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(SOLVED) Classify each of the following activities as

proper or prohibite
Classify each of the following activities as proper or prohibited under the various consumer
statutes you have studied.a. Calling a hospital room to talk to a debtor who is a patient there.b.
Calling a hospital room to sell surgical stockings.c. Rolling back the odometer on one’s car
before selling it […]

While Clara Novak was sick, her daughter Janie helped her in many ways. Clara died, and
Janie then claimed that she was entitled to be paid for the services she had rendered her
mother. This claim was opposed by three brothers and sisters who also rendered services to the
mother. […]

Stevens purchased a pair of softball shoes manufactured by Hyde Athletic Industries. Because
of a defect in the shoes, she fell and broke an ankle. She sued Hyde under the state consumer
protection act, which provided that “any person who is injured in . business or property . could
sue […]

The town of Newport obtained a corporate MasterCard that was given to the town clerk for
purchasing fuel for the town hall. The town clerk used the card for personal restaurant, hotel,
and gift shop debts. The town refused to pay the card charges on the grounds that they were […]


Beck was the general manager of Chilkoot Lumber Co. Haines sold fuel to the company. To
persuade Haines to sell on credit, Beck signed a paper by which he promised to pay any debt
the lumber company owed Haines. He signed this paper with his name followed by “general
manager.” […]

Iberlin and others subscribed to the services of TCI Cablevision of Wyoming, which imposed a
$2 late charge on any bill not paid when due. Iberlin brought suit against the company, claiming
the late charge was for extending credit and thus did not comply with state and federal laws
governing […]

Thomas was sent a credit card through the mail by a company that had taken his name and
address from the telephone book. Because he never requested the card, Thomas left the card
lying on his desk. A thief stole the card and used it to purchase merchandise in several […]


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