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uniteb states ut amerita

moorigbe nationall reepublic feberall gobernmente

gotietag republicae ea al maurikanog —9 0
moorigbe bibine anbe nationall mobement ut tbe eartbe
nortbe begte amexem+ nortbe begte affrita+ nortbe amerita + nortbe gate
all abbjoirting igglartbg
90 tempel uf tbe moon anb gutt
tbe true anbe be jure naturall peepLeg+ beirg ut tbe lartbe


90 judicial notice and proclamation e

to all elected, all non+elected, and to all appointed united states republic officials; public servants, and officers Trust,
etc., doing business as, uf, and for the federal, state, city, and municipal governments; including their personnel, their
contractors, and their other associate corporate entities doing business at north america; and to all •third party interlopers' or
contractors, etc.,: concerning their fiduciary obligations, their official oaths, and their duties enumerated en the ayaericnn
constitution, adopted for governance uf the united states republic; all binding treaties; the established law uf the land; and •all
statutory and civil law codes ufthe land, etc., know all men by these publications and presents:
upone my heirship, inherited nobility, and upone my privatus aboriginal + indigenous. proper person status and commercial
liability, i, musa jew bey, en capitis nolo, being duly affirmed under consanguine unity; pledge my national, political, and spiritual
allegiance to my moabite + moorish nation + being the archaic aboriginals + indigenes uf amexem (the americas); standing squarely
affirmed upone my oath to the 'five points uf light' + love, truth, peace, freedom, and justice: do squarely affirm to tell the truth, the
whole truth, and nothing but the truth; and having knowledge and firmly + established belief upone the historical, lawful, and
adjudicated facts contained herein. being competent (en my own proper person) to attest to this affidavit upone which i place my
signature; whereas, i state, proclaim, and declare the following to be true, correct, certain, complete, not misleading, supreme, and not
intended to be presented for any misrepresented. 'colored' or improper use or purpose, to wit:

that i, musa jew bey, en capitis nolo, am a noble ufthe al moroccan empire (north america) en propria persona (my own proper
self); being moorish american + an heir and descendant ufthe ancient moabites + moors, by bearthright, by freehold, by primogeniture
and by inheritance; being aboriginal and indigenous to the land(s) (amexem + americas) territorium hereditaments uf my ancient
moabite + moorish fore+mothers and fore+fathers + to wit:

the al moroccan (american) continents + are the lands uf the moors; being north america, south america; central america;
including the adjoining islands (americana + ameru + al moroc). i have, i acknowledge, i claim and i possess, by the said inheritance
and primogeniture, the freehold status thereto: all unalienable and substantive rights, to be, to enjoy, and to act, distinct en my
aboriginal traditions, customs and culture: and determining my own political, social, and economic status uf the state. i am turning my
heart, my allegiance, and my mind; back to my ancient mothers and fathers + moors + muurs, with cognatus honor, and by divine and
natural right. being moorish americans, the direct heirs and descendants uf the ancient moabites, we have and possess the divine and
internationally recognized rights to our hereditamentsand resources; and proclaim the right to determine our own social, economic
and political life and 'status uf the state': and en accordare with 'international law'; and with such •rights uf claim' being absent uf
foreign + law threats, coercion, or acquiescence to a color+uf+law, a color+uf+0ffice, nor to be subjected by any occupying foreign
persons to any imposed frauds, 'nom—de—guerre'or color+uf+authority.

