IVF Treatment in India

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Treatment In India

1.What is IVf?
In Vitro Fertilization is an assisted reproductive
technology commonly referred to as IVF. IVF is the
process of fertilization by extracting eggs, retrieving a
sperm sample, and then manually combining an egg and
sperm in a laboratory dish. And then women will able to
2.why is IVf used?
• Male factor infertility .
• Women with ovulation disorders, premature ovarian
• Unexplained infertility
3. How Successful is IVF?
The success rate depends on a number of factors
including reproductive history, maternal age, the cause of
infertility, and lifestyle factors.
4. What is the cost of IVF treatment Depends on?
IVF is not always expensive. The cost of the treatment
depends upon the cause of infertility, the type of
intervention needed and the protocol used
5.What is the success rate of IVf in India?
The success rate of IVF/ICSI is in the range of 30-35% per
embryo transfer. Hence, unfortunately, many couples
may not conceive at their first cycle of IVF and will need to
consider a second cycle.
6.what is the Average cost of IVF in India?

The IVF Cost in India (including all surgical and diagnostic

procedures, test and treatments) normally ranges
between 1 to 1.25 Lakh per cycle.Feb 25, 2018
7.Is IVF safe?
IVF is generally very safe and most who have it experience
no problems with their health or pregnancy.
8.What are the Risks in IVF?
there are some risks to be aware of, which include:
ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome(a severe reaction to
fertility drugs)
having a multiple pregnancy or birth (twins, triplets or
more), which can cause serious health problems to both
mum and babies.
possible birth defects.
9. How long does IVF take?
one cycle of IVF will take between four and six weeks.
However, for medical reasons some women won’t have
the first stage of treatment which brings their treatment
time down to around three weeks.
10. What is IVf process?
Step 1: Ovulation induction
Step 2: Egg retrieval
Step 3: Fertilization
Step 4: Embryo transfer

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