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Shinka Reiki
for your Truth & Evolution

Reiki 2
Shinka Essential Manual

by Lumié Aino * 愛野ルミエ

Reiki Five Principles

Just for today -

Don't be angry
Don’t worry
Be grateful
Do your best
Be kind to others

- Mikao Usui

Reiki Five Principles/Precepts/Affirmations

Master Mikao Usui (Usui-sensei) put forth the following five principles to help us always
be in sync with the Universal source of light, love and harmony. Say the principles in the
morning and at night, in the Gassho position (your palms together). Chant them as part
of Hatsurei-ho (a Reiki way of meditating and breathing for self-purification and spiritual
growth). Remember and say them throughout the day.

Wonderful way to invite happiness

Spiritual medicine for all illnesses

Just for today -

Don’t be angry
Don’t worry
Be grateful
Do your best
Be kind to others

Do Gassho every Morning and Evening

Keep in your Mind and Recite.

Usui Reiki Ryoho

for enhancing your Mind and Body

- The Founder, Mikao Usui

Shinka Reiki 2

Welcome to Reiki 2!

I am so happy that you have been enjoying resonating with Reiki after
your Reiki 1 attunements. Thank you for this wonderful opportunity
to share the broader aspect of Reiki with you. With Reiki 2, you are
attuned to the first three Reiki symbols and the possibilities for
integrating Reiki into your life are unlimited.

By receiving Reiki 2 attunements, your Reiki channel becomes even

clearer and the flow of Reiki becomes stronger. It is said the strength
is twice that of your flow after Reiki 1 attunements. Your vibration is
heightened again and you are led to deeper emotional/mental healing.

In this manual, I have included the essential information about the

usage of the three Reiki 2 symbols and the major Usui traditional

Enjoy it!

Gassho with Reiki love,

Lumié Aino, Reiki Master Teacher
Shinka Reiki 2

Understanding Reiki Symbols

‘Symbols’ and ‘Mantras’

 Effective tools to resonate with the cosmic vibration
Expression Effect
Shape (mark, Acts as a focus for the
Symbol character, figure) practitioner’s intent.

Mantra Sound (sacred Invokes a specific cosmic

voice) vibration.

 Your ability to “tap into” the resonance system is activated upon Reiki
2 attunements
- Once it’s activated, you can turn it on whenever you draw the
symbols and say the mantras.
- Symbols can be drawn by a finger in the air, or visualized.
- You can connect with the cosmic vibration by using both symbol
and mantra.

 How to use the Reiki symbols and mantras

- Draw a symbol in the air once and say its mantra (name) three
- Feel the vibration of the mantra (name) resonating within you.
- Use the symbols and mantras during a Reiki session wherever
you are drawn to use them.

Reiki symbols have no power of their own, but are used to resonate
with and to magnify on a specific aspect of the Reiki energy.

Master Usui originally introduced the symbols as "training wheels" to

his students so that they could easily focus on the energy. Because of
its effectiveness, using the symbols has been a big part of modern

Shinka Reiki 2

Reiki 2 Symbols

Symbol 1 Symbol 2 Symbol 3

resonates with The Earth The Moon The Sun
the vibration of
Power-up & focus Harmony Bridge beyond time
& space
Choku Rei Sei Heki Hon sha ze sho nen
Mantra [chokoo-ray] [say-hecky] [hohn-shah-zay
(Name) チョクレイ セイヘキ show-nen]


Sturdy, earthy, Gentle, female unconditional,
male energy of energy of love and
stability. harmony. high-dimensional
Remote events or
Physical Psychological & conditions,
Focus on conditions &
Healing emotional balance including in the
material objects past & future
“psychological and Connects with the
Restores the emotional balance,”
rhythm and which allows one to core of the target
Function “beyond space &
balance of be in sync with the time” for deep
“everything born moon’s rhythm.
on the earth.” Increases healing and
sensitivity and
To harmonize To heal beyond
To empower and human time & space to be
increase the
energy, focus on relationships, treat closer to the state
Deeper bad habits, and of bliss, releasing
Role the target,
stabilize and release all kinds of any strain that has
purify the energy. mental/emotional been an obstacle
distress. for learning.
Chakras 1st and 2nd 3rd and 4th chakras 5th and 6th chakras
Shinka Reiki 2

Symbol 1: Choku Rei

“Power up,” the Earth, 1st & 2nd chakras.

