WREC Wood Biomass Heating 2004

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World Renewable Energy Congress VIII (WREC 2004). Copyright 2004. Published by Elsevier Ltd. Editor AAM Sayigh.

Waste Wood to Heat: beyond technology to quality

of life in Christchurch, New Zealand
Susan Krumdieck

Abstract—Christchurch has a forty-year history TABLE I

of choking wintertime smog from wood and coal Problem solving methodology using the Sacees
burning for domestic heating. A new methodol-
ogy for Strategic Analysis of Complex Energy and approach
Environment Systems (SACEES) was employed to
provide a sustainable energy solution to a very old !→ SACEES Methodology
and very complex problem. Historical review and A. Define performance metrics
characterization of the problem was the first step,
including economic, psychological, and cultural fac- B. Build socio-economic and cultural
tors, as well as technical and environmental fac- history
tors. A performance-objective design of an opti- C. Develop a regional energy sys-
mal form of the energy architecture was generated tem model and characterize control,
for the target date of 2008. In order to achieve
health standards and fully renewable energy sup-
feedback, economic, and built envi-
ply, waste wood pellet fire appliances would need ronment
to be installed in one half of residences to re- D. Develop Performance-Objective de-
place existing solid fuel burners and to heat homes sign for reference energy architec-
which are presently not heated. An integrated pol-
icy, resource, and business strategy for maximiz-
ing quality of life over the shortest time frame was E. Evaluate critical change factors
developed, including banning of visible emissions, F. Develop scenarios for evolution
security of the pellet industry, and subscription-
type purchasing arrangements for heating. The
SACEES methodology provided a new and viable
solution to a very old and untenable problem. The tenet of the methodology is that an energy archi-
fundamental premise of the approach is to research tecture for the sustainable reference state is mod-
the social and economic history of the problem, eled and designed before any development scenar-
pick a target date for resolution of the problem, de-
fine the performance characteristics for high qual-
ios are undertaken. The reference design then acts
ity of life, and then design an energy architecture as a pinning point for forward analysis, as opposed
within the social, economic, cultural, and environ- to the standard scenario development practice of
mental context. This study illustrates how, once projecting present and historical trends, and pre-
a relevant solution is visualized and described to dicting required energy resource development to
all parties, the means to achieving the solution be-
comes apparent and achievable. supply future consumption growth. The SACEES
methodology sets the energy consumption at some
future point according to renewable resource avail-
I. Methodology ability, conversion technology capability and the
A SACEES study must be done for a specific performance requirements for quality of life.
region, and for a specific community requirement.
A. Performance Metrics
The study requires discovery of local renewable
energy availability data, energy conversion tech- Performance metrics were set by World Health
nology specifications, and the cultural require- Organization standards for indoor air tempera-
ments for a high quality of life. The methodology ture minimum of 18 C and maximum 24 hour
follows the steps shown in Table I. The general average exposure to PM10 particulate air pollu-
tion of 50µg/m3 . The city was built on cleared
S. Krumdieck, Department of Mechanical Engi- and drained swamp land, and the climate is rel-
neering, University of Canterbury, Christchurch, New
Zealand, Phone: (+64) (3) 364 2987 ext 7249, email: atively humid. Winter-time average daily high
susan.krumdieck@canterbury.ac.nz temperature is in the range of 4-8 C, but until
World Renewable Energy Congress VIII (WREC 2004). Copyright 2004. Published by Elsevier Ltd. Editor AAM Sayigh. 2

the early eighties homes were built without insu- Number of High Pollution Days
lation. In these conditions, condensation on inte- 45

Days with PM10 > 50 mg/m3

rior walls and windows produces a serious mold 35
growth problem with negative impacts on health. 30
The quality of life depends on maintaining at least 25
18 C indoor temperature during waking hours, 20
keeping the wall temperature above the dew point
over the course of the night, and reducing the par- 5
ticulate emission levels below 0.5mg/m3 for all 0
heating systems.

The analysis is based on 14,000 to 18,000 house-
Hourly Average Particulate Pollution
holds that report using open fires for heat on July 19, 2002
winter days, and 55,000-65,000 households which 500
rely on enclosed burners. Many of the homes 400
with open fires also have substandard living con- 350

