Gr.10 Health: Unit 1 Selection and Evaluation of Health Information, Products, and Service

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UNIT 1: Selection and Evaluation of Health

Information, Products, and Services

Table of Contents

Introduction 2

Lesson 1: Reliable and Unreliable Health Information, Products, and Services 4

Learning Targets 4

Health Check 4

Learn about It! 6

Check Your Understanding 12

Health Care 13

Pro-health Challenge 14

Self-Check 16

Bibliography 17

Glossary 18


Selection and Evaluation of Health Information, Products, and Service

Fig. 1 . Consulting a doctor.


Checking your health status is very important as it informs you about your condition. Some people who
feel something unusual about themselves consult a doctor to be checked whilesome would directly use
the internet and do their research about their feelings.Everyone has their own ways of doing a health
check, but each must become aware that theinformation and pieces of advice that you can get from a
person or reading could affect youpositively or negatively.


1 What are health informations?

- health information is the person’s medical history, to know his or her previous medications or sickness.

2. What are health products?

- health products are the products that make you healthy like vitamins or some herbal drinks.

3. What is a health service?

- health service is a service that provides medical care like in the hospitals or clinics.

4. What makes information, a product and service reliable and unreliable?

- it is reliable because you may know what is wrong with your body, if you are healthy or not. Then with
the medicine it can heal the sickness that you have or it may lessen the pain then the health services can
help you with the sickness you have. Like if you are admitted to the hospital, the nurses and the doctors
will check you regularly if your fine or not. Then sometimes some information, a product and service is
unreliable because the doctor might give you the fake information or the medicine that he prescribe is so
high in dosage. Then some hospitals services are not so good like the food or like how other nurses and
doctors treat patients that are not on private rooms or to those who are poor.

5. How do we check if the sources are reliable?

- we can look at the doctor’s prescription is it is really reliable with the help of the information in the
internet .

6. Why is it important to check reliable sources?

- it is important to check reliable sources to prevent taking toxic or a medicine with high dosage.


Lesson 1: Reliable and Unreliable Health

Information, Products, and Services

Learning Targets

In this lesson, you should be able to:

● differentiate reliable from unreliable health information, products, and services ;and

● explain the guidelines and criteria in the selection and evaluation of health information, products, and

Health Check
Fake Vs. Real

There are different stuff sold that you’ll see both in the mall and at tiangges . You will notice that these
items almost look the same, but the prices are very different. List down products that you can find in
tiangges that look original but are absolutely fake. Enumerate the similarities and the differences you
have observed.

Guide Questions:

1. What are the similarities and differences in most of the items you have observed?

2. What is your basis in checking?

3. How do you classify the real ones from the fakes ones?


Learn about It!

Whenever a person feels sick, people around him cansay their own opinions on why that person is feeling

what he needs to do, etc. A person can do his research and read something that is close to what he is

Some might be true and some might not.


Health Information is a piece of advice or a concept that any sources could give to a person

about his/her health status. A person could get the help that sometimes would encourage

them to buy and avail products and services related to his/her health condition.

Health products are any substances like food, medicines, creams, and vaccines that are

used to certain conditions.

Health services are programs that help people about their

health care through treatments and prevention of different diseases.

However, you must be aware that everything that you hear and read will affect your health.

There are ways to define reliable sources from unreliable sources that could help us
differentiate them and know the guidelines in searching for pieces of information, products,

and services.


1. Check the sources and writer of the information

- Knowing who wrote the article that you read on the internet or any paper willhelp if the information that
you will get is reliable or not. It is essential that thesource is clearly stated and checked by medical

- There are websites where people can give their own opinions on a particularmatter. These sites are
unreliable because the sources of information about products and services are unknown.

- Published papers with unknown writers could also make the statements written there unreliable.


2. Updated information

- As pieces of information could change from time to time, updated data wouldbe classified as a reliable
source than the old news.

- Usually, updated information have old copies written before which you can check for validity.

- Additionally, you can always check the date of the information you are reading.

3. People

- Consulting a doctor would always be the best than approaching someone who doesn’t have enough
knowledge with medical concerns. Anyone can give their bits of advice which you don’t know where it
comes from. However, doctors, who studied and practiced different medical concerns, have more precise
andaccurate statements that you can get.

Fig. 2. Sources of Information



1. Licensed Professionals

- Medically professional licensed people are reliable sources for the checking of quality and effect of
products to be used on health matters. They can validate and give clear explanations of the products.
- Anyone could read information and give their opinions about medications; however, clear and scientific
facts about the products are less reliable as they could have stated something they know personally.

2. Registered Drug Stores

- Purchasing any medications are more reliable if bought from drug stores who are endorsed by doctors.
The drugs sold have undergone quality and effectiveness check.

- Medicines can be bought online on websites and even through social media. Always do a thorough
inspection if the products are validated and registered by health professionals. As some people can
create their medications which they think are effective but haven’t been check by someone professional.

