The Battle of Abrakan Scenario

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Je was at the city of Abra tht he fn et of this toy wast be plage cat. Sudin aught up with Vagus stil four Thousand song, and arived oa scene of espera stale. Didi he advice of ‘Abra’ elds, the Hashana ba aken ont othe Harari defends ad ed ‘hem w meet the Khuaish amar than Sheltering hein he soli lw of ‘Aan. Sucta stateyy would have served him well, ad is wror been as unyeing as his sense of selF impr or as fuecous a he enn AS the ‘overmatched Hara yee ground within ‘moments and thee general asain before ‘on, From my perch an hill atove the hutlefed, coal sce the Merchant Gat of Abakdn hoi fim about th led Everywhere else, unenainy nd despair were Isgining to sein and two dns Harari warns were onthe ih of ih ‘Saladin tly eared his kcendance tat dy. ‘Thougl tired othe bone, he dove his men ino the rear of Vangars's any ikea spent ‘Less than sity en, scared ad wor, fe tena he banner ofthe Serpent thr the ‘pds asa et down all wo ‘opposed the Hardrim. nse have Scemad sthough noting could ouch them. no row 0 spas sword Though fvermafce thi ary gaye then strength enh cay Sula to the very heart of the Khanh bore and before the ins himset-AsSuladan’s men enpaged ‘anaes bodyguard, the Serpent Loct fought the Khana ing. Though the stain was easily the beter sonsman of he Ro, Vangais sas fresh the bil Only will ot ron kept Susi nthe sae ‘of his steed. As bate raged abot the, the two men circle, cuting and paying aster than the eye ould perceive, The two ‘waged seem well mats, the Sespent Lox’ sil and speed bioming sl vpon the layer eo pits of his foe's armor twas ‘nly when Saad’ steel was ssi, speared. by one of Vangarss men, ht the contest toned As Sulain rose up rom the dust of the ati his lad it Joep i he Kans king’ side and sliced up beeen the osertpping plates of armor. With acy of pu, Vangacis thle fom is sade and Sprain the dat. Wiaded by the fallen king was helpless before Suli’s Yegefl strike. Quick beyond belie he ‘hifi’ lade lnced dows through the olden masks eye leo end the eof the Knish king. In at moment, it seemed 38 though ll eyes ‘on the bled tured wo where Suan Stood victorious. Fora moment, there was silo as histry began a shape set into a ow course, Then the Kling began once mor With the death of Wagar the ie bad turned andthe Hit went out of the hands army Al across the bated he Khands began to reel rs by ones en twos and then by whole companies. Within mints, the entice army wan ful ight and ua pursued with vergence by those 9h ‘ud expected noting but dees. Inthe years after various ris have surfaced to explain the scope ofthe victory that day. Some lain hat ch of he Khansh amy was composed of mercenaries ‘vo were bought by the wealth of the elders of Abrkin and who changed sides partway though the battle. ters speak ofthe valiant lows of various Hardin chiens that, ‘nen een as pat the lr tapestry of fat, brought victory that day. One tale even Suggests ht although Vangsis was killed at the height ofthe bale, Sulu ae mot ‘responsible, and it was fat be oF the isha who sew the Kanda king AI «ans, without dou contain that saw none ofthese ings and tha the ctr that day belonged fone man, ob6 who may yet ease great goo! oil im the SCENARIO: THE BATTLE OF ABRAKAN te of Hard iso be desided om the Pais of Abrakan. Two thousand ‘Harri wariors ate rare o mest he ‘hupdish horde bale an amy twice thoi. AS the tide tye aint the sons ft Hand, they begin to rere Though ll Seems ost he Khanh victory so ert, Even on field of ss thossand ‘arorne man can make a diferece PARTICIPANTS: GOOD * Sula, the Serpent Lond + Guthrie (Chitin of Hara) {FI Warrior of Hara with spears #12 Warrior of Hara with bows +6 Haran Raiders with lances 16 Hara Raider EVIL + Vangaes se the King of Men proie) +2 Khandish Chiefine 4 Wars of Khand ih shies 4 Waris of Khaad with bows 4 Warts of Kham ith “howig spears and shies +12 Khandish Raiders ‘Use he profiles for Cops and Wario of Rohan you don't want co comsert Imad seas Rhanlsh Warriors, yu ‘an substi Rohan profes sted. LAYOUT ‘his scenario i plased om a board 48/112 ‘nx 48°12 cm. The sume takes place on {he fields outside Abra ad thus should ‘be atmotly Mat plain broken by occasional hills ti ores. STARTING. POSITIONS The Good player eploys his force [etelaing Sula and the Harari Raider) Within 6/14 em of ene ward edge The Evil Playecthen places his Force within 6"714.em of the appt ord ‘age. Sada and the Harari Raiders are Aeplto one side an ‘may become availabe ater the game OBJECTIVES “The Evil player wine be reduces the Good side 19 25% or less ot {s stantng numbers 48112. Good Deployment “The Good player wis ifthe il ie ros 80% of is stating urbers and Vang Slain both conditions are Inet inthe sme ir, the sane is date SPECIAL RULES From thes tm ‘nar at th taro each of his Move Piss, the Goal player ay ol Dé, On the roll of, te Evil moe tht were not deployed a the stat a he gare may nove ‘onto he board fom any edge hey mst al ative along the sae edge). Newly ave WuTDem models may not charge onthe tm they ave bur may otherwise tt nora POINTS MATCH ‘To play this scenario with ifferent forces, ‘mpl choose ro forces of romp equal points value. Neither side may arm nor {han half fits warriors wth bots, The rina expensive made onthe Evil ve takes the oe of Ving,

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