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stUFUMPE VISESTEPENE CENTRIFUGALNE PUMPE tip VCPiVCPv VISESTEPENE CENTRIFUGALNE PUMPE TIPVcPIVCPv TEHNICKI OPIS. PRIMENA Pumpe tipa VCP namenjene su za transport éiste iu manjem stepenu netiste vode, hladnih ulja,tegnih gorva isl. Prakténe suza: javne | industrske vodovode, vestagku kiSu, vatrogasne svrhe, kotlovska postrojenjai's. (Ove pumpe mogu transportovati medij do temperature 105°C. Pumpe tipa VCPV primenjuju se za transport vruée vode do 130°C, Jer imaju moguénosthladenja pletenice. Sluze kao napojne pumpe | za transport Kondenzata, Za nize temperature do 105°C isporucujemo ih u VCP izvodenju. PODRUCJE RADA Pumpe tipa VCP kod 1450 o/min pokriveju podruéje od 5 do 210s, kod manometarske vsine dizanja od 60 do 400 mvs Pumpe tipa VCPv kod 2900 o/min pokrivaju podruéje od 0,5 do 36 is, kod manometraske visine dizanja od 35 do 600 mvs. Podrusjarada za pojedine velitine i tipove prikazana su u dlijagramima Pumpe za druge brojeve obriaja i pumpe izvan navedenih podrutja lzradujemo na osnovu posebnog upita KONSTRUKTIVNE KARAKTERISTIKE kueista Pumpe su sekcionog izvodenjat.svako statorsko kolo ugradeno je Usvoje sekciono kuelite { medukuellte | zajedno sa radnim kolom, smestenim na vratily, nl jedan stepen. Potreban bro] stepeni, Zajedno sa usisnim i potisim kuéistrem, stegnuti su preko zajednikih stezih vijaka, RADNAI STATORSKA KOLA Radna kola su jednostrujna sa dvostrukim raspornim prstenovima. AAksijane sile Kod pumpi preuzima disk a izjednacenje aksjalne sie. Rasporni prstenovi smesteni u hueistima su izmenjiv. Statorska kola su posebni delovi kojise mogu jednostavno montirati i demontiratl. VRATILO I LEZAJEVI Vratilo je uletisteno u dva uljem podmazivana kotrjajuéa lezaja. Ovi ledajevi predvideni su za vektrajanja od 40.000 do 60 000 ppogonskih sat. Oba valjkasta lezaja su pomigna u aksijalnom smeru Jer aksijainesile preuzima disk Kod visokih temperatura media predvideno je hladenje unin komora, Unutar pumpe vratilo je zakigeno distantnim caurama tako dane olaziu dadir sa medije MULTISTAGE CENTRIFUGAL PUMPS ‘TYPEVCP/VcPv ‘TECHNICAL DESCRIPTION APPLICATION row of VCP pumps is arranged to suit all requirements regarding supply of clean and slightly turbid water, cold oils, iquid fuels et. It isalso serviceable a civil and industrial waterworks, artificial ain, fire-fighting purposes, forthe production of delivery water plants etc. These pumps can supply medium of temperature up to 105°C. \VCPv pumps are applied for hot water supply up to 130°C because packings can be cooled. They are equally adapted as feed water pumps and condensate supply pumps. VCP design is adapted for temperatures lower than 105°C. RANGE OF SUPPLY \VCP pumps, at the speed of 1450 rpm. and and 60-400 mvc. manometric heads, deliver 6-210 sec \VCPv pumps atthe speed 2900 rpm. and 35-600 maw. manometric heads, deliver 0,5:36 I/sec Range of supply for each particular type and sizes shown in the respective diagrams Pumps for other speed as well as pumps out of ‘the mentioned range are made on the special request. DESIGN FEATURES CASING Multistage centrifugal pump is ofa sectional design, thus having each diffuser built into the sectional interstage casing, which comprehensively, with