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Alyson Noël


I. Introduction

Title – Dreamland
Author – Alyson Noël
Subject – About the Afterlife
Purpose – To accept ones flaws and to create, using those flaws, a better version of you.
Theme - Afterlife
Tone - Fiction
Mood – Passion, Jealousy, Anger, Sadness, Happiness, and Loneliness.

II. Summary of content

Chapter 1.
Riley Bloom (the protagonist) was in trouble for doing a mission that wasn’t exactly assigned for her, Riley
was about to explain when she notice the slight dark aura on the counselors.

Chapter 2.
Bodhi (Riley’s guide) took the chance to leaped in and charm the counselors but when he didn’t get the
reaction he wanted, he cleared his throat and tried to explain again in a serious matter but he was cut off by one off
the counselor, Riley thought she was going to get a punishment but it was the opposite of that , they congratulate
her and told her to take a break from soul catching (Riley’s job in the Here & Now) however Riley didn’t like taking
breaks when she could catch more soul and be promoted to a higher level while making her glow stronger.

Chapter 3.
Riley went to catch up with Bodhi and buttercup (Riley’s dog) after the meeting was dismissed, Riley saw
that Bodhi and buttercup was waiting for her, Riley was about to say her thanks to Bodhi for backing her up during
the awkward meeting when she saw the way Bodhi’s knee jiggled-the way his thumbs tapped hard and fast against
the railing- and she knew she misjudged the whole situation, Riley and Bodhi got in an argument , Riley realize that
Bodhi wasn’t waiting for her but a different girl, Jasmine.
Chapter 4.
Riley wanted to go to where the dreams are created but since Bodhi said it’s outlawed for them to go there
and she doesn’t want any more trouble right after the supreme counselor complimented her on her work, Riley
went back to her house, her parents and grandparents wasn’t there since they all moved on the life they always
wanted, because in the Here & Now you can do anything you ever dreamed of with just a simple yet detailed wish,
Riley wanted to change her bedroom however she liked her room but she really wanted to make it look more
sophisticated and more teen style.

Chapter 5.
Riley was feeling a bit lonely and left out because the only thing keeping her busy was her job, now that
she’s on break she has less things to do but her family accompanied her by teaching her how to do things they are
currently doing in the Here & Now like her Grandpa taught her how to surf, her mom help her to paint a decent
landscape, her grandma showed her how to swaddle a newborn in its blanket, while her father showed great
patience when he let Riley sing lead in his band, although she knows she can’t stay like this forever she has to leave
the past, but her mind went back to Bodhi and Jasmine when she saw them laying below a tree acting all lovey-
dovey she tried to move on but her body refuses and started spying on them, Buttercup sensing Riley’s mood
change suddenly let out a long, mournful howl, shushing Buttercup Riley unintentionally spoke out loud, but it was
too late she was spotted by those two.

Chapter 6.
After flying away from Bodhi and Jasmine Riley found herself in front of Mort, the one who told her that
there’s a place where dreams are being made, Riley just wanted to ask her sister about the way she felt when she
saw Bodhi and Jasmine together, Thinking that talking to her sister might make her feel better, Remembering what
the council had told Riley “Take some time off. Spend time with family. Visit with friends”, using that as her excuse to
go to where the dreams are made, Mort opening the door motioning Riley to go through saying “after you, then”.

Chapter 7.
Riley, Buttercup and Mort hitched a ride on the train because Mort wasn’t really fond of flying and since he’s
the only one who know where’s the place is, Riley had no choice but to do it his way, Riley learned that doing Dream
weaving was something that was usually used in the past even before she arrive in the Here & Now, when she was
still alive, and was now outlawed because it requires loads of complicated symbolism, and sometimes people muck
it all up when they try to interpret it Riley was about to ask if it still works but suddenly the train came to a halt, the
doors sprang wide open revealing Dreamland.

Chapter 8.
Riley, Buttercup and Mort accidentally met Balthazar the one who runs Dreamland, and asked if Buttercup
can be part of a dream, Riley hesitating to agree however Balthazar didn’t take a no for an answer.