moors + moorish americans + muurs have, proclaim and possess the unalienable rights, substantive rights, and bearthright +
inheritance to our ancient pedagree traditions and customs, and the right uf claim to our al moroccan attributes, names, and nationality,
substantiated by, and supported by, nature's laws, by divine law, by primogeniture, and by the recognized laws uf the nations uf the
earth (international). being the true, ancient, aboriginal + indigenes and heirs ufthe land (amexem + america) + 'the north gate', being
the geographical heart+land (maghrib) uf the moroccan empire. moors + muurs are the 'de jure' and rightful freeholders by
bearthright, by inheritance and by primogeniture status; and have by those inherited rights, descendible claims. note to all comers, that
we (heirs ufthe land) possess the secured rights to travel upone the lands uf our ancient fore+mothers and fore+fathers; upone the
public roadways, upone the byways and upone the highways uf our continental united states (relating to the organic land) and absent
uf the genocidal, fraud+based extortion tributes, and human trafficking imposed by foreign 'colored' inquisitionists, or by their
corporation + imposed excise taxation constructs, invented by the racketeering, anti+constitutional, foreign states' legislators,
constructed under color and styled to abridge and to steal substantive rights belonging to the natural peoples. these substantive rights
are supported by, and asserted by, royal law; moorish law; moslem + muslim law; the law uf the great peace; the laws ufnature; divine
law; nature's god; the laws uf nations; the free moorish great seal zodiac constitution; stare decisis; res judicata; and bindingly
affirmed by articles iii, iv and vi uf the american constitution covenant uf 1774 + 1781 a.d. = and treaty 1200 , I m. c., as lawfully
adopted for the united states republic, establishing its republican form uf government. the said american constitution established the
peoples' 'supreme law uf the land' standing upone the principles uf moral government to secure the rights uf the people, and to keep
limited government operatives bound and en check by official oath, and by official bond. let it be known that: 'down from the ancients
ones, (our primogenitors) came the allodial isonomi principles which established the supreme law ufthe land!'
いⅲ ⅲ朝小「

いいいい ⅲいヨ い 、いい
いい第いい・ ヨⅲいい山

い0 ⅲい朝 ⅲトい山 い

ⅲ ⅲいいい
、 第一いⅱ円いⅲ い川ⅲ山い
可いい川Ⅲ、 口いいい・い阜、

い い、 い山いⅢい い新い山
いいい山、い い ⅲいⅢ いいⅲにⅢい い

い当ⅲ い、
いいいい、 い、
い山 ・ 、ⅱⅲい川

い い、い、
い、 ⅲ、、
。 い山・
,第いルい山いいⅲいい第、 いⅢ川・Ⅲいい. ⅲ、 . 川い ⅲい
、いい: ⅲい、い、山ⅲ いいい. 、
、 日い山い
、 町

いい、 、山いいいいいい
第いい いいい
Ⅲにい ⅲ山い山いにⅲ第いい 石朝・
リ、 川に・
第い Ⅲ0Ⅲい , 卩れ

、当 、
いいいいⅲ いいい第いいⅱ、 い、
、Ⅲいⅲいい. 、
「いⅢⅢⅢいⅲいいいいい、い川 Ⅲ いⅢ
引、可いい Ⅲいい川いいい山いいいにい川、いにい、い 、、い・・山いリい・第、い
第い ⅲいⅢい 、
、山、 ⅲⅲ山ⅲ
、山いい 、いい いハー いいいいハ、いいⅢ ⅲいいい
いい当い第 ⅲⅲい第いいⅲい、ⅲい円い、 川ⅲい、
いい、Ⅲ 山0 ⅲい ,いら 0 い一
山、い、Ⅲ いいい一

いⅲいⅢ い 山いいいいⅢい
、 、山 いい、
. い 小、 い、いⅲいⅲ い、い
い、 : い! 山い. 山 い い
朝ⅲハ、 いい
い、いいいいⅲ、い いいいい、
いい日ⅲ 、
、 い、
い山屮- い,、 ⅲいいいい一、、
いいい,第ⅲい可い、 ・いい引ⅱリIl いⅢいⅲ ⅢいⅢⅲ0ト
いいヨー い 、Ⅲいド、Ⅳ い、
ⅢいⅣ川いいいⅲ ⅲいい
第、山いⅲ第川い、いい 山0 い市川い ⅲ、 川第ⅢいR 回に
、いは、N卩ロれ、い心いN ロい、ハ第円 い いい、い新ⅲい- い
い いいい口ⅲい
い、 い
い可山、いいリ ⅲ 山、いⅲに、いい、いい国に

、、い、、、 れ・' 0 リ , ) バんい な、担,朝ん 議第朝れ なれ 物れ
、/ い'Vハ・
、 物-、いい!なな、朝な0 曜・ん) 第れ
/ ″ ル物な 、 / 川

、物 を
い、朝い な ) い、
川、 れ物・ / Ⅲ物・ , 阜川物第山物/
信第法 ハ / 川・ Ⅲ ″ れす. リ ないツん 卩厖いⅲ・にい月、 山・ ・れなな〃い月・.