Choku Rei (pronounced “chokoo-ray”) is called the "power" symbol. It

connects us to the cosmic energy, like a light switch being turned on.
It is effective for physical conditions and material objects. It is
associated with the living physicality of Earth.

Try Choku Rei in various ways, especially on objects. You can use it to
focus on each hand position and on any areas of the body that have
known issues. Draw it on food and water before you eat and drink.
You can also draw it over your head during meditation.

 Draw it on your palms at the beginning of a session to activate
more energy.
 To help reduce pain or increase comfortableness, draw on the areas
of the body that have known issues.
 To seal a healing session by drawing a big Choku Rei over the
 To clear, cleanse and harmonize a space, draw it towards each
corner of a room.
 Draw a big Choku Rei and step into it while saying “chokurei” three
times to 'wear' the symbol for protection and self-confidence. Feel
the vibration resonating within your whole body.
 Apply a big Choku Rei to doorways to protect and purify yourself,
and to enhance the energy flow in your home.
 Draw it on a showerhead or faucet for the water to be filled with
 Draw it on a wallet to bless the energy flow.
 Draw it on cell phones, TV screens, electric outlets, microwaves,
and other electronic devices to decrease negative

Shinka Reiki 2

Symbol 2: Sei Heki

“Harmony,” the Moon, 3rd & 4th chakras.

Sei Heki (pronounced “say-hecky”) is called the "mental/emotional"

symbol. It is the harmonious, female, moon-energy symbol. Sei
Heki balances the mental/psychological/emotional state, and (it is
associated with the delicate energy and the rhythm of the Moon).

When combined with Choku Rei (the Earth), Sei Heki (the Moon) heals
our body, mind and spirit. It purifies and heals by helping us release
the attachments that create our suffering and illness.

It is also used to bring up and heal any emotional issues underneath

physical problems. It helps reinforce and support positive behavior

Sei Heki needs to be "backed up" or reinforced with Choku Rei because
of its delicate nature. Always apply Sei Heki as follows: draw symbol 2
and say “Sei Heki” three times, then draw symbol 1 and say “Choku Rei”
three times (Apply Symbols 2+1).

 Visualize Sei Heki when you feel any tension or inharmonious
condition (arguments, etc.)
 When you feel hurt, tired, or stressed out, apply the symbol to the
sides of the head and the solar plexus.
 When you feel restless, angry, sorrow, or are experiencing
emotional blocks, apply to the front & back of the head, and the
solar plexus.
 Before a conference, meeting, negotiation, or interview, draw the
symbol on yourself, a place, an environment, a situation.
 Draw the symbol to bring harmony and peace to an object.
 To release an old or persistent emotion, apply to the top of the
head and the solar plexus.
 To change a bad habit or pattern, apply to the front,
back, and sides of the head.
 To fortify affirmation techniques such as Nentatsu-ho
and Seiheki chiryo-ho, apply before repeating the
Shinka Reiki 2

Symbol 3: Hon sha ze sho nen

“Energy bridge” beyond time & space, the Sun, 5th & 6th chakras.

Hon sha ze sho nen “hohn-shah-zay-show-nen” is commonly called

the “connection," “distance” or “remote” symbol because it creates an
energy bridge beyond the perceived limits of time and space. Hon
sha ze sho nen is associated with the unconditional, high-dimensional
energy of the Sun.

It consists of five Kanji characters compressed together, creating this

meaning: “The origin of all is pure consciousness.”

Most simply, Hon sha ze sho nen works as an energetic bridge, making
a connection between people, places, things, events beyond time and
space. Once the connection is made, Reiki can be forwarded through
this energy bridge.