Chapter 9.
While the dream was on going Riley thought of the dreams she still remember and how the book Dream
Interpretation Ever got her for Christmas was dead Wrong. Balthazar thanking Riley and asking her if there’s
anything he can do to show her his gratitude, Riley being herself said a question that set the Director off leaving
him storming away without another word.
Chapter 10.
Riley, having no idea what she had just done to offend Balthazar and Mort, who finally went after him,
somehow convinced him to stop long enough to hear him out. Balthazar asked if it’s her first time in Dreamland
Riley nodded, and since it was Riley’s first time in Dreamland he let it slide. Now begin the dream jumping.

Chapter 11.
Riley and Buttercup went to the office of Balthazar for an interview of her relationship with the receiver.
Riley told Balthazar about her family and how they died in a car accident- Including how she stuck around the earth
plane long after that so she could continue to visit her older sister, Ever. After the interview they went to a small,
dark theater to do the Imprint or the basic’s to start the dream jump.

Chapter 12.
After the imprint, the key to a successful dream jump is nailing the landing, the landing is everything. Riley
being a beginner took some time to adjust on the dreams she jumps in to, on the first three attempts she woke up
all the dreamers, on the fourth try, the dreamer marched up to her and demanded to know who she was and how
she got there and on the fifth try she froze, never experiencing a school play before Riley had no idea what to do.
Balthazar explaining to her that all she had to do was to act.

Chapter 13.
It took Riley a total of nine jumps to perfect the landing although all she had to do is to perform the actual
dream jump sadly her success came too late. It was closing time, her opportunity was over now she had to wait for
her next turn again in the waiting list which can take forever, outside dreamland she was determined to do the
dream jump even if it’s closing time so she told mort that she forgot her bracelet that was given to her by Ever and
told Buttercup not to wait for her, running through the gate when the guard had his back turned, without once
looking back.

Chapter 14.
Riley went back to the theater where she practiced her jumping but she never knew it would get so dark,
like pitch-black, having second thoughts as to why she told buttercup not to wait for her and feeling that something
might happen in the dark she was never a fan, since in the Here & Now it was never dark always so radiant and had
light where ever you go, suddenly Riley caught a glimpse of a tiniest flicker of light and that what made her going,
the light led her to an old, run-down looking house and that’s where she met a boy who made a deal that if she help
him do a dream jump he would help her.

Chapter 15.
Satchel Alexander Blaise III was his name, he led Riley to a smaller room than the room where she was
practicing before, Riley was curious about Satchel whether it’s okay to trust him and get rid of the creepy, nagging
feeling. Riley notice that he was using such old, outdated equipment and asked why he was using such things when
there’s shiny, new, modern stuff, Satchel hesitated before answering that it used to be the original equipment and
that it was the equipment the Dreamweavers used back in the day.
Chapter 16.
Satchel told Riley that Dreamweaveing needs ingredients as organic as possible, and that he used to be
Balthazar’s assistant in making Dreams, having an argument between the things they believe made them fall apart.
Asking Riley to prepare and as the screen changes, all the things Riley experiences were nightmare, Riley tried to
blend in with the dreamers nightmare but some were outrageous that she can’t help it.

Chapter 17.
Riley made a terrible mistake making a deal with Satchel, now Riley is stuck her feet were nailed to the
stage and her lips were stapled shut and no one knows that Riley was there.

Chapter 18.
Satchel was taunting Riley, circling her like a predator on its pray, while Satchel was lecturing Riley, Riley
was pretty sure that he was no longer in the present, but hung up somewhere in his past so Riley thought: So tell
me, tell me just exactly what happened to you that made you this way. He decided not to tell Riley but showed her.

Chapter 19.
Riley was in one of the moments of Satchel where everything went berserk and was buried hurriedly, Riley
was in a memory that made Satchel this way today, wanting to scare people to know the dangers of the world,
Satchel died because of disobeying his parents and doing things without using his mind just to impressed a girl who
he liked and was the only who was kind to him, he died by rocking the Ferris wheel car.

