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Indian Journal of Public Health Research & Development, March 2020, Vol. 11, No.

03  2131

The Correlation of Dental Caries with Parents Education

Science Level at Ar-Rahmah Islamic Elementary School
Tamalanrea Makassar, South Sulawesi

Mislia1, Lilies Anggarwati Astuti2,3

Faculty of Education Science, University of Pejuang Republic Indonesia, Makassar, Indonesia, 2Department
of Periodontology, Faculty of Dentistry, University of Muslim Indonesia, Makassar, Indonesia, 3Dentistry Study
Program, Faculty of Medicine, University of Mulawarman, East Kalimantan, Indonesia

Introduction: Common dental diseases or disorders are dental caries. The initial cause of dental caries
is plaque. Plaque is a soft layer composed by a group of microorganisms that multiply in a matrix that is
formed and attached to the surface of the uncleaned tooth. The problem of dental caries in Indonesia is
still a problem that needs attention. The results of research that have been done, obtained almost 80% of
the population in Indonesia suffer dental caries and children who suffer caries is about 90%.Childhood is
the beginning of behavior formation. Not surprisingly, they are quite susceptible to experience in health
status changes, including dental health. Therefore, dental health maintenance in children should involve the
interaction of various parties, in which case the child itself, parents, and doctors. The knowledge, attitudes,
and behavior of all these components affect the dental health status of the child. In children, the influence of
parents is very strong. Attitudes and behavior of parents, especially mothers, in dental care gives a significant
effect on the attitudes and behavior of children.

Objectives: To see the relationship between prevalence of dental caries at SDIT Ar-Rahmah Tamalanrea
with parents education level.

Research Method: A total of 301 students of SDIT Ar-Rahmah were involved in this study with sampling
method, by total sampling.

Result:The percentage of dental caries cases by children’s age are at 11 years old is 2.71%, the largest
percentage of children’s dental caries cases by gender are female of 0.73%, the largest percentage of dental
caries cases based on the parents occupation are in children whose their parents work as imam mosque
and others of 100%, the largest percentage of dental caries cases based on the parents education level is in
children whose their parents had non-bachelor education level of 1.92%.

Conclusion: The magnitude of correlation between prevalence of children dental caries with parent education
level at SDIT Ar-Rahmah Tamalanrea is 0,046 with significance about 0,358. This shows that there is no
correlation between prevalence of children dental caries with parental education level.

Keywords:  Prevalence, dental caries, parents education level

Corresponding Author:
Dr. Lilies Anggarwati Astuti
Department of Periodontology, Faculty of Dentistry, Common dental diseases or disorders are dental
University of Muslim Indonesia, Pajonga Dg Ngalle St caries. The initial cause of dental caries is plaque. Plaque
no.27,Makassar,Indonesia is a soft layer composed by a group of microorganisms
ORCID: that multiply in a matrix that is formed and attached
e-mail: to the surface of the uncleaned tooth. The results of
2132  Indian Journal of Public Health Research & Development, March 2020, Vol. 11, No. 03
research that have been done, obtained almost 80% of the age. This is also a proof of the lack of public behavior
population in Indonesia suffer dental caries and children awareness to maintain oral health.11,12, 13
who suffer caries is about 90%. Generally, school-age
children like to consume sweet foods and beverages that At least 90% of children have experienced dental
generally contain sucrose sugar type, which is one of the caries problems since the age of five due to bottle-
factors that cause dental caries.1 feeding behavior in late childhood, food consumed,
and the wrong brushing technique. As many as 90%
Dental caries is an infectious disease that damages of Indonesian children (ages 0-16 years) suffer from
tooth structure. These diseases cause tooth cavities Dental dental caries. Children who experience dental caries
caries is spread around the world, where the disease can easily experience abnormal tooth growth, for example,
not be healed by itself. Dental caries can be inhibited only protruded teeth. Not only that, dental caries can also
by good filling. The structure of tooth elements and the make teeth easy to fall out prematurely.15,14
factors that affect the occurrence of caries teeth should
be known, if we want to know how the process of dental The tooth cavity is the place where millions of
caries.Dental caries can be experienced by everyone and bacteria enter the blood vessels can cause the spread of
can occur on one or more teeth surfaces and may extend bacteria and toxins that cause infections in other body
to the deeper parts of the tooth, for example from enamel parts such as the respiratory tract, heart, sepsis and
to dentin or to the pulp.2,3,4 brain.16

In addition to the four factors associated with caries Based on caries stage (Depth of Dental Caries)11
above, there are also external risk factors such as age, a. Superficialis Caries
gender, education level, economic level, environment,
b. Media Caries
attitudes and behaviors related to dental health. In the
field of dental health many theories prove that behavioral c. Profunda Caries
science is often ignored and that is a mistake.5.6

Childhood is the beginning of behavior formation.