PM10 mg/m3
ditions, because the open fire doesn’t do a good 250
job of providing heat to the living space. In addi- 200
tion, 1000-2000 households report having no heat 100
source. Wood stoves have not been permitted in 50
new construction for the past decade, so most of






the homes with wood burners also have no insu-





lation. The target date for the energy architec-
ture design was 2008, and it was determined that Fig. 1. Historical winter particulate air pollution in
in this time frame, few homes would undergo the Christchurch, and an example of the exposure level on a
particular night.
major renovation required for installing wall insu-
lation. Thus, 80,000 households, representing 50%
of homes in Christchurch, are targeted for a new tion as a threat to health does not seem to raise
energy system to attain the WHO standard com- the same level of concern seen in other countries,
fort level with a low emissions heat source from most notably in America. In fact, the particulate
renewable energy. pollution data, shown in Figure 1, is often met
with skepticism about the scientific methods.
B. History
The history of the air pollution problem in C. Regional Energy System Model
Christchurch was discovered through city council The energy system model shown in Figure 2
archives. Citizens have been struggling with poor was used to describe the winter residential heat-
air quality for nearly one hundred years. There ing situation. The control for the system model is
have been numerous initiatives to regulate or ban the result of the cumulative decisions that people
solid fuel burning in the city, but each time public make to achieve their desired Quality of life. The
outcry has stymied the regulation. The most com- pollution problem is due to the people with wood
mon opposition to a ban on solid fuel burning is burning appliances deciding to purchase wood to
the perception that old and poor people will suf- provide the service of heating the home. This de-
fer. This is a moral position of concern for others, cision is made in the autumn, after which time fire
and does not tend to waver, even when contradic- operation is determinant. Current government
tory evidence is presented. There is also a strong regulations require the sale of dry fire wood and
aversion to regulation concerning what people do installation of accepted models of wood stoves.
in their own homes. These regulations cannot be correlated with any
The nature of the problem and the technical improvement in the air pollution problem. The
aspects of the solution have been well established Availability feedback is a plentiful supply of fire-
through previous work. The air pollution situa- wood and coal with a price range of 130- 300NZ
World Renewable Energy Congress VIII (WREC 2004). Copyright 2004. Published by Elsevier Ltd. Editor AAM Sayigh. 3

per cubic meter of wood. The Performance feed- to heat only the occupied part of the house re-
back is the warmth gained from the fire, regardless duces the effective heat load by about 30%. A
of energy efficiency. sustainable source of waste wood from local lum-
In the Christchurch Economy, wood is afford- ber plantations is sufficient to provide the energy
able to most households. People perceive elec- resource if the conversion efficiency was at least
tricity as terribly expensive (currently around 75%. Wood pellet stoves placed in every one of
0.15/kWh). We calculated the price per kWh the 80,000 target households would reduce over-
for several households for both wood and electric- all electricity and wood consumption, and result
ity. None of the people had perceived, prior to in clean air. The energy architecture can be de-
the calculations, that they were paying more for scribed by a massive injection of heating into the
wood than for electricity. Many people perceived existing built environment through wood pellet
the wood heat was “free”, probably because it was stoves. Figure 3 shows the 2008 Sustainable En-
paid for several months earlier. Hydropower pro- ergy Architecture.
vides 75% of the grid electricity, but the resource
has become critically low three of the last four E. Critical Change Factors
winters due to low rainfall. There is no reticu-
The critical factors for change involve primarily
lated natural gas supply in the city.
cultural, economic and technology factors. Even
The Built Environment is characterized by though many people rate winter air pollution as a
nearly 40% of homes having no or gravely inade- problem, the cultural factors all seem to present a
quate insulation. Although sub-zero weather con- resistance to change. An important factor in this
ditions are common in the winter months, and the is distaste for regulations about what people can
43o south latitude geographical location means do in their own homes. In general, the citizens of
low winter sun, nearly 95% of all homes are built Christchurch abide by council regulations and do
without central heating. Energy audits of several have concern for fellow citizens. We found no ev-
typical un-insulated homes gives a heating load on idence that low-income and elderly people repre-
frosty winter nights in the range of 15-30kW. sent a large, or even significant, number of homes
Research by the regional council has established that rely on open fires. However, there is a very
that 90% of the particulate pollution is due to do- common perception that banning open fires would
mestic heating. The pollution Impact is printed in disproportionately harm poor and elderly people.
the daily newspaper and is obvious to people go- Even people who did not use fires for heat were
ing outdoors. The dangerously high air pollution not inclined to accept a ban on other people using
occurs on nights with meteorological temperature them.
inversions, which often coincide with cold nights. Wood stove owners were found to be often un-
Public health analysis has estimated that at least aware of low emission combustion practices. Many
seventy deaths per year can be attributed to the were unwilling to take responsibility for the en-
high air pollution events. People with existing vironmental pollution they generate. The coun-
heart and lung ailments are the most susceptible cil has attempted voluntary “no-burn” nights and
to medical crisis brought on by air pollution. A public education campaigns but these have had no
majority of citizens surveyed reported curtailing measurable impact.
outdoor activities to avoid exposure.
Pressure for change in the decision to use wood
in fires and stoves seems unlikely to come from
D. Performance-Objective Energy Architecture
higher wood prices, as wood is abundant and per-
The required performance target (warm homes, ceived as low cost. Our survey indicated that the
clean air, healthy conditions) in reference to the initial capital cost of a pellet heating system would
objective (affordable, renewable and sustainable pose a large resistance to change, even though the
energy supply) was used to develop a energy archi- pellet fire is only marginally more expensive than
tecture solution. Although the heating loads nec- a an approved wood stove. Our survey of real
essary to achieve WHO standards in un-insulated estate agents showed that the heating system of
homes are very high, a widespread local custom the home would influence the market potential of
World Renewable Energy Congress VIII (WREC 2004). Copyright 2004. Published by Elsevier Ltd. Editor AAM Sayigh. 4

