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White Paper – Pharma Software

How an MES
your business
Remote services and digital
manufacturing keep your pharma &
biotech operations running
What is a
Manufacturing Execution
Systems (MES) enable the
MES provide strategic resilience
integrated, detailed, real-time through flexibility and digitization
control of a manufacturing
process. They act as the
central connecting platform
Business continuity relies on resil- “strategic resilience”: the capacity to
between ERP and process
ience: the ability to successfully deal anticipate and adjust, to react quickly
control systems (SCADA, DCS).
with crisis situations like COVID-19, to to changing conditions, to turn threats
MES in pharma and biotech
keep core manufacturing and sup- into opportunities and to seize those
introduce electronic batch
portive business processes alive and opportunities – in due time, but not in
recording to the
to adapt to new, threatening environ- crisis mode.
pharmaceutical production.
mental changes. Pharmaceutical and
They take care of batch
biotech manufacturers who invest In this context, Manufacturing Execu-
execution and GMP-compliant
in their resilience gain a competitive tion Systems (MES) play a pivotal role
documentation of every
advantage over organizations that are and prove to be true game changers.
process step.
less prepared for unforeseen events. By digitizing production processes,
MES provide the basis for the
Resilience does not only mean necessary flexible process design and
enduring sudden crisis situations. adaptation, for automated real-time
Threatening change tends to unfold production and quality control,
much more slowly, like an emerging and for fast and informed decision-­
major competitor, shortage of skilled making – ensuring GMP-compliant
workers or even global warming. True production processes from clinical
resilience, in a business context, is trial to commercial manufacturing.

2 Pharma Software
reasons to
for MES
MES enable the integrated, real-time control and documentation
of pharmaceutical and biopharmaceutical production processes. This
saves time and effort, and it avoids risk in your factory.

MES speeds up MES enables MES boosts MES improves MES safeguards
time-to-market digitization efficiency quality compliance

save time save effort avoid risk

MES & Business Continuity 3

Enabling remote operations
Moreover, digitization not only creates
the basis for automation and Pharma
4.0TM, but also enables remote opera-
tions and services in a crisis situation.
The online services offered by an MES
allow a large part of the workforce
to work remotely and access data
from home. For example, Master
Batch Records (MBRs) can be de-
signed, reviewed, tested, verified and
approved in a completely remote way.
Electronic equipment logbooks are
accessible from home. Furthermore,
executed batch records can also be
reviewed and approved remotely by
production personnel and quality
professionals from homeoffice using
electronic signatures.

In the case of self-inspections or

health authority audits, batch records
can be quickly accessed in electronic
format and presented remotely. It is no
longer necessary to waste time
searching for indexed paper records in
physical archives to find specific
documents that inspectors ask for.

Pharma 4.0TM automation concepts

even enable “lights-out manufactur-
ing” minimizing the on-site presence
of operators. In this case, the orches-
tration of production is managed auto-
matically by the MES – including
regulatory documentation.

As a matter of course, the MES itself

can also be maintained remotely –
from implementation to on-going

MES as a service: remote delivery of

manufacturing IT
With MES as a service dedicated
providers bring their MES into the
cloud. Rather than setting up

4 Pharma Software
What is
Pharma 4.0TM
With Pharma 4.0TM, the focus is
no longer on pharma
production according to fixed
specifications. It is more about
an intelligent and networked
i­nfrastructure locally, pharma and In an MES, critical batch status
system for real-time
biotech manufacturers can turn this ­information is available anytime and
monitoring, simulation and
time-consuming responsibility over to anywhere – with just one click.
control of manufacturing
the remote MES supplier. The produc- ­C ontinued Process Verification (CPV)
processes. The basis of all
tion data is stored in a dedicated data as well as Ongoing Process
processes is data from
center. Pharma companies can thus ­Verification (OPV) enable digital
interconnected systems. With
focus on their core business – manu- transparency and real-time process
a high-tech system, the
facturing vital, often life-saving control. Moreover, the analysis of the
manufacturing processes can
pharmaceutical products. available production data provides
constantly adapt themselves
valuable insights and allows for near
and offer a high degree of
MES as a service is a good choice for real-time decision support – even
automation. MES is a
pharma and biotech companies that remotely. Weak points can be
prerequisite for implementing
are currently unable to implement an ­identified and problems can be
various Pharma 4.0TM solutions.
MES – for instance, because access to avoided in advance.
the facility is limited or because they
don’t have any production-grade IT Increasing process efficiency and
infrastructure in place. If they are more flexibility
price sensitive, a subscription-based Flexible business processes enable
license model might be helpful. rapid adaptation to changing circum-
stances. MES increase process
Offering remote visibility to flexibility in various ways, for example
processes at a fingertip with regard to supply chains, process
With paper-based processes, it is not design, scheduling and execution,
possible to monitor workflows, detect resource management and allocation,
errors, integrate and share information or workforce mobility. At the same
in real time and ensure data integrity time, MES reduce dependencies by
at all times. This makes it difficult making process knowledge available
to react promptly and appropriately in to everyone. Operators or quality
a crisis situation when certain informa- professionals can use online reposito-
tion is needed quickly and access ries of all relevant data, e. g., for batch
to premises may be hindered. record release.

