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US 101


Name: Lander Matthew C. Gucela Section: BSIT 1-OF

You can deepen yourself understanding by writing your life story and your
ideal self. So, in this activity, tell something about your most memorable
and happiest experiences during your childhood and teenage years, the
lessons that your parents taught you, and the things you are grateful for
about them and your life. Then, describe what you want to be in the next
ten years. Start your statements with prompts such as ten years from now, I
envision myself as ...

My Ideal Self
My ideal self is to be a person that can interact freely with both
friends and new people. My ideal self shows no shyness and
fear. And having a strong emotional stability that can withstand
difficult situations and strong adversity. Ten years from now, I
envision myself as a successful businessman and an IT specialist.
A graduate of Bachelor of Science in Information Technology
major in Business Analytics. By the time I turn 30, I will have
visited dozens of countries around the world, and known places
of incredible beauty. Another one of my wishes is to be able to
build a beautiful house for my mother and grandmother. Ten
years from now I see myself as a strong independent man with
healthy family.
The Story of My Life
My happiest and most memorable moments of my
childhood is when we go to Cagayan de oro City. When we
go to maria christina falls and the divine mercy. And for my
teenage years is when my mother return from abroad last
2019 and we spend vacation at ipil. The greatest lesson that
my mother taught me is to be grateful of whatever I have
and always be contented.
I am very grateful to have my mother because even though
my parents are separated, she still do her best to give all
the thing we want and we need.

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