Chapter 20.
After seeing what happened to Satchel, Riley tried reasoning out with him telling him to stop taunting other
kids just because off his fault, while she was about to real him in and might get a stronger glow than before,
Balthazar gasps out loud making Riley stop and miss the chance to level up and in the same time Satchel
disappears, Riley blames Balthazar for not being to turn thirteen or be able to grow up but Balthazar explains what
it means to truly grow up while there’s still time until Dreamland officially opens, Balthazar offers Riley to check
on her sister.

Chapter 21.
Riley was perfect on everything, the stage and the jump but Ever just kept running and Waking. Bailing on
every happy scene Riley fought so hard to share, Balthazar being confuse as Riley told her that maybe the dreamer
is at fault, as Riley tries to tell her sister to not fight it, eventually her sister calms down and Riley start asking Ever
questions she wanted answers too, How she became so popular?, how did she get so many friends?, about boys and
How did she turned thirteen.

Chapter 22.
As riley made her way out of the theater she felt that she was positively glowing inside until Bodhi and
Buttercup bump into Riley, Buttercup was very happy and was licking her cheek like crazy in the meantime Bodhi
was jabbing his thumb towards the old, broken-down soundstage saying that she did one of her Riley Bloom
Miracles again, and while Riley was bashing and bragging out to Bodhi, Bodhi pointed to the mirror and Riley
followed until she noticed that her glow dimmed, significantly dimmed and Bodhi was glowing brighter than ever,
his usual green nearly edged out by blue was now aqua, Bodhi talk to Riley and explained like all the others did,
Balthazar and Ever, now the puzzle was complete Riley finally understood what it’s like to know how to level up or
grow up, she Realize that she shouldn’t think about the things that would benefit her and more for others, now
Riley, Buttercup, and Bodhi have a new mission in Italy, Rome. Where there’s an awfully stubborn lost soul to catch.
III. Evaluation of the text

How clearly is the book written?

- In my opinion, the book was average; the technics the author used was common in some ways however I
do like the plot of the story, I never heard of a book with a story like this, either it’s for beginners or for
Afterlife Lovers.

Did the author achieve her goal? How did she achieve this or fall short?

- Yes, because the Riley Bloom Book has four series now. By delivering a unique story and making her
character as if they are alive.

What are the author’s most important points? List at least two examples of the author proved or did not prove
points she was trying to make.

- Well I like how she based her characters among her friends and families even though most authors do it
as well; I love how she adds a bit of quirkiness to her characters.

- I like the way she writes about the scenery it’s like it’s hard to imagine it yet you have the image in your

What possibilities does the book suggest for the reader?

- To be more opened minded and accept the way you are now because either sooner or later you’ll change
to become a better you and to be more understanding of other people.

What personal experiences do you have relating to the subject?

- To know what it’s like to grow up and become more mature.

Have you ever done some of the same things that the author did?
- Well like the author, every time she finishes a book she would celebrate by cleaning her whole house but except
for me whenever I’m bored and lazy I would clean something, whether it’s my room or parent’s room.

What did you like best about the book? What did you like the least about the book?

- I like how she wrote the last chapter in the book, how Riley finally understands what it’s like to grow up
and be more mature. What I least like about the book is that she wrote less of the Soul Catching job because
I haven’t read all of her Riley Bloom Book just this one so I don’t really understand what happened in her
previous books.

IV. Conclusion

- Riley’s finding that the afterlife can be a lonely place when all you do is focus on work. So she goes to the
place where dreams happen, hoping to find a way to contact her sister, Ever. She meets the director, who tells her
about the two ways to send a dream. As a dream jumper, a person can jump into a dreamer’s dream, share a
message, and participate. As a dreamweaver, an entire dream can be created in a studio and sent to the dreamer.
But dreamweaving was outlawed decades ago, and the studio was boarded up. Thinking it’s her only way to reach
out to her sister, Riley goes in search of the old studio. What she finds is a far cry from a dream. And yes I would
recommend this to other readers because it’s entertaining, how Riley and Bodhi would argue, and how Riley faces
the troubles she got herself in to.

And how I would love to complete the whole Riley Bloom Book series.

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