It also works as an anchor to hold the other symbols in a particular

place or time as well as to heal the spiritual aspects of the issues being
addressed by Reiki.

To use Hon sha ze sho nen for a physical matter, symbol and follow it
with Choku Rei (symbols 3+1). For emotional/mental/spiritual
healing, draw Hon sha ze sho nen, and follow it first by Sei Heki, then
by Choku Rei (symbols 3+2+1), or you can apply symbols 2+1+3 to
anchor the Reiki with Hon sha ze sho nen.

 Do Reiki on a person, condition or event in the
past or in the future, near or far away. This
symbol is effective on anything, in any condition.
 To perform any non-Reiki energy work remotely.
 Drawing it along the spine during Reiki session
will align the back.
 To help heal emotional wounds of the past, write
a few words describing that past event on a piece
of paper, then draw the symbol on it and hold the
paper between your two hands.

Shinka Reiki 2

Remote Reiki

There are many ways to perform a remote Reiki healing. The simplest
way is to write the name and/or information of the recipient or target
(person, project, place, past/future event, etc.) on a piece of paper,
and draw the symbols 3+2+1 over it to make the connection. Hold it
in your palms to do Reiki. You can also use a photo, printed e-mails,
or other objects that represent the vibration of the recipient.

Just as you do the hands-on healing, be ready by doing Gassho,

Hatsurei-ho, or self-purifying technique when you start.

◎ When you are finished sending Reiki, always do Ken’yoku to

disconnect and ground (a description of Ken’yoku can be found
towards the back of the Reiki 1 manual).

Some other ways:

 Imagine that the recipient is in front of you, draw symbols 3+2+1
and begin Reiki.
 Draw symbols 3+2+1 on a doll or teddy-bear as a proxy.
 After the connection is made, do Reiki on yourself just as you do
the self-Reiki. This way, Reiki energy goes to the same positions
of the recipient’s body as well. You may feel how the recipient is
feeling (sensation, pain, etc.) during the session but any negative
effect will never stay with you when you finish and disconnect.

Applying Remote Reiki to a list of recipients

You can do Reiki on an entire list of people, with the intent that each is
receiving a complete Reiki treatment for each person’s highest good.
Create a list of those who want to receive Reiki healing remotely. On
the list you can include their names, locations, and any other
descriptive information.. Make sure you have each person’s
permission. Generally, about 15 to 20 minutes is a good amount of
time for a distance Reiki session.
Reiki to Past & Future
Healing the past
Using the Remote Reiki method, you can do Reiki to any event or
unresolved issues in the past. To live in the NOW fully, it is very
important to release any negative influences from the past that remain in
your energy body and deep within.

Blessing the future

By knowing that everything is fine and a specific future event is going
well for everyone’s highest good, you can live in the NOW fully, peacefully
and confidently. Sending Reiki to bless the future is quite useful for this.

Preparing to send Reiki to the past:

• Write down key information about the past event that you intend to
release, for example the date, time and location on a piece of paper.
Do this objectively.
Preparing to send Reiki to the future:
• Write down key information about the future event objectively
and/or a sentence stating that it has been achieved successfully and
the words “Thank you.”

Sending Reiki to the past and future

1) Be ready by doing Gassho, Hatsurei-ho, or self-purifying exercise.
2) Apply the symbols 3+2+1 to the prepared paper.
3) Hold the piece of paper in your palms and do Reiki for 15-30 minutes.
4) When you are finished sending Reiki, always do Ken’yoku to disconnect
and ground.

• Simply know that Reiki harmonizes for the highest good for all the
things and people involved in that event. No thoughts are
necessary when you do this. If any self-reflection is necessary for
your growth, it will be brought up to the surface whenever you are

• To focus on healing at the DNA or past-life level, you can write

down “DNA Reiki” or “Past life Reiki” on the piece of paper in
addition to the usual information.

