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Sendylenvi Regia, ST., MBA.

Manager Knowledge & Outsource Management

Digital & Next Business Department
Digital Business – TELKOM INDONESIA

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SDM Unggul
Indonesia Maju
“… dan kebutuhan lingkungan pekerjaan di
masa depan itu sangat berbeda, akan selalu
berubah, dan itulah Link and Match..”
“Saya yang akan mencoba menyambungkan
apa yang dilakukan di institusi pendidikan,
menyambung kepada apa yang dibutuhkan di
luar institusi pendidikan agar bisa adaptasi
dengan segala perubahan itu.”
(Nadiem Makarim, 23 Oktober 2019)

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(1) Institut Teknologi Bandung

Chief of Digital Business and
(2) Executive Education in Innovation and Growth
from Standford Unibersity Graduate School Innovation Officer in Telkom
(3) Executive Education in Scaling Entrepreneurial Indonesia
Youngest state-owned enterprise
Ventures – Harvard Business School
boatd of executive ever
Awarded Satyalancana Wira Karya
Cofounder and the president of
(Role Model Medal) by Joko Widodo
Bukalapak (2019 vakuated $5.2 billion)

M. Fajrin Rasyid (34yo)

Chief of Digital Business and
Innovation Officer in Telkom Indonesia Internship DDB Program Profile - ask permit for distribution


Telkom’s Agile Development Practice

Becom ing an agile in digital business is not
only about finding hacker, hipster and Tribe Tribe
hustler, • Product Owner
• Scrum Master
m oreover about developing Digital Talent •

BE Developer
FE Developer
Capability and W ays of W orking •

UX Designer
Data scientist
Squad Squad Squad Squad
• …

S ource: A dapted from M IT C IS R , G artner, D eloitte

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Source: Materi Narasumber TELKOM DDS pada ExpoTalk “IT Career Path: Building a Start-up or Get a Job?, 15 Feb 2020

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Collaboration Tools

And many more…

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Why Telkom DDB Internship Program

The Benefits are for ALL. They are not for me nor you, but for Us

Participant University Lecturer Corporation

Learn work life Qualified graduates Upgrade curriculum New labor

Work Ethics Relevant Curriculum Readiness Student Reduce resource
Implement theory Value University Student interenst Get potential employee
Communication skill Some research Contribute to nation edu
Opportunities to join
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What Will Participants Get

Experience in National & Final Assignment Project
Worldwide Company

Corporate Culture Program Certificate

Real Project Challenge Transportation Allowance

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Designer Developer Data Scientist
Job Desc Job Desc
Job Desc
Quality Assurance, Docum ent M anage databases and build
Graphic Design, UI/UX,
Engineer, Front end & Back end for predictive data m odeller m odel, big data,
Anim ation, Photo-Video.
(w eb/m obile (IoS/Android). data preprocessing & m odeling.

Com petency Com petency

Com petency
Adobe PS, Adobe Illustrator, Adobe XD,
Understand program m ing tools such Python, pyspark-hadoop, SQL, Apache, Planning and
Corel Draw , Sketch, Figm a, Blender. as Javascript, Reach JS, Node JS etc. Perform ance, PH P, Tensorflow , Android Studio, Tableau,

Researcher General Engineer Marketing

Job Desc Job Desc Job Desc Job Desc
Administrative, Event Organizing, Security, IoT, Network and Big Data. Planning, Performance, Event,
Research Product, Usability
Public Relation, Documentation, Content Creator, Socmed ads,
Testing, Business Research
Content Creator, Partnership Competency Content Design.
& Analysis.
Competency Linux, Networking, Virtualization Competency
Competency (VMware, OpenStack, Kubernetes), Media Social, Growth Hacking,
Analysis, English (oral &written),
Media Social, Event Management, PHP, MySQL, API, Python, Respberry, Arduino. Adobe Photoshop/Adobe Illustrator.
Critical Thinking, Testing.
Dokumentation, Project Management.
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DDB Internship Program

We can’t make the perfect ways, but we can make better ways by doing experimentation & continuous improvement

IG: internship_ddbtelkom Internship Journey

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Terima Kasih

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