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9/22/2017 Office of Human Resources - Research Staff Handbook (Employment, Wage & Staff Appraisal Matters)

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Research Staff Handbook


Working Hours
Annual Staff Performance Appraisal
Merit Increment and Performance Bonus
Recruitment Process for Research Staff
Staff Card
Personal Particulars
Payment of Salaries
Compensation for Work Performed on Weekdays or Saturday Off-Days
Deductions from Salary
Retirement and Re-employment

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Terms of employment will be in accordance with the agreement between the employee and the
university. This will include annual leave, benefits, remuneration, and reponsibilities.

Research staff are employed on fixed term contracts, and the renewal of contracts for research
staff is subject to research grant availability, project progress and work performance.

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Working Hours
The University has implemented a 5-day workweek, and research staff members are allowed to opt
for working hours which are stated in the sections below. It is important for research staff
members to observe the University's working hours, and to report for work on time. The official
working hours of research staff members are as follows:

Days Working Hours Lunch Hour

Monday - Thursday 8:30 am to 5:45 pm

1:00 pm to 1:45 pm
(45 minutes)
Friday 8:30 am to 5:15 pm

Research staff member who wish to start work earlier or later than the start time indicated above,
have to plan and get approval from the Schools/Research Centers. Their working hours are as

Days Option 1 Option 2 Lunch Hour

Monday - Thursday 8:00 am to 5:15 pm 9:00 am to 6:15 pm

1.00 p.m. to 1.45 p.m.
(45 minutes)
Friday 8:00 am to 4:45 pm 9:00 am to 5:45 pm

Time-off to attend prayers

So long as the pressing needs of the service are met, Muslim staff members are permitted to go
for prayers on Fridays from 12:30pm to 2:30pm, inclusive of the lunch break of 45 minutes.

Time-off on eve of major festivals

Subject to exigencies of service, research staff members are allowed to leave their offices or places
of work early on the eves of New Year, Lunar New Year and Christmas. Subject to exigencies of
service, Muslim and Hindu staff members are also allowed to leave their offices or places of work
on the eves of Hari Raya Puasa and Deepavali respectively. For research staff members who are
allowed to leave their offices or places of work early on eve of major festivals, the working hours
are as follow:

Start Times End Time (Without Lunch Break)

8:00 am 12:30 pm

8:30 am 1:00 pm

9:00 am 1:30 pm

Public Holidays that fall on a Saturday

A public holiday that falls on a Saturday will be substituted by a day off for all research staff
members. You can take a day off in lieu on any week day, as long as it is within twelve months of
the public holiday. The day off cannot be counted as an additional day of annual leave. In the
event that it is not utilized, it cannot be commuted into pay.

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Annual Staff Performance Appraisal

Your work performance and conduct are assessed by your supervisors and Chair of School between
1 July of the current calendar year to 30 June of the following calendar year. The process includes
setting of objectives and goals between your Principal Investigators and yourself, sharing of
feedback and evaluation of work performance results. The annual appraisal exercise provides an
opportunity for supervisors to review with you the work progress and status of targets set during
the appraisal year.

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Merit Increment and Performance Bonus 1/4
9/22/2017 Office of Human Resources - Research Staff Handbook (Employment, Wage & Staff Appraisal Matters)
You must have completed at least 3 months of service before you are eligible for the grant of your
first increment and award of performance bonus. Salary increments, if awarded, takes effect
annually on 1 July. Both Performance Bonus and Merit Increment are not guaranteed and are
subject to project funding availability, work performance and conduct of staff. Payment of merit
increment and performance bonus due to research staff members is pro-rated according to the
months worked during the assessment year.

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Recruitment Process for Research Staff

1. The University carries out the recruitment of Research Staff in accordance with the process outlined
below. This is to ensure that all recruitment is properly authorized and accounted for and that it is within
the approved budget.

2. Principal Investigators/Supervisors of the projects will source for candidates either via their own sources
or through media advertising. Recruitment of staff must be supported with available project/centre
funds. Recruitment will proceed after ensuring that the position has been budgeted for.

3. If the sourcing of candidates takes on the route of advertising, an advertisement will be placed on NTU’s
web portal. Schools/ Research Centres must indicate if they also wish to advertise in the Straits Times
and/or Jobstreet/ JobDB.

4. For advertising on NTU’s website, Schools/Research Centres will have to submit the content of the
advertisement based on a stipulated template. The contents will then be uploaded onto NTU’s website.