• No thoughts are necessary but you may repeat “thank you” in your
mind, feeling the vibration of the full support from the universe
while doing this.

Shinka Reiki 2

Reiki Blessing Box

Ongoing healing & blessings

This is a variation of sending Reiki to the future. You can keep doing
Remote Reiki to the destinations that can receive Reiki constantly
without attachment to the outcome.

1) Prepare a non-metallic box, bag, or envelope.

2) Neutralize the container by doing Jakigiri (described in Reiki 1
manual) and Reiki.
3) Write down a subject to which you intend to send blessings on a
piece of paper. When you intend for a future event to be successful,
write a sentence that describes the event as already being successfully
4) Do this as many subjects as you wish.
5) Apply the symbols 3+2+1 to each piece of paper.
6) Put all the pieces of paper in the container and store it in a place
where you feel serene.
7) Do Reiki with the symbols 3+2+1 to the container whenever you
like, feeling that all the contents are blessed for their highest good,
and giving thanks.
Shinka Reiki 2

Suggestions for using symbols during a full Reiki session

1) Have the recipient lie on the massage table and close their eyes.
2) Gassho (put your palms together) to calm your mind and be ready.
3) You may do the Self-Purification for yourself.
4) Do aura balancing over the recipient. (x3)
5) Apply symbols 3+2+1 (HSZSN + SHK + CKR) at the crown of the
6) Lightly place your hands over the client's collarbones for about
10-20 seconds to gently introduce the energy.
7) Reiki on the basic positions, spending a few minutes on each
8) You may do Tanden Chiryo-ho between the head positions and
feet positions.
• Apply symbol 1 (CKR) to the feet (the ankle positions) for
• Apply symbol3 (HSZSN) over the throat.
• Apply symbol 1 (CKR) to the areas with known issues.
• Apply symbol 2+1 (SHK +CKR) over the heart and solar plexus.
• Apply symbol 1 (CKR) over the first and second chakras.
9) Aura balancing (x1)
10) Have the recipient turning over, to begin the back positions.
11) Aura balancing (x1)
• At the beginning of the back positions, apply symbol3 (HSZSN)
along the spine.
12) Reiki to the back positions.
13) You may do Jakigiri wherever your hands feel strong sensation or
pain, or for any known issues. And then apply symbol1 (CKR) and
place your handsReiki.
14) Do aura balancing (x3) over the recipient before closing.

* Apply symbol1 (CKR) to close and symbol3 (HSZSN) to complete and


Do Ken’yoku to disconnect the energy bodies of yourself and the

client, and refresh and ground yourself.

Shinka Reiki 2

Usui Traditional Techniques

1. Tanden Chiryo-ho (Tanden healing/detox) 丹田治療法(下毒法)

With this technique, you help to "de-toxify" toxins from the body.
You can do this as a part of a regular full Reiki session, for example
after completing the head positions, and before continuing on to the
front-of-the-body positions.

Begin with Gassho and calm your mind. Place one of your hands on
the Tanden (in the center of the body, just a little lower than the navel),
so that it covers the navel and below and your other hand on the
forehead. Feel the energy in your hands and let it flow, then silently
ask Reiki to gently flush any poisons or toxins from the physical and
energy bodies. Hold this position for 3-5 minutes or until the energy
feels balanced in both hands. Take your hand away from the forehead
and put it on top of your other hand on the Tanden, and just let Reiki
flow for about 15-30 minutes (shorter during the regular session), or
for as long as you feel is necessary. Finish with Gassho and give

2. Heso Chiryo-ho (navel healing) 臍治療法

Begin with Gassho and calm your mind. Place your middle finger into
your navel and feel the slight pulse. Let Reiki flow out of your middle
finger into your navel until you feel that your pulse and the universal
energy are in harmony. Practice for 5-10 minutes.

3. Koki-ho (healing with breath) 呼気法

This technique is very useful to treat people that cannot be touched
such as burn or accident victims. Feeling the connection to Reiki,
breathe in through the nose and gently blow out through the mouth.

