermediary that tells them what is good,
important or meaningful; and by simply accessing a wide range of the means
for them to sort things out for themselves and find their own version of the
truth. Today, we live in a digitally networked world that aspires to fulfill the
dream of the democratization of thought, ideas, and flows of information. The
web can easily turn an unknown person into an Internet sensation in an
instant, and we have seen so many examples lately. We are encountering new
superstars and super citizens, political campaigns and opinion forming
debates, viral phenomena, and instant coordination of protests and

It has been observed that online audience concentration has equaled, and in
many instances surpassed, what can be found in most traditional media. A
social network “hashtag” can alert us on important issues and create an
attention empowering the otherwise less known, less powerful individuals in
ways that no prior technology has ever done. Social media has the possibility
of making accessible and driving democratization of information further
beyond the agenda setting of large media outlets and their relative control of
news and information flows.

Applied social science in this context can provide encouragement and

empowerment to underserved communities to avail open and free media
channels to voice out and to consume critical information. Increased
vulnerability can also be addressed like falling victim to online prostitution
industry and blackmails, and developing self-protection from all sorts of
personal threats. This ultimately leads to a participatory journalism, an
ultimate empowerment of all peoples. Participatory journalism and peer-to-
peer cascading of news is taking a large share in news making and will
probably increase its capacity to share information in the future. We are
entering an era where audience employs self-censorship and plays a bigger
role in engaging, remixing, commenting, and ultimately filtering what is

Socialization and Enculturation and Applied Social Sciences

Socialization is the process by which society turns an individual from being a

child into a full-fledged responsible adult or from being an outsider to
becoming an insider. The educational system is part of that. The other process
that runs parallel to this one is the enculturation process. Enculturation is a
process by which one acquires a culture of his or her environment. To be
enculturated means that one can understand the cultural symbols, the
language, the values, the norms, and is capable to negotiate the thin line of
meanings called ideal-real or worldview-ethos.

We often assume that we are born with culture or inherit it, but actually we
learn it. We acquire it over time of upbringing, observing, participating, and
active imitation and simulation of our social environment reality. Another
concept closely associated with enculturation is acculturation, a concept that
refers to the process of acquisition of a second culture. Nowadays, most people
are multicultural, operating in two or more cultural mediums. The moment
that one encounters a new culture and begin to make sense of it or actively
learn it, he/she is undergoing the acculturation process.

The skills learned in applied social sciences can enrich and facilitate both
socialization and enculturation. Empathy and good listening and speaking
skills are very effective tools in the socialization process.
Activity 1. News and Information and Applied Social Sciences

1. In what ways news and information help you understand the veracity
of issues in your society?
2. When can we say that the news and information delivered to you is
accurate, balanced, and reliable?
3. Explain how news and information as a social science help in forming
and developing a society.

Activity 2. Socialization and Enculturation and Applied Social Sciences

1. What is the role of socialization in the community, family, and society

in turning a child into a full-fledged responsible citizen?

2. As member of the society how can you be an agent of change to improve

the present condition of our country?


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