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(SOLVED) As part of its executive compensation plan

Vertovec Inc granted

As part of its executive compensation plan Vertovec Inc granted As part of its executive
compensation plan, Vertovec Inc. granted 54,000 of its no par common shares to executives,
subject to forfeiture if employment is terminated within three years. Vertovec’s common shares
have a market price of $5 per share […]

At December 31 2017 Albrecht Corporation had outstanding 373 000 shares At December 31,
2017, Albrecht Corporation had outstanding 373,000 shares of common stock and 8,000 shares
of 9.5%, $100 par value cumulative, nonconvertible preferred stock. On May 31, 2018, Albrecht
sold for cash 12,000 shares of its common stock. […]

For the year ended December 31 2018 Norstar Industries reported For the year ended
December 31, 2018, Norstar Industries reported net income of $655,000. At January 1, 2018,
the company had 900,000 common shares outstanding. The following changes in the number of
shares occurred during 2018: Apr. 30 Sold 60,000 […]

Allied Paper Products Inc offers a restricted stock award plan Allied Paper Products, Inc. offers
a restricted stock award plan to its vice presidents. On January 1, 2018, the company granted
16 million of its $1 par common shares, subject to forfeiture if employment is terminated within
two years. The […]


On October 1 2018 Farmer Fabrication issued stock options for On October 1, 2018, Farmer
Fabrication issued stock options for 100,000 shares to a division manager. The options have an
estimated fair value of $6 each. To provide additional incentive for managerial achievement, the
options are not exercisable unless divisional […]

Niles Company granted 9 million of its no par common Niles Company granted 9 million of its no
par common shares to executives, subject to forfeiture if employment is terminated within three
years. The common shares have a market price of $5 per share on January 1, 2017, the grant

At December 31 2017 and 2018 Funk Noble Corporation At December 31, 2017 and 2018,
Funk & Noble Corporation had outstanding 820 million shares of common stock and 2 million
shares of 8%, $100 par value cumulative preferred stock. No dividends were declared on either
the preferred or common stock […]


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