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(SOLVED) At the time of his marriage to Ann Robert owned

At the time of his marriage to Ann, Robert owned several parcels of real estate in joint tenancy
with his brother, Sam. During his marriage, Robert purchased a house and put the title in his
name and his wife’s name as joint tenants, not as tenants in common. Robert died; […]

In her will, Teressa granted a life estate to Amos in certain real estate, with remainder to Brenda
and Clive in joint tenancy. All the residue of Teressa’s estate was left to Hillman College. While
going to Teressa’s funeral, the car in which Amos, Brenda, and Clive were driving was […]

Jay signed a two-year lease containing a clause that expressly prohibited subletting. After six
months, Jay asked the landlord for permission to sublet the apartment for one year. The
landlord refused. This angered Jay, and he immediately assigned his right under the lease to
Kay. Kay was a distinguished gentleman, […]

Kirkland conveyed a farm to Adland to have and to hold for and during his life and upon his
death to Rubin. Some years thereafter, oil was discovered in the vicinity. Adland thereupon
made an oil and gas lease, and the oil company set up its machinery to commence drilling […]


Mrs. Laval was a patient of Dr. Leopold, a practicing psychiatrist. Dr. Leopold shared an office
with two associates practicing in the same field. No receptionist or other employee attended the
office. Mrs. Laval placed her coat in the clothes closet in the office reception room. Later, when
she returned […]

Sears had sold to and installed in the Seven Palms Motor Inn a number of furnishings, including
drapes and bedspreads, in connection with the construction of a motel on land Seven Palms
owned. Sears did not receive payment in full for the materials and labor and brought suit to
recover […]

Scarola purchased an automobile for value and without knowledge that it was stolen. After he
insured the car with Insurance Company of North America (INA) the car was stolen once again.
When INA refused to reimburse Scarola for the loss, contending that he did not have an
insurable interest in […]


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