・ い朝にⅲ ⅲ国


、いいいい. ハ山山・ い,ⅲロⅵⅲ・
Ⅲいヨ 、
・ のⅱ当ハ、
いいい、・ 'いい・ ・山、
いⅲ、 , 日ⅵ日、山い
、ⅲい国 山、ハい 、
当、引 、、
日Rい日.、N当ⅢいれW 、 、ⅲ山いいドい・ ⅶ、いいい い, 卩、新-いいⅲい い、いに、に国い

、山いい山、、い朝屮、・いい卩' い ⅱいれ
Ⅲな戸. いいい い
い・ⅲ川 い
い い“ に- 山い口い0 、 い 新山・
、いⅲいい、いい当Ⅲ 、い、い い 、
い にⅲい、 はレしN 当いⅢ ⅶ山、
、 いに、新ョ
, いⅲいい、 山国′ 、・いい山、 い朝いに、
・ いいい第・
い,小いい 山、い

い , いⅲい、いい、
い第い 山いⅲ山、 卩い れ川・

いい、い いいいいいい、
い ロ0 物い
いいいい 月卩を、
・ロいい山い 当い、
い当 い、 いい、
・山いい日、 い、ロ、
にいい い、 ⅲいい、 い、、いⅲ、 第いリいいい に、
, '、 重に、
い、ⅲ 山0 いいいい、朝に、ⅱドい いヨ 川国に い物ⅲいⅢい、 山い 、
いい Ⅲいー小小にい山・ 、、れ . いP.い叫第山気. 川、 ・い0 ⅱ 、

いいいい、いい、、いドいいい、 いい国に( い、 、ヨ、) いいい山、

ⅲ、ル山いいいいいいいに、ⅲ山、 、Ⅲ い国い・ Ⅲい,Ⅲ円い! Ⅲ、、い、 、い第屮. 円い第 、 、Ⅲい, 、朝いいい 山朝
い、いⅵ、 いい、、 円 -ⅲいいい、山いいいいい いいいいい、いい第いい 山0 ・ いい, 川い可いli / 山ⅳ いⅢヨ山ⅲいい ー 朝いに7 ーい、 li ⅲ物Ⅲ、、当朝国い気第
い、Ⅳ 山ⅳに川い、 い、
いいい山、,いⅢい 応い口は山口、、いh ハ い山に にⅢ いい山い ・ いいli 屮山い い い、 いに、・ⅲ0 ドい・ 電、い 第

ⅳⅱ い、山いいいい山、 い山い い、
、 いいいい山いい、い山い川いいⅱ、川 ⅲいいⅢ川 い 川 信ー ハ ・ 0, い 山 、 れす0山川いⅢいい 、
い0 ・0、 れ・山 、 、
、慂い、 いい、
Ⅲいいいいⅲ山ドい い、物いいh いい いいⅲいいⅲいい、 いヨⅲⅲい山山 朝い、 、川j. ⅲいいいli ドは いい、 、朝Ⅲ、 、
円 いⅲいルな、いい、・い朝
、 ⅲいい、 ハ ⅲ川 い川なを・、川リい、 ら〃Ⅲい 川ⅲいⅲい小Ⅲーい国ハいいい,、 い 、、
は101 ⅲ、, 川ⅲ山、 いい、ⅱドいいヨ 川国に卩信、 : ヨユ



、 第いいい,第hい
いいいい、山0 い、 、い いバ卩& 量をい、
い山ⅲ、 、 い7 、
いⅲい : いい ・
川Ⅲ、ⅲ-山、 、
いい、, ⅲい, い いⅲⅢい,、
. ホ甲にd 山 、、Ⅲⅲ、 、

