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Progress Primary School: Grade 6

Name: ……………………………………
Guidance and Counselling
Week one : Family

Boys in our family Girls in our family

Belonging to a family.
Ever since you were a baby, you have been connecting and bonding with your
parents/guardians and other family members of your family. The family is the basic unit of
society. As a group it provides for the needs of its members. It shows some basic ways people
care for each other.
What is a family? A family is a group of people who are related in some way. Families can be
different sizes. They can be made up of different family members.
* A nuclear family is made up of a husband and wife and one or more children.
* A single-parent family has only one parent with one or more children.
* A blended/mixed family may include a husband and wife who were married before. They
each have children from a previous marriage. They may have children together.
* An extended family may include grandparents, aunts, uncles and cousins. They may even live
with you.
* A child-headed household is one where there are no adults cares available and children live
on their own. Typically an older child will care for siblings, cousins, nephews or nieces.
Family members care about one another, they love, support, and trust each other. Their
memories, or things remembered from the past, keep them close for many years. Memories
are usually kept alive by photos taken, stories shared amongst members of interesting events
they have gone through.

How families care for their members

→ Families provide for members’ emotional needs
→ Family members keep each other safe.
→ Basic needs for food, clothing, and shelter are met within the family.
→ Giving guidance and support is an important family function.

Building strong families.

Love, caring for one another, and respecting each other’s need to make up the foundation of a
healthy family.
Keeping the foundation strong.
Communicate: family members build trust by talking openly and honestly.
Spend time together: family members share work and play.
Keeping traditions: ethnic and religious traditions may be handed down for generations.
Families may also start their own traditions.
Be flexible: families adjust to changes when they are needed.

1. What is a family?

A family is….

2. List the types of families mentioned above and explain them






Keeping the foundation strong.

Act Activity
Communicate e.g talking to each other
Spend time 1.
Keeping traditions 1.
Be flexible 1.
Week two: Your role in the family
When you were little your family helped you many things from food, clothing and place to live.
Your family gave you love and attention. As you grow older, your family is helping you develop
the skills you need to become an independent adult. They teach you how to make responsible
choices and get along with them. They also help you learn to accept the consequences of your
Write a short letter to a friend describing some activities you do regularly with your family.
Explain these activities bring you close together as a family.

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