Not surprisingly, they are quite susceptible to experience
in health status changes, including dental health.
Therefore, dental health maintenance in children should
involve the interaction of various parties, in which case
the child itself, parents, and doctors. The knowledge,
attitudes, and behavior of all these components affect
the dental health status of the child.7,8

In modern humans that living in industrialized

societies, caries is common but caries frequency differs
in each country and among individu within the country
itself. The prevalence of caries in children in developing
countries is increasing rapidly.9, 10
Figure 1: Caries Stadium: (1) superficial caries,
Dental caries of Indonesian children, especially (2) media caries, (3) Profunda caries stage I, (4)
toddlers, is very apprehensive.Nearly nine out of ten Profunda caries stage II, (5) caries profunda
children suffered caries with seven of the 20 damaged stage III. Source: Available from: halim87dentist.
teeth. The result of SKRT which states dental caries in Accessed on: 30/10/2009.
children is a serious problem in oral health in Indonesia
with prevalence up to 90,05%, especially at school Etiology of Caries: The theory of caries etiology
develops with the development of medical science.10
Indian Journal of Public Health Research & Development, March 2020, Vol. 11, No. 03  2133

examination in dentist is still low. There are no

relationship between the role of health officer and sport
teacher with students’ toothbrushing behavior. Parents
role has a correlation with the dental caries experience
status, periodontal status and students oral hygiene.21

Objectives; Based on explanation above, the

authors are interested to conduct research about “The
Relationship Between Prevalence of Children Dental
Caries in SDIT Ar-Rahmah Tamalanrea with Parents
Occupation and Education Level“.

Research Method
Source: Available from:
cariesdentalcirc.gif Accessed on: 30/10/2009. This research type is observational analytic. The
sample of this research is all students of SDIT Ar-
Figure 2: Scheme of dental caries Rahmah Tamalanrea Makassar about 300 students.
First, socialization to the school concerned, principals
Individual awareness, attitudes and behavior
and teachers about the intent and purpose of research
to wards dental health: Dental and oral health issues
conducted in the school. Take the names of all the
are closely related to social, psychological, cultural and
students at SDIT Ar-Rahmah Tamalanrea. Calling
economic factors. The character of the social structure
the students one by one then record the full name,
and individual status in social status has a role to play
age, gender, parent’s occupation, and fill the table
as a symptom is shown and overcome . Since dental and
containing the child’s teeth status by performing dental
oral problems are not a life-threatening problem, they
examinations that have caries on all teeth of the child.
are often ignored so it is important to provide a better
After all data has been recorded, then process the data
understanding to the individual about how dental and
by calculating the total data from each type of data based
oral health should be perceived.17,18
on age, gender, type of parent’s occupation, and parent
The prevention and control of caries: Prevention education level.
of dental caries from an early age is an absolute thing,
which means must be aware of the initial symptoms, Results
such the emergence of invisible small holes like the Based on the data of the research conducted on
chalk on the surface of the tooth. Every time we eat, all the students of class I to VI in SDIT Ar-Rahmah
food remnants and bacteria form an acidic substance that Tamalanrea Makassar about 300 children, while n in
can dissolve minerals in tooth enamel and form a small, the table is the number of children x the total number
invisible hole.19 of teeth examined in each child, to know prevalence of
Parent Role: Parents role in the supervision dental caries in children, then the presentation of the
of brushing teeth and bringing the child for tooth data can be seen in the table and the following graph.

Table 1: Prevalence of Children Dental Caries Based on Student’s Age

D M F DMF-T Normal
Age N
Total % Total % Total % Total % Total %
6 14476 282 1.95 47 0.33 0 0 329 2.27 14147 97.73
7 20822 266 1.28 82 0.39 11 0.05 359 1.72 20463 98.28
8 11872 153 1.29 64 0.54 7 0.06 224 1.89 11648 98.11
9 12087 189 1.56 30 0.25 18 0.15 237 1.96 11850 98.04
10 10203 132 1.29 38 0.37 9 0.09 179 1.75 10024 98.25
11 3108 54 1.74 27 0.87 3 0.09 84 2.71 3024 97.29
Total 72568 1076 1.48 288 0.39 48 0.07 1412 1.95 71156 98.05
2134  Indian Journal of Public Health Research & Development, March 2020, Vol. 11, No. 03
Based on the table above can be seen that DMF-T years (1.75%), 37 children aged 11 years (2.71%).While
in children examined about 300 children by age then normal aged 6 year (97.73%), aged 7 years (98.28%),
there were 44 children aged 6 years (2.27%), 58 children aged 8 years old (98.11%), aged 9 years (98.04%), aged
aged 7 years (1.72%), 53 children aged 8 years (1.89%), 10 years (98.25%), aged 11 years (97.29%).
51 children aged 9 years (1.96%), 57 children aged 10