MES & Business Continuity 5

MES is the backbone of production and a prerequisite for Pharma 4.0TM

Level 4

SAP Certified
Integration with SAP
ERP Applications

Based on
Level 3 ANSI/ISA 95 Standard



Based on
Level 0-2 ANSI/ISA 88 Standard

DCS Systems Historian SCADA Systems

Using MES, business processes Doing things right the first time on knowledge management around the
ultimately become more efficient. the shop floor by giving clear, robust control strategy, starting in-process
Previous paper-based business and intuitive operator instructions in development for the drug substance
processes are not just replicated MES, product throughput times and the drug product via clinical
into an IT application and made can be significantly optimized and trials up to technology transfer and
digitally available. Instead, these ­potential write-offs may be avoided. commercialization. No knowledge
processes and the relevant docu- Furthermore, a high MES utilization from earlier stages will be lost
mentation are thoroughly reviewed, on the shop floor positively impacts because the manufacturing control
streamlined and may be harmonized quality performance such as the On strategy is preserved in the electron-
to a high extent. This includes Time Batch Approval by faster batch ic MBRs which are developed step-
process and equipment Standard record approvals (review by excep- by-step to commercial maturity.
Operating Procedures (SOPs), tion), the Batch Right First Time Rate Manufacturers can further shorten
quality ­documents, forms and paper by robust process execution, and the time to market by identifying specific
sheets. Automated checks of reduction of product backlogs by MES functions that directly address
process steps and sequences, avoiding or detecting exceptions on their biggest pain points. The right
­electronic formulas and calculations, the spot. Also, supply chain metrics MES allows companies introducing it
automated assignment of process like the On Time In Full (OTIF), invento- to start with one or a few functions
data to process events, electronic ry levels, and stock-out rates may be and expand the system later: “start
attachments from sub-processes, positively affected by a high MES small, scale up later” ensures the
reduction of overall manual entries utilization. fastest time to value.
(i.e., date and time stamps), and
review by exception are just some of Speeding up time to market Safeguarding regulatory & patient
the evident examples that leverage Strategic resilience is as much about quality expectations
process efficiency with MES. In mitigating the impact of crisis Especially when it is necessary to
addition, manufacturing and quality ­situations – such as the COVID-19 react quickly to increased demand,
data is permanently examined by the pandemic – as it is about seizing the effective quality assurance is essen-
MES for critical process exceptions. ­opportunities they present. Time to tial. Insufficient quality increases
Deviations, e. g. out-­of-spec produc- market is crucial here. production costs and prevents
tion parameters, are automatically on-time delivery. According to the
detected; only then, manual reviews MES shorten time to market by FDA, quality issues account for two
are necessary. providing end-to-end, integrated thirds of drug shortages in the U.S.

6 Pharma Software
Crucial building
block for your
The MES helps to ensure compliance Processes depending on paperwork
An MES is only one building with the International Council require the physical presence of
block for effective business of ­Harmonization (ICH) quality documents, available storage capaci-
continuity management – but ­guidelines, FDA, EMA and cGMP ties, record management systems and
a decisive one. Therefore, it quality assurance regulations by people who handle them. Moreover,
must, of course, be effectively guiding the operator through ap- they have a high data integrity risk.
protected against failures. proved process steps. It thus reduces This slows down processes, increases
Modern MES systems are able repetitive human errors and provides the probability of human error or total
to meet high-availability real-time control of Critical Process loss of a batch record, and impairs
requirements. They also offer Parameters (CPPs) by accurate production quality and compliance.
functions for constant remote decision-making based on precisely Digital processes, by contrast, are not
monitoring, system health captured shop floor data to control only faster, but they can also be
checks, and improvement. the Critical Quality Attributes (CQAs) monitored and controlled remotely
during quality-critical process and much more efficiently.

Digitizing manufacturing processes

One of the lessons learned from the
COVID-19 crisis is that many pharma-
ceutical and biotech manufacturers
must replace paper-based processes
in their process development, launch
and production facilities with digital
processes which have built-in princi-
ples of process data lifecycle data
integrity. MES enable the digitization
of production-related processes, thus
greatly increasing process transpar-
ency, flexibility and speed.

MES & Business Continuity 7

We have you covered,
always and everywhere
With local pharma software experts around the world we support
you wherever your business is located.

Los Angeles,


Local offices

Delivering the difference in pharma

We are Körber – an international technology group with about 10,000 employees,

more than 100 locations worldwide and a common goal: We turn ­entrepreneurial
Subject to alterations Copyright © 09.2020 Werum IT Solutions GmbH

thinking into customer success and shape the technological change. In

the ­Business Areas Digital, Pharma, Supply Chain, Tissue and Tobacco, we offer
products, solutions and services that inspire.

At the Körber Business Area Pharma we are delivering the difference along the
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pharma value chain with our unique portfolio of integrated solutions. With our
software solutions we help drug manufacturers to digitize their pharma,
biotech and cell & gene factories. The software product Werum PAS-X MES is
­recognized as the world’s leading Manufacturing Execution System for
the ­pharma & biotech industry. Our data analytics and AI solutions accelerate
product commercialization and uncover hidden business value.

Werum IT Solutions GmbH (Global HQ)

Wulf-Werum-Str. 3
21337 Lüneburg, Germany
T +49 4131 8900-0

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