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Foundation of Literary Theory & Criticism

BS English 5th (A-B)

Assignment 01 for Fall 2020
Total Marks = 10
Qurtuba University of Science & IT, Peshawar

Name : Class :

Section: Semester :


Please read the following instructions carefully before attempting

 Assignment 01 covers week # 1 to week # 7/8.

 Last date for submission of Assignment is January 10th, 2021.

 Make sure that you upload the assignment file before due date.
Assignment Submit Button will be disabled after due date.
 No assignment file will be accepted through e-mail (Gmail, Hotmail,
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 Cheating or copying is strictly prohibited; No credit will be given to
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 No assignment file will be replaced, once uploaded on LMS under any
condition after due date.
 Assignment should be in 12 fonts and Times new roman/Arial.
 Assignment should be précised and relevant to the question.
 No assignment file will be accepted after due date.


This assignment is designed to help you understand:

 Plato’s and Aristotle’s criticism on literature.

Assignment Question:
Q.1 Discuss Plato’s charge against poetry on different grounds, and also
discuss Aristotle’s defense.

Q.2 Write the summary of the Poetics. Also give headings to important
Q.3 Discuss Aristotelian tragedy in detail.

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