Table 2: Prevalence of Dental Caries by Gender

D M F DMF-T Normal
Gender N
Total % Total % Total % Total % Total %
Male 125999 604 0.48 149 0.12 20 0.02 773 0.61 125226 99.39
Female 87680 472 0.54 139 0.16 29 0.03 640 0.73 87040 99.27
Total 213679 1076 0.51 288 0.14 49 0.02 1413 0.66 212266 99.34

Based on the table above can be seen that DMF-T and 137 children with female gender (0.73%).While in
in children examined about 300 children by gender normal, boys were (99,39%) and girls were (99.27%).
then there were 163 children with male gender (0.61%)

Table 3: Prevalence of Dental Caries by Occupation Type of Parents

D M F DMF-T Normal
Code N
Total % Total % Total % Total % Total %
1 219438 752 0.34 208 0.09 42 0.02 1002 0.46 218436 99.54
2 3875 100 2.58 16 0.41 9 0.23 125 3.23 3750 96.77
3 9600 192 2 46 0.48 2 0.02 240 2.5 9360 97.5
4 150 20 13.33 10 6.67 0 0 30 20 120 80
5 100 12 12 8 8 0 0 20 20 80 80
Total 233163 1076 0.46 288 0.13 53 0.02 1417 0.61 231746 99.39

Information: Based on the table above can be seen that DMF-T

1. Civil Servants: Lecturers, teachers, government in children examined about 300 children based on the
officials, doctors. occupation type of parents then there were 219 children
(0.46%), private were 31 children (3.23%), self-employed
2. Private: Private employees.
were 40 children (2.5 %), police were 5 children (20%),
3. Self-Employed: Merchants, entrepreneurs, soldiers were 5 children (20%).While in normal children
bricklayers, construction workers. who work as civil servants were 99.54%, private were
4. Police: Police 96.77%, self-employed were 97.50%, police were 80%,
soldiers were 80%. It can be seen in the following graph.
5. TNI: Army/TNI

Table 4: Prevalence of Dental Caries Based on Parents Education Level

Parents D M F DMF-T Normal

Education Level Total % Total % Total % Total % Total %
Bachelor 287928 871 0.31 242 0.08 48 0.02 1161 0.41 286767 99.59
Non-Bachelor 13312 205 1.54 46 0.35 5 0.04 256 1.92 13056 98.08
Total 301240 1076 0.36 288 0.09 53 0.02 1417 0.47 299823 99.53
Indian Journal of Public Health Research & Development, March 2020, Vol. 11, No. 03  2135
In the prevalence of children’s dental caries by bachelor education level was 1.92%, where the decay is
parents education level, then the lowest percentage in 1.54%, missing 0.35% and filling 0.04%.This indicates
248 children with bachelor education level was 0.41%, that the higher the educational level like bachelor the
which decay 0.31%, missing 0.08%, and filling 0.02%. lower percentage of dental caries in the school. It can be
The largest percentage of the 52 children with non- seen in the following graph.

Table 5: Relationship between Prevalence of Dental Caries Based on Parents Education Level

Prevalence of Dental caries Level of Parent Education
Pearson Correlation 1,000 .048
Prevalence of Dental caries Sig. (2-tailed) .410
N 300,000 300
Level of Parent Education Pearson Correlation .048 1,000
Sig. (2-tailed) .410
N 300 300,000

From the correlation test conducted between the dental caries in children with parent’s education
prevalence of dental caries with parents’ education level level on SDIT Ar-Rahmah Tamalanrea is 0,048 with
at SDIT Ar-Rahmah Tamalanrea we obtained value of significance of 0.410. This shows that there is no
0.048 with significance of 0.410. These values indicate correlation between prevalence of children’s dental
that there is no correlation between the prevalence of caries with parental education level.
dental caries and parents’ education level.
Conflict of Interest: The authors declare that they
have no conflict of interest.
From the results of conducted research on all students Source of founding: this paper is supported by self.
of SDIT Ar-Rahmah Tamalanrea Makassar from class I
Ethical Clearance: Author was taken ethical
to VI as many as 300 students can be concluded hat:
clearance from Education Science Committee.
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