、に . い)、
い山 ↓ ーいいいⅱ、 h Ⅲい自にいい、いいⅵ、ⅲ -いい山いヨ国ⅲい川山 、 , い、
0山 、 ⅲ・ いⅢい、・
、. い・
第ⅱい川ⅲ、 Ⅲ、、 ・ ・
0 い、
いいⅢい de 、
山、、山ⅲ、、山 ⅲいい 、、
、い、、ⅲいⅲ山いは山0 ・ ' ⅲ、ⅲ' 山0 日 い、 当ヨい、いいい、いい国、い,、 いⅲい、 川い淑、 いis')、い い.ルドⅱ 可、 川平. 卩い, な ) い ),
いいいハ いいハー( い)第) ): 山いⅢⅲ、
、 、山 ⅲい い 、
、、川is'物'、d 山 い、 0 れⅲ 川 い日目い" ・い 、に、新ドロⅣ川いいⅢ 国y ・、
、 い
いⅲい n
0に いいい矼 い)、 、、、ⅵいいい、い) 川山、: ' 、、,い山 、 いい07 、、一いⅲい・d、新ⅳ、い・ いいいいらい川山山いい気第山、 , ⅲ甲にいハいⅲ田 ' ⅲⅢいい
ⅱドいい、 い、
、 : ⅲいⅲⅲい いⅲい川、 ⅲいⅲ川ⅲ 山 0 い、 Ⅲⅲい山 Ⅲ川、 引、いいをⅢい、 ・ⅱ い、いⅲい い工 いⅢ、 ,い、ⅲ川 、, す川、 0日・

い、 いい、い 、
ⅲい、 、
、いハⅲⅢ、 山、
、 、ⅱⅵⅱ、ⅲ、 山0 いい甲い ; 山0 Ⅲ 、
ⅲ、、川 い、、いⅢ 第 い口Ⅱ ⅲ ⅳ、ⅲすⅢい いⅱ 、い 、
- ・、朝 ト; k00 い いⅱ、h
、 山い口 0 いいⅢい 山山、 いⅲい、いい、
、 い、い
、 ⅱⅵⅡい日ⅲ Ⅲ0 ハⅢⅲ、自Ⅲい い-.、
ーい日cl い、
玉いいlc、 ⅲい: 山、 , 川い いⅱ、川 ⅲ、 川ⅱ )・ 川
ⅶ ⅲ、

Ⅳ山第 い い、 、
Ⅲ、 hい一、い
山日ド いい、n い第 小、Ⅲⅱ
いⅱドい Ⅲ 、い い 口Ⅲ edⅱ Ⅲい0川、一、'ing は
、 、
Ⅲい い、、 山、
川い 、Ⅲい 山い 卩れ
Ⅲ・ Ⅲ〃/ んⅲ ) 朝 ⅲドⅲ、応 、
Ⅲ日 Ⅲ Ⅲ、 円ⅲいい
、 、
d い)・
山0 応 自 、、by
、 山当、心山0 い、
いⅢ、ⅢⅢいい: いい川いい一川いい日山いい
い ドい気当、 、
、いいいⅱい ⅲいⅱい川山、
川、 、は0 訂 山0 川山ⅲ、
h 川ⅲ0い行
山0 い、
、 い いⅢ、
第、いい、 Ⅲい一に Nい7
いⅱⅶd、 ↓ 麕 、山0 Ⅷい い00 Ⅲい
いいい ロ リ 0 : 山0 ロ 可 劇ⅲc united 引Ⅲい
いⅲ ⅲい
h新 - ⅲⅲ冊にいい いⅲ ⅲ州市川じい観ロ . り,山0 川54 ROⅢ C田hoⅱ
0 M明聞Knights
い、 面ⅲ、い 、
de: ⅲゞKu Klux 面 い川山: 山いいN 同 い、小、い、
町前 ( 川いR 回旧ⅲ・ d Ⅷい
旧、 甲に: いⅢ朝、Ⅲ第cl凸
l, ) 、 日ⅲ Ⅲ、
町4. をいい ⅲ、いい: 山ゞいⅲい引川い、 い
い国Ⅲ0 い川日す、冊いⅲ・ⅱ 0、
: 山0 い ヨ
ドn、い、朝 gn い 28 い 対( 月:

