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Tampak Siring or Bali Holy Spring Temple is a holy spring water temple located in Tampak Siring Village,

Gianyar regency. This Bali Holy Spring Temple is also called by Tirta Empul Temple. Furthermore, the
location of Tampak Siring in the dale with the green hill surround it. Meanwhile, there is an Indonesian
President palace found by the first president in west of this temple. The name of Tirta Empul Temple is
loaded in a inscription kept at Sakenan Temple, Manukaya village, Sub district of Tampak Siring. It is
about 3 km from Tirta Empul Temple. In this inscription, the Tirta Empul is named by the Tirta Ri Air
Hampul and then the name has changed into Tirta Hampul. Finally, it become the Tirta Empul. Tirta Ri
Air Hampul is meaning the water emerge or the holy pool (Petirthan) as well as the water emerge from
the land.

Firstly, the wellspring emerges from the land is believed the infinite creation. According to the history,
this water source is arranged and sanctified by king Indrajayasinghawarmadewa in the year 882 Saka
(960 M). He has given the name with Tirta ri air hampul. The data has loaded in the inscription located at
Sakenan Temple. Besides of the above epigraphy data, it has been also found the archaeology omission
such as Colossus Yoni, Arca Lion, Tepasana and Tirta Empul Pool. According to papyrus of Usana Bali
narrated that Tirta Empul is created by Bhatara Indra (Sun Deity/Indra God).

In this story mentions that Indra God bearing arms against a miraculous king where his palace located in
Bedahulu Countryside. He is known as a very miraculous king that he can lose or show suddenly.
Therefore, he is named by Mayadenawa. Because of its miracle, he becomes the arrogance and
expressing himself as a god.

The Mayadenawa King owns the assistant (Patih) which is called Kalawong. He prohibit the people doing
Yadnya (praying to the god). The effect of this instruction, the region conditions have changed into bad
influence. It effect the natural disaster, disease epidemic, agriculture fail and finally miserable life
society. Finally, Indra God gives battle against Mayadenawa King and the battle happened until Tampak
Siring Village. And then, Mayadenawa run to the wall and disappear. And also, he knows that the
soldiers are very tired and thirsty.

Then, Mayadenawa King created poisonous pools to trap the Indra God’s soldier (faint soldier) to drink
the pool water. Hence, all Indra God’s soldiers died after drinking this water. And then, Indra God stick
the weapon of Umbul-umbul to the ground. Finally, the holy water is emerging and called by Tirta
Empul. Afterward, he has sprinkled to the dead body and faint soldier back to live suddenly. Therefore,
this pool water is sanctified by the Hindu people in Bali and they believe that this water source can heal
various of diseases.

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