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The impact of Workplace Environment on Job Performance

In recent years, the characteristic of workplace environment has been given much attention
as an underlying underlying attribute of job performance. From the previous studies, the level of
working condition is one of the most important factor which influence the satisfaction &
performance level of employees. In this essay, we will investigate some of the variables affecting
to the relationship between workplace environment and job performance

Employee’s job performance is determined and influenced by manifold factors and may
include personal‐related and organizational components (Harrison et al., 2002; Janssen and Van
Yperen, 2004). Workplace environment is a broad term and means all of the surroundings you
work in. For example, your physical working environment is work tools as well as air, noise and
lighting. But your workplace also includes psychological aspects of how your work is organized
and your well-being in the workplace. A good working environment is one of the most important
elements in making you feel good and for our performance to develop. This essay focuses on
workplace environment and job performance through the direct and indirect effects

To investigate how workplace environment affects to job performance, we first need to
know what leadership style, communication style, spirit at work and job satisfaction are.
The leadership styles are the behavioral patterns that a leader adopt to influence the
behavior of his followers such as the way he gives directions to his subordinates and motivates
them to accomplish the given objectives. According to Thoha (2012: 49) explains that
"Leadership style is the norm ofbehavior that is used when someoneis trying to influence the
behavior of others”. The leadership styles can either be classified on the basis of behavioral
approach or situational approach. These approaches are comprised of several theories and
models which are contigency theories, path-goal model, power orientation,... Specifically, there
are five leadership functions, namely: (i) decision making function; (ii) instructive
function; (iii) consultative function, (iv) participatory function; and (v) delegation functions
(Nawawi and Hadiri, 2012: 115).
The second definition is communication styles. It is the broad ways in which people tend
to communicate with others. In board meaning, It is the communication behavior carried out by
someone in an organization that aims to get feedback from other people about the
organizational message delivered. There are four common communication styles that you’re likely
to encounter in the workplace including passive, passive-aggressive, aggressive, and assertive
communication style. Communication style is a set of interpersonal behaviors that are
specialized and used in a particular system. The appropriateness of a communication style used
depends on the intent of the sender and the expectations of the recipient. Everyone will use
different communication styles when they are happy, sad, angry, interested, or bored. And it is
dynamic and very difficult to guess.
Nextly, we come to the definition of spirit at work. Work spirit is the mental attitude of
an individual or group that shows enthusiasm to carry out his work so that it encourages to
be able to work together andbe able to complete tasks on timewith a sense of responsibility
towards the work assigned to him. Work spirit is the ability of a group of people to work together
actively and consistently in pursuing common goals. From some of the opinions mentioned
above, it can be said that basically moraleis a condition that arises from within an individual
that causes the individual or human being to do work in a happy atmosphere so that
they work diligently, quickly, and better.
And the last word is job satisfaction. Job satisfaction is the feelings of an individual
towards his/her job. In other words, the emotional behavior of an individual towards the job in
the organization. Satisfied individuals show positive behavior towards their jobs and dissatisfied
individuals always show negative behaviors towards their jobs. Job satisfaction is the attainment
of an individual's needs from the work he/she performs in the organization (Saiyaden, 1993).

Workplace environment & Job performance
On the basis of previous studies, it can be determined that within the organization, the working
environment has a significant and impact on employees with different aspects. If the
organizational environment does not attract employees and they have a negative perception of
the various factors of the work environment, their responsibility will drop to a low level, thereby
affecting work efficiency. However, if the organisation environment is friendly, safe, and trusted,
it impacts employees positively and their performance, commitment, which also influences the
organisation augmentations.

Job satisfation & Job performance

Critical assessment has been made on the relationship between job satisfaction and performance
in many organizations. Mirvis and Lawer (1977) conducted a research and the findings showed
that there is relationship between job satisfaction and performance. High job satisfaction is also
linked to performance, which in turn is linked to higher profits. Those employees who feel happy
and content in their roles are much more likely to approach the tasks that they need to carry out
with enthusiasm and dedication. Kornhanuser and Sharp (1976) showed that there is a positive
relationship between job satisfaction with job performance.

Spirit at work & Job performance

and Lawer (1977) conducted a
research and the findings showed
that there is relationship
between job satisfaction and
Milliman (1994) claim spirituality values have positive effects on job performance. The more
congruent employees' values and spiritual aspirations are with the organization, the greater the
possibility that employees will find true meaning at work. Spiritually virtuous individuals
contribute significant benefits to organizations. The spirit of working by integrating three
different perspectives including human resources perspective, philosophical perspective,
interpersonal perspective leads to the organization's performance.

Mediating variable
In the relationship between workplace environment and job performance, we have 2 mediating
variables. That is job satisfaction and spirit at work. To understand why those two are mediating
variables, we consider the previous studies
Job satisfaction
Firstly, about job satisfation, we investigate the work environment of employees at Dominos and
how it affect to Dominos employee’s job satisfation. The study area was for respondents from
Jaipur City and researchers used structured questionnaires to analyze with 100 samples. By using
primary data from questionnaire and interview and secondary data from journals, magazines,
books and internet, researchers use statistical table to analyze data. The framework of analysis
covers 9 problems including general work environment, duties & responsibility, recreation &
refreshment facilities, grievance handling, attitude of supervisor, fun at workplace, work
involves fatigue & boredom, health & safety facilities, physical and mental environment.
Regarding the general work environment, according to the statistics, 43% employees think that
general work environment is supportive & positive as well as 14% employees are strongly agree
whereas 37% employees are not agree and 6% are those who are neither agree nor disagree.
About 61% employees are agree, 12% employees are strongly agree whereas 23% employees are
disagree with the duties and responsibilities are equally divided in co-workers where 4%
employees are neither agree nor disagree. Moreover, 61% employees are agree for providing
proper recreation & refreshment facilities in the working place whereas 16% employees are not
agree. So, from the above percentage it has evaluated that Dominos provide a good refreshment
facility for their employees. Besides these above issues, the physical and mental environment
also have strong impacts on job satisfation. 69% employees said that they are facing problem of
workload and overtime whereas, 27% employees said that attitude & behaviour of supervisor are
not virtuous and only 4% employees are facing problem of noise. Thus, from the above data, we
see that the relationship between the workplace environment and job satisfaction is very large.
According to the research, refreshment & recreation facility, health & safety facility, fun at
workplace increase the degree of job satisfaction while workload & overtime, job includes
fatigue & boredom, attitude of supervisor makes the staff feel dissatistifed. From research, it
proves that job satisfaction is the mediating variable between the workplace and job satisfaction.

Spirit at work
Moderating variables

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