中川は山0 い"i 、

自ⅲい 川d ⅲⅢ扣いれい )、
いいいⅲいⅢⅲ川川い、 Ⅲ山けい月リ
円 、 . 山0 W可いゞいⅢ・
い、, い 山山、
, h gい
0、 、
眠山Ⅲ トヨ
8 ー い州い
同ⅢⅢ) い)、
、 い、
ⅶいヨ 0 い山いIl い矼山0 川山いい い、ⅲ

朝ⅶ、 、
山ⅶ' 、
川Ⅲ ⅱⅵ旧. 0にいhe Ⅲ、
ド日ⅲゞい 朝国トhいいい いⅢ'いlc、
円物い、 , 山 い、
、 な朝川/ な、
い第Ⅳ諸,朝、 ル浦('ⅲⅢい"'it;
t. 山0 ⅱドⅢい 山 、 いⅢS'い第眠0: 山、
, 日ⅵいいⅢいいⅲ、 ゴ朝hいいい、
、 ⅲⅢⅢ 01い山NOい 日 ghい. れい
いⅢい d ⅲ0 1)国に0 con noいい
い山0 ハい、

い い、0い 、
い回い. 山 0 新ⅶ 山00 、 習広Ⅲ TNい

川0 い0 ⅲ、
ⅲ0 h h、、
い、「 山0 いい
甲い 対い自川いいⅢ、い川いい 山ⅲ、川いい可川 け0 いⅱⅵい、いⅲれ0 いⅢ いIi Ⅲ ⅱ
、 山 0 いい 国にand いⅢ町い 0ⅲい、,Ⅲ川可前 世ived、 明0 い川れ川川 elい・
ⅶ is'、 はhi 337 川ⅲⅲ、川 6 い0 2ムIt い取財0 新
物馴いⅢ . 46靆Nれ0 、 b 山川0 第 4 NW007靆5 Ⅲいい 、Ⅲ 吶w y、
はコ い:
・ 'い 、
3. 川0 ⅱhいい心 可いいel ト艸ⅱⅲ、
ド 山い川、0ⅱy ⅲ・whichthe pc 川 、 朝 レⅶい 0 deprived without 、
dい0 CC ⅲ
いw い山け 山0 5山山いⅶ山い
ゞい いいい Ⅲ'iti 山ⅲ川.
い江山0 united 、 d ⅲle、357 、 日 ロ 5 :

4. 0日ド 朝ⅲ朝、・ h 回州、 い

ⅲ′ 0いいいcl い川0 山0 いⅲ、 い川 川0、い い
い伊ⅵ、 はい山0 0ルci 山はby 、
第ⅲ明0 町
いⅢい川Ic コ、い可員川い、世 日叩0. which elい・
円 、山Ⅲい川' いい第ⅲ will, いⅢハいⅢⅢい0 right. which he 、 he ha、川朝0ロhe
けい、 艸いⅲいはh叫甲ⅲい、
山ⅲ 、
・ 川新第ⅲ山4 、
. 物、 、 0
5. otate police posser extends onl.\ 10 inunediate Ihrvats to public safety, health. etc.. m ichignn v. duke 200 us. led.
at 449: dri\ ing and speeding are not. californin v. farley ced. rpt. 89.20 ca3rd 1032 (1971):

6. the state is prohibited from Niolating substantixe rights. ens v. cil.\A-I-ISus 002 ( and il can not (10by one (eg,
police posser) that hich is. for exatnple. prohibited expressly to an.\ other such posset (eg. taxation f etuinent (lotnain) as
lass. us and ut v. daniels, 22 p 159. nor indirectl.s that is prohibited to it directly fnirbnnks v. us 181, us 283, 294.300:

7. traveling en an autotnobile on the public roads as not a threat to the public satéty or health and constituted no hazard to the
public. and such a eler O\sed no other dut> to the public (eg. the state): he she and his + her auto. ha\ing equal right 10and on the
roadm»s + high"a.s s as hotses and etc.: this satue right is still substantive rule.en that speeding. running stop signs, trasvling
ithout license plates, or registration, ate not threats to the public safety. and thus. are not arrestable otn•nses. christy v. elliot, 210 i
131, 74 he 1035. Ira 1905—1910: californin v. farley 98 ced rpt. 89, 20 3d 1032 (1971).