and impeller,being affixed on the shaft, forms one stage. Adequate numberof stages together with a suction and delivery casing is tightened over joint tightening bolts, IMPELLERS AND DIFFUSERS Impellers are of the single-suction design with double wearing rings. Axial thrusts atthe pumps are taken by a disc serving to gain their equilibration. Wearing rings installed in casing are replaceable, Diffusers are separate very easy mantiing and dismantling parts, SHAFTS AND BEARINGS. Multistage centrifugal pump shafts are placed into two oll lubricated roller bearings, provided for the continuous life of 40 000- 660 000 hours of operation. At the pumps axial thrusts are taken by a disc thus enabling displacement of both roller bearings. Bearings ate lubricated by oll or grease and can be cooled at medium high ‘temperature, Distant sleeves are installed in the pump interior, protecting the shaft and completely preventing i from the medium being handled koji pumpa transportuje. PLETENICA, ‘Sa obe strane je mogut pristup pletenici. U slugaju podpritiska u usisnom kuéistu, zaptivna voda se prikjucuje na prvi stepen pumpe. ‘Na poseban zahtev umesto zaptivne pletenice, ugradujemo mehanicke zaptivace, POLOZAJI PRIRUBNICA Poloia) usisne i potisne prirubnice moze biti vertikaino gore horizontalno levo, odnosno desno, nezavisno jedna od druge. Na poseban zahtev izredujemo pumpe sa polozajem prirubnica Yertikalno dole. Poloza) pricubnica defise se gledano od pogonske strane pumpe, odnosno od strane spojnice, Shematski prikaz polozaja prrubnica dat je ispod merne skice. Na poseban zahtev isporucujemo pumpe isa drugaclim polozajem prirubnica, AGREGATIRANJE Na zahtev naruzioca pumpe agregatiramo sa pogonskim masinama ra temeljnim ploéama koje su odlivene ili varene iz profil. Uz PRESEK KROZ PUMPUTIPA VCP CROSS SECTION THROUGH PUMP TYPE VCP zm) as) x3/ POPIS POZICIUA ZA PUMPUTIP VCP iVCPv POSITION LIST OF PUMP TYPE VCP i VCPv oe | Saree Te 111 Usisno kuite/ Suction casing 153 Podlafka steznog vika/Tiebott washer [ve | geteomets, | as [rove | cam | care 112 Potisno kuéilte/Discharge casing 211 Radno kolo / Impeller ve] seats [aw [rome | com | Gow 113 Medukueite/ Stage casing 213Vratlo/Shatt soca 114 Stators olo/Difusor 214 "veto /Shat iL oem [= eer 115 Statorsko kolo ifs I 220 Ledaj/ Bearing vie | Pysrege [rovers [rovene | comm | evar ‘6 Raspom’pesten / Wear ring 222 Navojna aura Sleeve wo | ressee | can | cam | caw | cam 118" Hladnak pleteice/Packing cooler 223 Navojnaaura/Sleeve se 119* Nosaé pletenice /Packing housing _—_24 Distantna ¢aura|/ Distant sleeve | at | Fine’ | stes_ | rousnne | exasre | etssre 120 Plota diska/ Disk plate 225 Disk Disk za | wee [em | com | com | aun 123 Pritezaé pletenice/Stufing boxaland 226 Dstantna aura disk / a] ae pecan can] Bore 126Pletenica/ Packing Distant sleeve of disk See 146 Stezni jak Te bolt 152 Navrtka steznog vijea /Tie bolt nut * samo kod tipa VCPv * only type VCPV 227 Distantna aural / Distant sleeve Be | BEERRERT | povone | rove | ene | tare 311 Nosaé lefaja /Bearing housing PACKING [Access to packings is provided on both sides. Should subpressure in 2 suction casing occur, sealing water isto be connected to the first 'pump stage. Mechanical seals with 33slde