Fig. 3. You can find pharmacies almost everywhere



1. Health Professionals

- All registered physicians have the right to provide medical diagnosis, treatments, and prescriptions as
they have studied and practiced ways to treat people with medical concerns.

- Any registered physicians can conduct tests and prescribe medications to patients.

2. Health Facilities

- Hospitals, walk-in surgery centers, and health centers are the facilities you can visit for any health
concerns. These institutions must be registered by the government and must have licensed to operate.

- Hospitals and even small clinics must have enough equipment to treat patients.

- Be mindful of small clinics within your community. The people facilitating there must have a license, and
the clinic itself should be registered.

3. Health Insurance

- Some people offer and encourage others to avail health insurance from them, giving them guarantees of
the financial agreement between the insurance company and the person who availed the insurance.

- Reliable sources of health insurance are connected to different facilities.

- Always check the name of the insurance for validity.

- The guarantor must have a validated identification card from the company for insured agreements.

P8Fig. 4. Health service - PhilHealth

It’s always best to check the validation of the information, products, and services that youget. It’s okay to
ask the

experts in the field for the validation as you don’t want to risk your health.

Registration and licensed numbers are evidence that will make specific information, product, and service


It’s always best to check the validation of the information, products, and services that you get. It’s okay to
ask the experts in the field for the validation as you don’t want to risk your health. Registration and
licensed numbers are evidence that will make specific information, product, and service reliable.



Are the information you get from the internet reliable or unreliable? Why?


Check Your Understanding

A. Write true if the statement is correct, otherwise, write false.

1. Reliable sources have updated information.

2. The opinions of other people are reliable.

3. Small clinics do not need to have a license to operate.

4. Professional doctors could give reliable information regarding your health status.

5. Always avail medicines on reliable stores like Mercury Drug.

B. Put a check ( ✓ ) if an information, a product or a service comes from a reliable source,

then put a cross ( x ) if it does not.

1. Your neighbor’s suggestion of medicines for flu.

2. Unknown medicines given in the mall.

3. A physician giving a prescription for your illness.

4. Availing insurance from a person with an insurance company ID.

5. Going to government hospitals.


Health Care

Fact or Opinion

Different medical statements could be heard and read everywhere. Some of it can be reliable and true
while some are not. Being mindful of these statements could help us keep our health status on the right


● internet ● laptop ● paper● pen


1. Research of medical statements.

2. Make a list of medical statements that you know or see on the internet.

3. Analyze if the statements are stating a fact or not.

4. Be ready to share it in class.

Guide Questions:

1. What are the medical statements that are new to you?

2. Where did you get the medical statements that you listed?

3. How did you classify if it’s a fact or an opinion?

4. Why do we need to be aware of the validation of the statements that we get?


Pro-health Challenge

Reliable Sources

Learning the characteristics and evaluation of information, products, and services whetherthey are
reliable or not could help everyone to be aware of the medications that they get for themselves. With your
group, write as many as you can, the reliable sources of information, products, and services that could
raise awareness and help other people.

Criteria Beginning Developing Accomplished Score

(0-12 points) (13-16 (17-20 points)
Content Content is Content is Content is
G (Focus on not complete complete and
E details/events are complete but not clear.
N clearly evident; it and not clear.
E is clearly clear.
R related to the
A topic.)
L Language Explanation Explanation Explanation is
(spelling, is not clear. needs more well and clear.
mechanics, Explanation improvement.
grammar and needs more
usage improvement.
Explanation is
well and clear.


Key Guide Question

Why is it important that the sources that we get are reliable?

Reflective Questions

1. What is health information? 2. What is a health product?

3. What are health services? 4. How do you classify whether the sources are
reliable or not?

5. Why is it important to have reliable sources? 6. How do unreliable sources affect us?




I can identify health
information, product
and service.
I can classify the
differences of
and unreliable
I can describe the
importance of
products and
from reliable


I find __________________________ the most interesting because ______________________.

I got ____ checks because _______________________________________________________.
I need to improve on _______________________because _____________________________.
I need to practice _________________________ because _____________________________.
I plan to _____________________________________________________________________ .

Wrap UP


Sources and Professional Licensed Professionals Health Professionals
Updated Information Registered Drug Stores Health Facilities
Professional Doctors Health Insurance
As a teenager, being mindful with reliable sources could keep the health status on the right track.



ResearchGate. “Guide to Monitoring and Evaluating Health Information Products and



SlideShare. “Unit 1: Consumer Health.”

health-10-learning-material-49072132 “Health Information on the Web: Finding Reliable Information.”

Accessed last January 4, 2018.

Management Sciences for Health. “Guide to Monitoring and Evaluating Health Information

Products and Services.”



Health Information refers to an advice or a concept that any sources could give to a person

about his/her health status.

Health Products refer to any substances like food, medicines, creams, and vaccines that are

used to certain conditions.

Health services refer to programs that help people about their health care through

treatments and prevention of different diseases.


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