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The Main MMC Options for Concrete

• Thin Joint
Modern Methods
of Construction for • ICFs
Concrete Homes
• Tunnelform
Tom De Saulles
The Concrete Centre
• Open Panel Systems
• Closed Panel Systems

There have been criticisms of traditional methods

• Slow
Thin Joint • Weather dependant
Technology • Lack of consistent quality control
• Material is wasted on site

Thin Joint Thin Joint

Special dimensionally
accurate aerated
blocks are joined
together with a thin-
joint mortar.

The advantage is that it is faster and not

dependent on the brickwork for stability Aerated blocks

Thin Joint

Water tight structure
Brickwork added
at a later stage

Insulating Concrete Formwork Insulating Concrete Formwork

A team of four can erect and

concrete the ground floor
walls of a house in around
one day.


Tunnelform 2

Tunnelform Tunnelform

Nightingale Estate
(Hackney, East London)


University of East
Student Accommodation
Open Panel

Open Panel Systems Open Panel Systems

Ibis Hotel Wembley

Holiday Inn, Woking

Open Panel Systems

Two-way Joint

Closed Panel
Three-way Joint

Closed Panel Systems Closed Panel Systems

Stage 1. Stage 2. Stage 3. Stage 4. Stage 5.

CAD design Panels are cast Brick facing Window/doors Reinforc em ent added

Stage 6. Stage 7. Stage 8. Stage 9. Stage 10.

Insulat ion added 90 mm concrete Mort ar joints Windows are fit ted Co mpleted panel

Stage 11. Stage 12.

Panel storage Dispatch

The Main MMC Options for Concrete

• Thin Joint
• ICFs MMC and
Thermal Comfort
• Tunnelform
• Open Panel Systems
• Closed Panel Systems

Future Performance of Light and
Heavyweight Houses

Living Room Temperature of Light and

Heavyweight Adapted Houses - Summer 2050

Thank You

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