S. under the united states republic's constitutionalsystem uf and upone the indi\iduality and intelligenceuf the
citizen. the state does not claim to control one's conduct to others. leaving one the sole judge as to all that atrects oneselC muglec v.
Kansas 1213 us 623, 659—60:

9. where rights secured by the constitution are inxolved, there can be no rule + making or legislation, i',hieh abrogate then),
miranda v. arizona 384 us 436, 125:

10. the claim and exercise ufconstitutional rights cannot be comerted into a critne. miller v. kansns 230 f 2nd 486, 489:

ll. for a crime to exist, there must be an injured party (corpus delicti). there can be no sanction or penalt:y iluposed on onc because
ufthis constitutional right. sherer v. cullen 481 f. 945:

12. if any tribunal (court) tinds absence uf proof uf jurisdiction 0',•r a person and subject matter, the case be disillissc€i,
louisville v. motley 2111 us 149, 29s. ct 42. •ethe accuser bears the burden uf proof be»nd a reasonable doubt".

13. •tack uf federal jurisdiction can not be mlived or overcome by agreement uf parties". griffin v. juntthews, 310 f
342 (1969): and ••want ufjurisdietion may not be cured by consent uf parties". industrial addition association v. c.i.r..

whereas, en light uf the foregoingjurisprudence •stare decisis' and •res judicati aftirtned and declared by the
decisions: by facts, and by law: and counter to the negative and •colorable' social and political conditions instituceci by
persons uf the union states society. there exists a blatant •want uf jurisdiction' on the part uf the Union Slates Rights
(U.S.A.), and by its agents. personnel. contractors. and assiens. nuxims and axioms are legally en undev
international law attending to these issues. and this atliant (natural being en propria persona) does not abandon any uf estate
rights: do not waive any substantive rights: does not transfer •power uf attorne$ to any foreigner: and does not willingly consent to
any public trial or ministerial hearing en any •colorable' tribunal venue or involvement with any non+artiele iii. unconstitutional
jurisdiction. the official oaths and bonds: the obligations: and the fiduciary duties uf all accusers and proofrbound •claitnants• to
national constitution and treaty law and order. the civilization principles fixed en constitution law. still stands! definition and truth still
rules. Non+compliance is a federal law violation and international law offence and trespass.

uhereas. there is no question that a •bench appearance summons'. a detention. an arrest and a ticket or citation. issued by a police
[officer] or by others, against the people, for traveling with no driver's license. foreign driver's license. not having current registration,
or mandatory insurance, etc.. which carries a fine or jail time. is a penalty or sanction and is indeed "converting a right into a crime":
thus violating substantive rights. it is reasonable to assume that these supreme court judicial decisions are straight and to the point.
that there is no lawful method for government to put restrictions or limitations on rights belonging to the people.

that the organic united states republic constitution (derived from ancient moabite + moorish law) remains •the supreme law uf the
land'; and all treaties made. or which shall be made. under the authority uf the united states government. and under its nag uf peace,
pursuant to united states code, title 4, chapter l. any law or colorable processes which are repugnant to the constitution or treaty shall
remain forever 'colorable and are null md void. marbury v. madison 5 u.s. 137, 174, 176 (1803). any municipal otüeer(s), person(s),
personnel, employee(s) or contractor(s) who violate or abridge the rights uf the natural people or citizens, are subject to suit or other
tort action, en their personal and + or official capacity to wit:

title 18, part l, chapter 13 S241 uf united states codes uf law:

if two or more persons conspire to injure, oppress, threaten, or intimidate any person en any state. territory, commonwealth,
possession. or district en the free exercise or enjoyment ufany right or privilege secured to him by the constitutionor laws uf the
united states. or because ufhis having so exercised the same; or...
if two or more persons go en disguise on the highway, or on the premises uf another, with the intent to prevent or hinder his free
exercise or enjoyment uf any right or privilege so secured
they shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than ten years, or both; and if death results from the acts committed en
violation uf this section, or if such acts include kidnapping or an attempt to kidnap, aggravated sexual abuse or an attempt to commit
aggravated sexual abuse, or an attempt to kill, they shall be fined under this title or imprisoned for any term uf years or for or
both, or may be sentenced to death.

