NSTSE Class 5 Year 2019 Higher Questions and Answers Part 3: Examrace

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11/15/2020----NSTSE Class 5 Year 2019 Higher Questions and Answers Part 3- Examrace----Downloaded from examrace.


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NSTSE Class 5 Year 2019 Higher Questions and Answers Part
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31. What makes it hard to slide heavy objects across the rough floor?

A. Gravity

B. Magnetism

C. Electrostatic force

D. Friction

32. A chameleon changes it colors according to its surroundings. It does so

A. to obtain food easily

B. to decrease the loss of water

C. to escape from the predators

D. to protect itself from cold climate

33. Which labeled part of an onion bulb is the disc (condensed stem)?

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A. P

B. Q

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11/15/2020----NSTSE Class 5 Year 2019 Higher Questions and Answers Part 3- Examrace----Downloaded from examrace.com'

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C. R

D. S

34. The colored part around the pupil in the eye is

(A) Eyelid

(B) Eyelash

(C) Iris

(D) Retina

35. Which of the following animals give birth to their young ones?

(P) Whale

(Q) Kangaroo

(R) Platypus

(S) Kingfisher

(A) P and Q only

(B) Q and R only

(C) Q and S only

(D) Q and S only

36. Which are the organs that the bones below protect?

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1. Stomach

2. Lungs

3. Liver
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11/15/2020----NSTSE Class 5 Year 2019 Higher Questions and Answers Part 3- Examrace----Downloaded from examrace.com'

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4. Heart

(A) 1 and 2

(B) 1 and 3

(C) 2 and 3

(D) 2 and 4

37. Friction is produced when two materials rub against each other. Which of the following
shows that friction is beneficial?

(A) Car coming to a stop in front of the traffic lights.

(B) Types that are worn out after driving from 9 months.

(C) Rubber soles of shoes that are worn out.

(D) Machine parts that break down.

38. Ramu dissolved some salt in water. He got salty water. What is the solute in this

(A) Salt

(B) Water

(C) Salty water

(D) Salt and water

39. The organic part of soil which forms when plants and animals decompose is also known as

(A) Silt

(B) Sand

(C) Clay

(D) Humus

40. Which of the following events is not caused by rotation of the Earth about its own axis?

(A) Cycle of the phases of the Moon.

(B) The leaves of the rain tree closing every evening

(C) Cycle of day and night

(D) Sunflowers turning to face the Sun in the day.

41. The diagram below represents the water cycle. What process do arrows C and D represent?

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11/15/2020----NSTSE Class 5 Year 2019 Higher Questions and Answers Part 3- Examrace----Downloaded from examrace.com'

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(A) Freezing Melting

(B) Melting Evaporation

(C) Evaporation Condensation

(D) Condensation Evaporation

Process do arrows C and D represent

42. Which of the following are the results of condensation?

(i) Steam

(ii) Water vapour

(iii) Clouds

(iv) Dew

(A) I and ii only

(B) ii and iii only

(C) ii and iv only

(D) iii and iv only

43. When did Lunar Eclipse happen?

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11/15/2020----NSTSE Class 5 Year 2019 Higher Questions and Answers Part 3- Examrace----Downloaded from examrace.com'

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videos lectures

(A) New moon day

(B) Equinox

(C) Half-moon day

(D) Full moon day

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