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(SOLVED) Ask a friend who isn t biased by reading this to

Ask a friend (who isn’t biased by reading this) to generate 25 numbers between 0 and 100 on a
scratch piece of paper. Calculate the distribution of digits in the first position: how many 1s, how
many 2s, and so forth? Do the numbers match Benford’s Law? They are likely […]

Perform vertical and/or horizontal analysis of the statements and identify two things that appear
to be unusual and could be possible symptoms of fraud.The balance sheet and income
statement for ABC Company for the years 2011 and 2012 are asfollows:

Consider the three aspects of the fraud triangle. If you were hired by the board of directors to
tell them what they could do to prevent fraud, what general activities would you tell them to
engage in? List four or more activities for each of the three dimensions of the […]

You have been hired by a small firm to analyze its accounts receivable department and assess
how susceptible it is to fraud. The company operates a table manufacturing facility. The only
employee in accounts receivable is Joanne, an employee of 10 years. Joanne opens all cash
receipts, credits the clients’ […]


(True and False)1. First-time offenders usually exhibit no psychological changes. 2.

Psychopaths feel no guilt because they have no conscience. 3. It is safe to assume that fraud
has not occurred if one or more elements of the fraud triangle cannot be observed. 4. The fraud
elements consist of concealment, […]

How would you react in the following situations?a. You discover an internal control weakness in
the company you are auditing.b. You notice your coworker has recently been coming to work in
a new car and more expensive clothes and jewelry.c. You are the assistant controller and you
notice a control […]

Go to and read the information about insurance fraud for

consumers.Insurance fraud is a problem that has become increasingly costly for the insurance
industry. The Coalition Against Insurance Fraud estimates that insurance losses are at least $90
billion per year or $950 per family.Besides the dollar costs of insurance […]


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