title 18, part 1, chapter 13 S242 uf united states codes uf law:

whoever, under •color' uf any law, statute, ordinance, regulation, or custom, willfully subjects any person en any state. territory.
commonwealth,possession. or district to the deprivation uf any rights, privileges, or immunities secured or protected by the
constitution or laws uf the united states, or to different punishments, pains, or penalties, on account uf such person being an aliens or
by reason ufhis color, or race. that are prescribed for the citizens, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than one year.
or both; and if bodily injury results from the acts committed en violation ufthis section, or if such acts include the use, attempted use,
or threatened use ufa dangerous weapon, explosives, or fire, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than ten years or for
life, or both. or may be sentenced to death.

therefore, en preservation uf •the rights uf indigenous peoples' and the preservation uf the rights uf the people, en accordare and
defense ufthe constitution for the united states Republic ufnorth america and its republican form uf government + being the •supreme
law ufthe land'; and primal to the contractual liabilities, oath + bound obligations, and
fiduciary duties uf the ofticers uf the courts +
federal, state, city, and municipal, etc., i hereby.
demand the enforcement uf the de jure laws uf the united states. and all treaties made
under the authority ufthe united states, en
accordare with article vi ufthe constitution; the bill ufrights: the declaration uf the rights uf
the child: the rights uf indigenous peoples; the universal declaration uf human rights; the united nations charter. article SS(e); the
united states suprejnc coun • •acts uf . the inununitics act 28 USC 1601: et scqua.. the convention on
'international tratiic•• day 19. septctnbcc 1909. the ssovld court decisions. the hague. netherlands. day 21, ianuary 1958 a.d =
1.378n).c.: and ••Executise ( )tÄler 1()?" i united states republic. north ajnerica: the itnpletncntation uf hutnan rights treaties: the
national constitution the eonuncntal united states. article iii. sect ton arnendtuent v liberty clause: amendment ix. etc.. etc. i
€ieinand a ol' and all unconstitutional sanctions, claitns, or other warrants or charges Inade or issued. which are
oid nicntlty personages: a denial •due process' a •trial' by a jury uf Iny own national peers: or absent uf a verified and
indicuncnt. sanctioned by an asselnbled grand jury: and that i be availed all lawful constitutional + secured safeguards.
established by the supretne Ia\s: ith docutuented proper jurisdiction and venue conlirmed and en place.

coherefore all panics ut• interest are authorized by this writ, pursuant to national and international law, to honor all substantive
rights and constitutional inununities reserved tor, and to. this aboriginal + indigenous free and sovereign moor + muur*. all officials
are to enlist all ailable and appropriate measures to ensure. and assure, that all my substantive rights and constitutionally + secured
rights and inununities are not Oolated. not breached. nor abridged. the sovereign, natural being. named herein, is not to be arrested nor
held tor detention under any •colorable' circumstances! you are to notify the active ministers uf the aboriginal + indigenous moorish
nationals uf the territory (organic land). the natural person named herein is non+obligatory and thus exempt from customs, tariff',
taxations •ms ner en fee • pertnit+deception constructs. and from any other hindrance or restriction uf his or her freedoms. allodial
properties. compensations. rights uf travel, or freedom uf movement on. in. or within, any member or non+member states uf the united
states union. etc. the moor + muur (bearer uf this indigenous peoples' document) is to be treated with all due respect and •due process'
rights under the law. all available and appropriate measures are to be taken to prevent injustice. harm, false arrest. trumped+up
charges. or attack on the natural being's person. property, personalty, conveyances. freedoms. and + or dignity.