5. For advertising with external advertising agencies, Schools/Research Centres will have to submit the
content of the advertisement based on the same template provided for. This template will then be
submitted to the agency. A draft layout will then be created by the agency, which will then be submitted
for clearance by the School/Research Centre before it goes into print.

6. Advertising for the positions will help ensure that a wider net is cast and that the best candidate possible
is recruited for the job. If the hiring School/Research Centre prefers, the advertisement could specify that
applications be sent directly to them.

7. Once a position is advertised, the hiring School/Research Centre can consider internal and external
candidates within six months from the date of advertisement.

8. Upon receipt of the applications, the School/Research Centre will sieve out those that do not meet the job
requirements. All applications that meet the requirements for the position will be channelled to the hiring
Principal Investigators/Supervisors for consideration.

9. If Principal Investigators/Supervisors receive requests from internal staff members to be considered for
the openings, they should process their applications in accordance with the process outlined in the Policy
Guidelines on Career Opportunity for Staff.

10. The School/Research Centre will shortlist the candidates and arrange to interview them. Each interview
should be conducted by a panel comprising at least 2 interviewers. To ensure objectiveness, interviews
are to be conducted by person(s) not related to the interviewee.

11. After the interview and upon approval of the Dean/Chair/ACR/ Director(s) of RC(or as per school’s
internal process), the School/Department will submit an interview report (Appendix B) to be signed off by
each member of the interview panel, along with an Application Form, Salary Determination Form,
Manpower budget form and Degree Certificates of the candidate. If the candidate is a Singapore
Permanent Resident, a copy of his/her blue IC, entry and re-entry permit and passport particulars page
should also be submitted. Other documents to be submitted include the candidate’s resume, publications
list and other relevant supporting documents.

12. Processing for hiring will take place before the letter of offer can be issued to the candidate. The whole
process can take up to about 3 weeks.

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Staff Card
As a full-time research staff member, you will be issued with the NTU Staff Card shortly after you
have assumed duty with the University.

You may need to use the Staff Card to gain entry into your office during or after the normal office
hours if your office entrance is installed with the security system. The card is also required for
booking of facilities at the Sports & Recreation Centre and for borrowing of books from the
University's Libraries.

If your card is lost, please report personally at NSS-HR for a replacement. You will be charged a
replacement fee of S$10.00 (inclusive of GST).

When you leave the service of the University, you are to return the card personally to NSS-HR
before or on your last day of service.

Please refer to NSS-HR (People Services) for form.

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Personal Particulars
During your employment with the University, NSS-HR keeps a record of your basic personal
particulars and other related information provided by you. You should ensure that the information
provided is accurate and up-to-date.

In this connection, you can access the information through the Personal Data System (PDS) in the
StaffLink under the HR Services which enables you to retrieve and view the information to ensure
that it is kept up-to-date. It also allows you to update selected information on-line.

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Payment of Salaries
Your salary will be paid on the 15th of each calendar month into your bank account. You may view
your salary advice slip showing full details electronically through the Pay Advice System in the
StaffLink under the Office of Finance. If you have any query regarding your salary payment, please
contact the Office of Finance.

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Compensation for Work Performed on Weekdays or Saturday Off-Days 2/4
9/22/2017 Office of Human Resources - Research Staff Handbook (Employment, Wage & Staff Appraisal Matters)
Research staff members who are earning a monthly salary not exceeding $2,500 may be
compensated according to the rates given in Table 1 below, if they are required to perform work
on weekdays or on Saturday off-days, which are in excess of their weekly designated working

Research staff members must be authorized in advance by their Chairs of Schools/Heads of

Departments or delegated authority to perform work on weekdays or Saturday off-days which are
in excess of their weekly designated working hours. The University will not pay research staff
members who on their own volition stay back after normal office hours to complete their work,
without prior authorisation by their Chairs of Schools/Heads of Departments or delegated

Table 1: Compensation for work performed on weekdays or on Saturday off-days which

are in excess of weekly designated working hours.

Research staff members may opt to be compensated with equivalent time-off for the excess hours
worked or be paid at the rates given below:

Table 1

Hours of Work Basic Monthly Salary Not Exceeding $2500

More than 42 hours or an average of 42 hours 1 time the basic rate of pay capped at a monthly
a week but not exceeding 44 hours a week. salary of $2,250
1½ times the basic rate of pay for the excess
More than 44 hours or an average of 44 hours
hours worked capped at a monthly salary of
a week.

