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Bacillus and Similar Organisms  chapter 16


6. True or False
Chapter Review _____ Bacillus species are the only organisms to produce spores in
the presence of oxygen.
1. The virulence factor associated with B. cereus is: _____ Bacillus species are rarely found to be laboratory
a. edema toxin contaminants.
b. lethal toxin _____ B. cereus is resistant to penicillin.
c. protective antigen _____ Rapid tests for the presumptive identification of B. anthracis
d. enterotoxin are not available.
2. Pulmonary anthrax is also known as: _____ Vegetative cell size is used to differentiate species with the
a. black eschar genera Bacillus and Paenibacillus.
b. woolsorters’ disease _____ Bacillus spp. grow on sheep blood agar and phenylethyl
c. Legionnaires’ disease alcohol agar.
d. plague 7. Matching
3. A large, aerobic, gram-positive, spore-forming rod is isolated from a _____ eschar a. B. anthracis vaccine
blood culture. It can be further confirmed as B. anthracis if it is: _____ woolsorters’ disease b. B. anthracis isolation media
a. hemolytic and motile _____ lethal toxin c. spore stain
b. hemolytic and nonmotile _____ malachite green d. B. anthracis virulence factor
c. nonhemolytic and motile _____ PLET e. pulmonary anthrax
d. nonhemolytic and nonmotile _____ medusa head f. B. anthracis prophylaxis
4. A large, aerobic, beta-hemolytic, gram-positive rod is isolated from _____ endophthalmitis g. B. anthracis colonies
an eye culture. Subsequent testing reveals it is motile and produces _____ pyogenic factor h. cutaneous anthrax
a wide zone on egg yolk agar. The most likely identification of this _____ Biothrax i. B. cereus infection
organism is: _____ ciprofloxacin j. B. cereus virulence factor
a. Bacillus anthracis
b. Escherichia coli
c. Bacillus cereus
d. Clostridium perfringens
5. The most appropriate therapy for inhalation anthrax is:
a. ciprofloxacin
b. tetracycline
c. vancomycin
d. erythromycin

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