rings can be fited instead ‘of packings, upon customers requirements, POSITION OF THE FLANGES: Positions ofa suction and delivery flanges can be directed vertically ‘upwards, horizontally let or right, thus bing independent of each ‘other. Pumps having the flange positon vertically downwvards are ‘made on a special requirement. Flange position Is defined, taking a view from a pump driving side ie. coupling side, Diagrammatic ‘drawings of lange positions is given below the measuring sketches, We deliver these pumps also 033with the other flange positions. INSTALLATION OF UNITS (On a customers requirements there isa possibilty of aggregation by joining pumps with driving engines installed on either cast or profiled weld bedplates. Pumps are also accompanied by adequate fittings. DETALJ ZAPTIVANJA \VRATILA PUMPE TIP VCPv SHAFT SEAL DETAIL (OF PUMP TYPE VCPv & 0 Proizvodni program pumpi tipa VCP / Production program of pumps type VCP 1000 200 200 100 sina dizanja H (>) 0 20 2 3 45 10 2040 80 109 20 00) Protok Q (sek) Proizvodni program pumpi tipa VCPv / Production program of pumps type VCPV Visinadizarja H (m) 1n=2900 ofmin os 1 2 2 4 5 0 0 80 100 Protok Q (sek) Merne skice / Measure drawings tip VEPV itype VCPV tip VCP ftype VCP Prirubnice /Flanges Vratilo Shaft Usis /Suction Potis /Delivery Dy Oznake polozaja usisne i potisne prirubnice Position marking of suction and delivery flange (ledano od spojnice; looking from the coursing ) (>) Sx) (a © Na poseban zahtev Ona special request Mere u mm (neobavezno) Dimensions in mm (subject to modifications) Tipps VERY 2/2 /2] 2 /z2/#/e)8] 2] 2 s = ~ = x a iLSs s + ~ & [3 2a] —o45.5|_791| 51.5] _sa5| 1209] tora] 1113] 1580] 1607] S [el 758[_768.5[_ 947] 1016.5] 1180] 1569|[ 1259] 1413] 1970] 2117] A! = [e[ sas] a50.5| 7051] 1126.5] 1310] 2230| & [fo] 938[ 932.5] # [a] sas[—973.5] @ [e[io2a| tora 5] & ha roar & [a tee] ts 190. 202] 230] Saal 200] 52] —«eo| 550] 2 g [-2-sae[ —s17[ “08 az 400] rod 980] a 2 [al as6| a9] 539] z & Gol —aar 440] s | FERRE = & frat s7a 522| 2 | [sha a = Eb: saa e oa] 2 73| to] 92| 107| 140] 195[ 213] 300] 35] fl & [3 aati taal 162] 205] sal 275] s13| 430] — 303] z & [Cel 258] 27a] —a00| a7] —a00| —e1al| 515] eta] 20] — ssl F|= [8] sao] 356] a0] -437| 530] 1080| 3 [sl sea 37 34 @& [to] 433] 436| [ay “aaal 479] & [al s28[ 520] 3 ha set Sha oa &2 i wat —aetl aot sat weal ama ancl met eae] 7a x S54 |e Zo{—2ol ast —sst oat 180 ses sso soot — asa asp ei Tol _i25|_745[_145| 180] 2a0l|_210| 240] 280] ass] Pe aE lar 18] 18] 18] 4e|_i8|2ai[ tel 23] 23 25 lz 2% wor 32 40| 50] 50|_80|_125|[ too! t25|175| 200] 25 8 8 oe ¥00|——110| 725] tas] 170] 40190] 200] —2es| aca) 2a Sle 140[ 150] 165 180] 215] 295|| 295] 270] 395] 975] VCP 12-3.2/1 (2-12) 1n=2900 o/min VCP 13-4/1 (4-14) 1n=2900 o/min 20 or 16 il 5 we Be Ae = ey = Ea = %0 a z = 09 08 o7 98 os z 5 Eos = oa oa oz 1 2 * 5 L onus i os) VCP 16-5/1 (3-8) n=2900 o/min VCP 19-5/1 (3-9) n=2900 o/min - woe oe ACA 3 aah 28 26 E 4 Hotsd, E Ey = 20 %e 6 1“ <° = = = a 4 je 2, S ey = 2 ° 2 4 ® orete: + ao 10 as) 10 Qqus)_ vcP 21-8/1 (3-8) n=2900 o/min VCP 25-12,5/1 (3-7) 1n=2900 o/min en (0196) ibe 30 [ad Too ynt%) EE 50- ee ml] eo Lotsa n E a) = 0 x

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