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511972020, IELTS Global Warming Essay Hom writin aking Reading tening Bi ons , search IELTS buddy IELTS Global Warming Essay Oats ay Googe sesucnormtrd sswet Tis modal answer is for an IELTS global warming essay. slobal warming & : ‘You are asked inthe question to ciscuss the causes of global warming essay writing & and possible solutions for individuals and the government write my essay @ Here is the question: ox felts vocabulary @ Home: SUT essay format & Whats New IELTS Information More Sample Essays: Advertsing ‘Atemative Medicine Spendingon the ets Human Cloning socal interaction & Lessons & Tips Task 1 Lessons Task 2 Lessons theInternet Reading Lessons weiner ‘Speaking Lessons Free Univers Global warming Is one of the most serious Issues that Education Listening Lessons the world fs facing today. Scinttie Research Banning Smoking rammar Lessons What are the causes of global warming and what Employing Older Vocabulary Lessons measures can governments and individuals take to People tackle the issue? Vegetarianism General Training Paying Taxes ‘So you must answer these three things in order to fully answer it Forma aseessaent Practice Tests 1. What are the causes of global warming? Matinaton 2 What can governments do about it? 3, What can individuals do about it? IELTS Practice Tests Newspapers Tris essay has been divided into two paragraphs. Technology Development However, you could write a separate paragraph about each of the Dying Languages above points if you wanted. University Education Sample Essays Reducing crime ‘Take @ look at the model answer and examine how it has been ‘nioal Rights Sample Speaking organized. Chilé Development ‘Sample Leters Diet &Health Chilecare Donating Money to chai Essay IELTS Global Warming Essay Closing Z00s Sample Answers ‘Sample Graphs IELTS Vocabulary (Gorm mn Regulation (COR) Lara mes, htps:ww olsoudey comlalobal-warming-ossay him! 18 511972020 taiome Collecation Phrasal Veros Other Resources Witing Cortections IELTS budy eBooks IELTS Scores Band Score Calculator lets Foun Teacher Resources Free Downloads IELTS Quizzes IELTS Books Viaeos sot Links| Other IELTS Tests Ute ils Tost Indicator Test Contact Contact Us IELTS Writing eBook Task 1 & 2 eBook IELTS Made Easy ane IELTS Male Easy Sane re Curate uae cookies oenaure quay vi IELTS Global Warming Essay ‘Wile about the following topic: Global warming is one of the most serious issues that tho world is facing toda; What are the causes of global warming and what measures can governments and Individuals take to tackle the Issue? Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant ‘examples from your own experience or knowledge. Write at least 250 words, IELTS Global Warming Essay - Model Answer Probably the most worrying threat to our planet at the present time is global warming. This essay will examine the reasons why global ‘warming is occurring and discuss some possible solutions. ‘The predominant factors resulting in the warming of the earth are the ‘emissions of CO2 and deforestation. CO2, which damages the ozone layer, comes fram several sources, but the mast problematic are those ‘coming from the buring of fossil fuels from power plants. This releases thousands of tonnes of C02 into the atmosphere every year ‘Another cause of these emissions is the burning of gasoline for transportation, which continues to grow because of our demand for ‘cars and also ur increasing worldwide consumption, resulting in an ‘escalating need to transport goods. Also, forests store large amounts of carbon, so deforestation is causing larger amounts of CO2 to remain in the atmosphere, Novertheless, there are potential ways to solve these problems, or at least reduce the effects. Firstly, governments need to reduce our {dependence on fossil fuels and promote altematives. Plant-derived plastics, biodiesel, wind power and solar power are all things that are {a step in the right direction, but governments need to enforce the limits ‘on CO2 emissions forthe polluting industries in their countries for these to be effective. Also, individuals can play a part by making style changes. People should try to buy cars with the best fuel ‘economy, and only use their car when really necessary. They can also switch to energy companies that use renewable energy rather than fossil fuels. Finally, small things like buying energy efficient ight bulbs, turning off electricity in the house, and planting trees in the garden can help. ‘To conclude, although global warming is a serious issue, there are steps that governments and individuals can take to reduce its effects, It we are to save our planet, its important that this is treated as a priority forall concerned. 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Read More Sample Dying Languages Essay for IELTS Dying languages ‘essays have appeared in IELTS on several occasions, an issue related to the spread of globalisation. Check ‘out a sample question ‘and model answer. IELTS Global Warming Essay SAMSUNG a YoY <<< Back Next >>> Home > Sample Essays » Global Warming Essay Band 7+ eBooks “Ithink these @Books are FANTASTICH! | know that's not academic language, but i's the truth!” Linda, from Italy, Scored Band 7.5 View the eBooks You may also be interested in: Instantly IELTS Line IELTS Check Your Graph- Food Process Writing Consumption...Writing, IELTS Writing Global How to Write IELI Questions for Warming an IELTS. Gra Task 2 Essays Essay of E (Gorm htps:wwolsoudey comlglobal-warming-ossay him! mn Regulation (COR) Lara mes, a6 511972020 Advice from Young or Old People Essay May. 20.0858 AM Itis better for young people to get advice from old people than young ones. Do you agree or disagree? The biggest amount ‘ofthe people thinks that Read More Curate uae cookies oenaure aut vi IELTS Global Warming Essay URS S027 pea eB Hs wr de EE rveecok FI] tater FR Perot share this page YJ Tune reset () wnoisrve @ vWessonger Enjoy this page? Please pay it forward. Here's how. New! Comments ‘Any questions or comments about this page or about IELTS? Post your comment here. exoeince, Our ute of he HTTPS protocol eneues ta ‘amples wth he Genera OataProteaton Replaton (COR) Lara maze, (Gorn) htps:ww olsoudéy comlalobal-warming-ossay him! ata you provide us ieee fr your recon Our ae 406 511972020 IELTS Global Warming Essay 20 Comments Sort by woweet ‘Add a comment. Reet Rest Thanks, Luke Rept ty ae “Thank you, es buddy’. You render such wonderful ideas and atthe same time keeping them simple and bie, hope you ill be the criving factor behind my good marks in writing. Thanks in anticpaton Like Reply 27 fh tor sews ar Homework for Trump. Le Rep 5-2y By scr hich continues to inerease because of our demand for cars ‘and also our increasing worlawise consumption, resulting in an Increasing need to ransport goods. Is tok to use the word increase as froquent asi inthe above ph? Like Repyy 3 ‘au: James Mayer ‘Actually that can be Improved as is better to use a \wide a range as possible of words, so Ive changed it Thanks reer (602 does not destoy the ozone, pe se Its the release of CCFC inte the environment that cause the azoen to deplete Like: Ropy + 2-3y- Etod J thie, my eyes bled when i fst rea that ke Realy 264 ta Pichetto Load 10 more comments Important pages lets writing Curate ues cookies o ensure quality vitor experienc, Our ua lhe HTTPS proteeol ensure a Connect with us Search (search LT buy ay data you provide a i neyo your jon Reglaon (COR) Lara mes, (Gorn) htps:ww olsoudéy comlalobal-warming-ossay him! 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