Compensation for Work Performed on a Rest Day

Research staff members may opt either to be compensated with equivalent time-off for the excess
hours worked or be paid at the rates given below:

Table 2

Basic Monthly Salary Not Exceeding $2500

Rest Day

One day's salary at the basic rate of pay if the number of hours worked is less than 4 and 2
days' salary if the number of hours worked is more than 4.

However, if a staff member is required, on a rest day, to work in excess of his normal hours of
work, such excess hours shall be compensated at 1½ times the basic rate of pay, capped at a
monthly salary of $2,250.

Compensation for Work Performed on a Gazetted Public Holiday

Research staff members who are earning a monthly salary not exceeding $2,500 will be
compensated according to the rates given in Table 3 below, if they are required to perform work
on a gazetted public holiday. Research staff members may opt either to be compensated with
equivalent time-off for the excess hours worked or be paid at the rates given below:

Table 3

Basic Monthly Salary Not Exceeding $2500

Gazetted Public Holiday

An extra day's salary at the basic rate of pay for one day's work. Where the number of hours of
work performed on a gazetted public holiday exceeds the normal hours of work, such excess
hours shall be compensated at 1½ times the basic rate of pay, capped at a monthly salary of
$2,250. If the number of hours worked is less than 8, payment will be made for not less than 8
hours of work.

Time-Off In-Lieu for Work Performed on a Gazetted Public Holiday

Research staff members earning a basic monthly salary not exceeding $4,500 will be eligible to
claim for mutually agreed time-off in-lieu with the supervisor for work performed on a gazetted
public holiday.

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Deductions of Salary
The University shall deduct from your salary and all other payments to you, all amounts which the
University is entitled, authorised or required under your employment or the laws of Singapore to
deduct. You shall accept the balance of the monthly payment of your salary after all deductions by
the University, in full satisfaction of your salary.

Tax and duties payable on salary, allowances or benefits, which you may be eligible for, shall be
borne by you. The University shall also be entitled to deduct all taxes and duties as authorised or
required by law.

You acknowledge and agree that:

the University will deduct from your salary for the followings, if applicable of which you will
be informed or notified:

i. Deductions for absence from work without leave;

ii. Deductions for damages or loss caused by your intentional or negligent act/omission
during your employ;

iii. Deductions for your accommodation;

iv. Deductions for charges for amenities for your accommodation;

v. Deductions for excess air passage assistance and other related costs incurred on your

vi. Deductions for income tax or withholding tax due to the Tax Authorities;

vii. Deductions for advances or for adjustments of overpayments of salary; 3/4
9/22/2017 Office of Human Resources - Research Staff Handbook (Employment, Wage & Staff Appraisal Matters)
viii. Deductions for leave and other benefits taken in excess of entitlement; E.G.
overutilization of flexible benefits and/or overall annual Medical Outpatient Provision
in your Medical Spending Account;

ix. Deductions for giving short resignation notice period to the University;

x. Deductions for liquidated damages arising from non-fulfilment of obligations under

the University’s Sponsorship Agreement;

xi. Deductions of Dependant's Pass (DP) and/or Long-term Social Visit Pass (LTSVP)
Application and/or Issuance Fees; and

xii. Deductions for outstanding consultancy levies due to the University.

when you do leave the University’s employment, regardless of the reason for your leaving,
any outstanding balance may be deducted from payments by the University due to you. If
this amount is insufficient to make up for the outstanding balance, you will repay the deficits
with your own monies to the University.

Retirement and Re-employment

Since 1 January 2012, the Retirement Age Act (RAA) has been replaced by the Retirement and Re-
employment Act (RRA). Like the RAA, the RRA also covers all employees who are Singapore
Citizens and Permanent Residents. Under the RRA, the statutory minimum retirement age is still
62, but employers are now required to offer re-employment to eligible employees who turn 62, up
to the age of 65.

According to current university guidelines, staff will retire from the service of the University at the
end of the month in which they reach 62 years old.

Typically, research staff are employed on fixed term contracts, and the renewal of contracts for
research staff is subject to research grant availability, project progress and work performance.

More information on the enactment of the re-employment legislation and other FAQs can be found

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Office of Human Resources, Nanyang Technological University

Administration Building, Level 4, 50 Nanyang Avenue, Singapore 639798
Tel No: 65-6790 4620 | Fax No: 65-6791 9340

Last updated on 17-Jan-2017 4/4

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