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(SOLVED) Assuming that all the primary authority applies

to the issues
Assuming that all the primary authority applies to the issues raised by the facts of the client’s
case, list the authority in the hierarchical order of its value as precedent; that is, authority with
greatest authoritative value will be listed first, followed by other authority in the order it will […]

The Firestone Group, Ltd. (Firestone), a company engaged in real estate development, entered
into a contract to sell nursing homes it owned to a buyer. The buyer paid a $ 30,000 deposit to
Firestone and promised to pay the remainder of the $ 28 million purchase price in the future. […]

Jennifer, Martin, and Edsel form a limited liability company called Big Apple, LLC, to operate a
bar in New York City. Jennifer, Martin, and Edsel are member managers of the LLC. One of
Jennifer’s jobs as a member manager is to drive the LLC’s truck and pick up certain items […]

Eugene H. Emmick hired L. S. Hamm, an attorney, to draft his will. The will named Robert
Lucas and others (Lucas) as beneficiaries. When Emmick died, it was discovered that the will
was improperly drafted, violated state law, and was therefore ineffective. Emmick’s estate was
transferred pursuant to the state’s […]


A 70 year old recently retired engineer is discussing with you, over coffee, whether to gift $
500,000 to-day to his only $500,000 today to his only daughter or invest the $ 500,000 and
bequeath the $ 500,000 plus earnings to his daughter in his will. The engineer expects to […]

Paula makes the following gifts in the current year: $ 20,000 to the United Way; $ 15,000 to her
brother Skip, who is a compulsive gambler; $ 45,000 to her husband Larry, to fund a new boat;
and $ 32,000 to a UTMA account for her son Philip. To what […]

Because a purchaser can use a target’s NOL carry forwards to offset the ordinary and capital
gain and recapture tax on the sale of the target’s assets, it has been argued that this reduces
the cost of achieving a stepped-up basis in assets and makes it advantageous for the purchaser


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