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Part - I Listening Question Paper

CMMSELA - 2017

Time allowed: 40 minutes

Total score: 25 points
Name: __________________________________

Diocese/Congregation: __________________________________

You will hear all the recordings twice.

I. You are going to hear a recording of a guide talking about the town of Tanbridge. Listen and
match each person with the correct sentence ending. Write a, b, c, d. (4 points)

1. Anna Collins _____ (a) has had ten bestselling books.

2. James Harman _____ (b) was inspired by Tanbridge.

3. Ian Cheriton _____ (c) had a job in Tanbridge.

4. Sylvia Daniels _____ (d) is buried in the town.

II. You are going to hear a conversation between a student who is enrolling at university and a
university administrator. Listen and complete the form below. (4 points)

Enrollment form

Name: Peter (1) ____________________________

Course: BSc Economics

Faculty: (2) _____________________________

University address: Room 112, (3) _________________________ Residence,

Duke Street, Newcastle

Home address: 56, Grove Street, Manchester,

(4) ________________________

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III. Listen and complete the summary. (4 points)

Fire evacuation summary

If the fire alarm is activated, all staff should exit the building using the main stairs unless it sounds

at 11.00 a.m. on a Tuesday, in which case it is (1) _____________. Do not waste time by picking

up any bags or (2) ____________________. Once outside the building, staff should follow the

(3) ___________________, who will direct them to the waiting area at the back of the building.

Each department has an appointed fire safety officer who is responsible for checking all their staff

have left the office. This person must then report any (4) _____________________ to the fire

safety manager. The fire safety manager will notify people when it is safe to return.

IV. You are going to hear a lecturer talking about resources to carry out research on migration
and family history. Listen and match the list of resources 1-5 with the type of access a-c in the
box. Write a, b, c next to questions 1-5. (5 points)

1. Family Records Centre and website ___________

a. free to access 2. Genes Reunited __________________

b. academic use only 3. The National Census Association’s statistical data

c. requires payment
4. Journal of Historical Migration ____________

5. Journal of Social Demography _____________


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V. You are going to hear someone talking about a department restructure and other changes
in the company. Listen and complete the blanks with a word or phrase you hear from the
audio. (3 points).

Sales Team

Gary Wilson

 Increase business with existing clients

 Find new clients

Human Resources Team

Linda French

 Recruit 20 new sales staff

 Appoint an internal (1) _________________ to the manager of each team.

Product Development Team

Zoe Green

 Research competitor products.

 Create 2 new product (2) _________________ this year.

IT Support Team

Ian Smith

 Ensure all clients receive follow up calls

 Improve package for (3) ______________________.

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VI. You are going to hear a lecturer talking about immigrants to Britain. Listen and complete
the table. (5 points)

Act and date Reason for the act Conditions to live in Britain

1793 Aliens Act  control refugees from (1)_______________ on arrival

French Revolution

1844 Naturalisation Act  know more about  give personal

immigrants information
1870 Naturalisation Act  regulate immigrants  resident for

1914 Alien Registration Act prevent (3)___________  register with police

 speak English

1948 (4)_____________ Act encourage immigration for  desire to work

post war reconstruction

1962 Commonwealth Restrict Commonwealth  obtain(5)____________

Immigration Act immigrants

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Listening Answer Page

Full Name_______________________ Diocese______________________Date_______________

I. You are going to hear a recording of a guide talking about the town of Tanbridge. Listen and
match each person with the correct sentence ending. Write a, b, c, d. (4 points)

II. You are going to hear a conversation between a student who is enrolling at university and a
university administrator. Listen and complete the form below. (4 points)

III. Listen and complete the summary. (4 points)

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IV. You are going to hear a lecturer talking about resources to carry out research on migration
and family history. Listen and match the list of resources 1-5 with the type of access a-c in the
box. Write a, b, c next to questions 1-5. (5 points)

V. You are going to hear someone talking about a department restructure and other changes
in the company. Listen and complete the blanks with a word or phrase you hear from the
audio. (3 points).

VI. You are going to hear a lecturer talking about immigrants to Britain. Listen and complete
the table. (5 points)

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