Social, Economic and Energy Architecture

Model Culture Fuel Prices Innovations

Environment Regulations Heater Costs Communication Systems
Values Income New Products
Education Investment System Control Strategies
Built Environment
Electric Grid, Plantation Wood Stoves, Heat
and Impacts Standard Wood Logs,
Forests, Lumber Mills, Pumps, Pellet Fires
Pellets, Electricity

CONTINUITY Availability Feedback (Fuel, Appliances)

Performance Feedback (Warm Homes)

Direct Effects IMPACTS

Lung Damage,
Electricity Shortage Pollution, Erosion, Species,
Natural Resource Extraction

Natural Environment

Fig. 2. The energy/environment/economy system model used in SACEES methodology, showing the role of the
performance-objective model in determining the necessary and critical system changes for development toward sustain-

Pine Lumber Waste Wood Retail and Home

Plantations Milling Processing Delivery Heating

700-1000 kg/year 2-25 kW Heat

per household 0.5-3.5 kg/hr
70,000 Homes
80-90% efficiency

Planting 70%
Pulverizing Delivery Route
Drying Billing
Packaging Emissions
0.1-1.5 g/hr

Fig. 3. The energy architecture for a sustainable system that delivers high quality of life for the residents of Christchurch,
New Zealand.
World Renewable Energy Congress VIII (WREC 2004). Copyright 2004. Published by Elsevier Ltd. Editor AAM Sayigh. 5

a property. They indicated that the “warmth” the company should set up a purchasing and sup-
and the moisture conditions of a home were sec- ply system that reduces capital outlay and spreads
ond only to location as top priorities for potential the fuel cost out over the year. We would sug-
home buyers. gest an arrangement similar to cable or satellite
Although the local people seem to embrace new service where a basic service is installed and regu-
technologies in other areas, like electronics and lar payments made automatically. The marketing
appliances, they were unfamiliar with the pellet should emphasize the modern and high technology
stove and not willing to trust that the pellet stove aspects of the pellet stoves, the convenience of use
would provide the same comfort or that the pel- and the high level of performance and comfort.
let fuel supply would remain reliable. The pellet
stove is a mature technology for high efficiency, II. Conclusion
convenient, low emission heat from waste wood. The SACEES methodology resulted in a solu-
It appears that if the pellet stove were to some- tion which has not been considered by the local
how become the “next big thing” that the rush to council. The measures called for in the strategy
acquire one could carry the evolution to the new have not been a part of the public debate sur-
energy architecture forward. rounding the issue. Given the strategic nature of
the solution and the plan for achieving it, and the
F. SACS Scenario fact that it was developed within the local eco-
nomic, social and historical context, the results
The sustainable system providing high qual-
of this study introduce an innovative and poten-
ity of life in 2008 could be realized through up-
tially successful solution to an old and persistent
take of wood pellet stoves to replace all wood
stoves and open coal and wood fires. The SACS
scenario is a strategic plan to bring about this
change, starting from summer, 2003. The imme-
diate necessary action is a ban on visible emissions Dr Susan Krumdieck has worked in en-
ergy engineering and renewable technology
from domestic chimneys. The ban would need development since the 1980’s. With Profes-
to be enforced strictly during temperature inver- sor B. Wood, she developed a theory mod-
sion episodes, and penalized with a fine. Just like eling the energy/environment/society as a
feedback control system. That work has led
speed cameras, a digital photo taken by the air to new and intriguing ideas in technology,
pollution officer would provide the evidence and a modeling, problem solving and the role of
engineering in the development of human-
ticket would be issued and sent to the residence, ity toward a sustainable destination.
along with information about pellet stoves. The
smoking ban would regulate the impact that peo-
ple have on their neighbors, rather than restricting
their ability to burn wood to keep warm. Thus, it
would fit with the local sentiment. The smoking
ban would also generate an effective pressure for
change as has been seen in North American cities
and towns.
The second strategic move would be to build
confidence in the pellet stove technology and par-
ticularly in the pellet fuel supply. This would
be accomplished by the regulatory agencies giving
clear support and approval of the technology, and
through financial backing of the industry. The
third important step would be a business invest-
ment in the pellet stove industry which includes
aggressive and inclusive marketing and financing.
Given the perceptions of appliance and fuel prices,

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