explicit reservation and use uf 'all rights reserved without prejudice- U.C.C. I—207 + 308. U.C.C. 1-103. is noted to all fiederal.
state. city, and municipal peace officers: en accordare with state•s statutes. and indicates the reservation uf my rights. whereby i may
reserve my substantive rights and constitutional + secured rights and immunities to •not- be compelled to perform under any contracts
or agreements that i have not entered into knowingly, voluntarily. willingly or unintentionally i do not accept any actual or implied
•liabilities' associated with any •compelled + benefits' uf any or decepti'velyimposed commercial contracts.
furthermore, do not sanction any •unconstitutionar rules or policies. or acts uf misprision committed by any U.S. Government or State
Officials. at any level, claimed by any uf them. en the name uf the united states republic. nor do i assent to any implied colorable
policies made by alleged representatives. as being sanctioned by the people and citizens. consider any formerly+assumed constructs
alleged to be related to me as being misrepresentations and thusly •cured' fortms ith. let it be knmvn....

upresent means to 'depict' to 'portray'. to 'symbolize' and to •stand for'. let it be knovsn that the Union States Society ' Bar
Association' Lawyers, Esquires, and Attorneys uf European Colonial descent. and foreign corporation, cannot depict, or
symbolize a free moor; as they are not uf the same nation jurisdiction. customs. or national peers: and cannot sit cn judglnen€ ut-any
free moor (acts uf state). europeans are not indigenes to the land (americas) moors are aboriginal! anion states lawyers
attorneys operate en demo + political format. which is contrary to article iv. section 4 uf the constitution CoriÅe united states.
operate en a republican Ibrm uf government. conjoined with isonomi principles being en accordare with constitution
respect constitution principles. the unconstitutional tribunals operating under the union states society conflicts and is
to. "due process" under constitution principles. and functions primarily en •colorable' procedures. lhcre10rc. no faiö ,
remedy is availed to the natural peoples uf the land. through such •colorable' processes! these violating acis coil.stitute a
interest: a •conflict uf law': and clearly establish the •federal questions' uf •diversity uf citizenship': a conillGi ur ider.iity.
nationality and international law. etc. thus, a clear and documented •averment uf jurisdiction + quo wacranto' is also her.•iy
proclaimed and advanced to all parties uf interest. only moors can •present' and •depict' themselves as being moors al morocca:-.s,
and aboriginal + indigenes uf the land! thus, only moors can 'present' •self!

i. musa jew bey, en capitis nolo, being a real. live flesh and blood. breathing. divine and natural being + born sanguineous uf a
natural, thinking and animatus mother, do solemnly. sincerely. and squarely atlirm that the foregoing facts contained en this
constructive and actual judicial notice and proclamation. by affirmed affidavit. are true. this •notice' is constructed to the best uf my
knowledge, conjoined to my culture. customs and belliefs: being actual. factual. and restorative en nature to my ancient traditions and
customs: presented as correct. and not misleading, etc.: + being the truth, the '.u-:oletruth, and nothing but the truth. as with our ancient
traditions and customs, i entreat to all:

hibu (love). haqq (truth). salaam (peace). Kuro atun (freedom), adl (justice),
all rights reserved without prejudice: U.C.C. 1-207 + 308, U.C.C. I-103.
ab original + indigenous. free sovereign moor + natural person ufthe land: 'in propria persona' (not pro se, nor colorable)

chronos: Wednesday 21st januarye 1441 mc year: 1441 mc = [20211.

ego sum: mt.Lv44-

justise + vizir + ministar en propria persona sui juris en proprio solo 'eredes.
all sovereigne rightes exxercised at all tymes. f
free moor + muur northe weste ammexem + northe weste affrica + northe ahi%cå + northe gate
moorishe nationall reepublic federall governmente
moorishe ammerican konsulate
cair uf 1406 gold avenue
neare memphiss tennasee
annciente hikuptah egypt
unniversall nationall arrea codde: 7gxsfnthks

•men, .rnen dico vobis, quecurnque alligaveritis super terram erunt ligata et ego in caelo et quaecumque solveritis super terram erunt soluta et in caelo
•rr•n, •roen vobß, quecurnque alloventis super terram erunt ligata et ego in caeto et quaecumque solveritis super terram erunt soluta et in Caelo
•men djco "Obis, qu•cumque alligaveritis super terrarnerunt ligata et ego in caelo et quaecumque solveritis super terram erunt soluta et in caelo
nunc pro tunc

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