4. Gyoshi-ho (healing with the eyes) 凝視法

As same as Koki-ho, this technique is very useful to treat people that
cannot be touched. The essential part of this technique is to look
with a soft, relaxed, unfocused look. Visualize the energy flowing into
where you are looking.
Shinka Reiki 2

5. Seiheki Chiryo-ho (treating habits) 性癖治療法

Seiheki Chiryo-ho is used to treat habits or tendencies, by directing an
affirmative message into the subconscious mind of the person you are
treating. This can be done as a self-treatment as well. This
technique is very much like Nentatsu-ho, which is described in the
Reiki I manual.
1) Make an affirmation in a positive, already-occurred form. For
example, if the affirmation is for quitting smoking, make it in this
form: “I am smoke-free and healthy” instead of “I will stop smoking
and feel better.”
2) Place your non-dominant hand on the forehead of the receiver (or
your own forehead) and place your dominant hand on the back of
the head.
3) Keep your hand there for 1-2 minutes while you both intensely
repeat the affirmation in your minds.
4) Take your non-dominant hand away from the forehead, stop
repeating the affirmation, and continue to simply give Reiki with the
dominant hand still resting on the back of the head for at least 5

Shinka Reiki 2

6. Byosen Reikan-ho (scanning) 病腺霊感法

When something is not right, you can feel it as a sensation in your
hands. The source of that inharmonious feeling is called "Byosen"
(ailment line). What you feel may vary, depending on the type,
severity and status of the ailment. It could be a sensation of something
moving, pulsating, piercing, pain, numbness, heat, coldness, tickling,
tingling, or of a bug crawling or biting. The sensation you feel in your
hands is called "hibiki" (resonance).

(1) Hold your hands above the body and move them around scanning
the whole body (similar to the movement of Aura Balancing but in a
more free way). Place your hands where you feel the strongest
hibiki or sensation of pain, heat, coolness, vibration or numbness.
The sensation often comes from the actual areas where the obvious
symptom is, but be aware that it sometimes comes from
unexpected areas to tell us Reiki is needed there for profound
(2) The hibiki gradually increases until it reaches a peak, then starts to
subside. That makes "one pass" or "one cycle." You should hold
your hands at least for one cycle. As it repeats its cycle, the
intensity at the peak of hibiki will decrease.
(3) Move your hands to the next Byosen and repeat.

7. Reiji-ho (guided hands) 霊示法

Allow Reiki itself to guide you to the place of the greatest need of
healing (longer placement of your hands). This is similar to that what
you are told to “follow your instinct.” By doing a lot of Reiki, you will
gradually develop this.
1) Begin with Gassho, with your hands together in front of your heart
to calm your mind. Consciously intend to activate your intuitive
ability and say silently to yourself “I begin Reiji-ho now.”
2) Connect with Reiki and feel the vibration fill your whole body.
3) Move your Gassho hands up to your brow (third eye chakra), and
silently ask Reiki to direct your hands where its healing energy is
needed most.
4) Follow the guidance you will receive, and do Reiki on the positions
to which you are drawn.
5) When you are done, do Gassho and give thanks.
Shinka Reiki 2

What to do after being attuned to Reiki 2

Congratulations on your completion of the Reiki 2 attunements and

training! The more you enjoy practicing Reiki in your daily life, the
more your Reiki channel becomes clearer and purer, and the flow of
Reiki energy becomes stronger. Enjoy the expanded possibilities for
Reiki with the three symbols!

The Reiki 2 attunements will cause your vibration to again be rapidly

heightened, and you might experience some significant changes.
When you are experiencing any changes, do not worry and keep doing
the following over the next 21 days or longer, or until you take Reiki 3.

• Drink a lot of water. Water is essential for you to cope with the
changes in your physical body, which will try to detoxify vigorously
after the attunement. You can do Reiki to the water, applying
symbol 1 (CKR) over the glass or pitcher too!
• Do Hatsurei-ho everyday with Gokai (the five principles), ideally
when you get up and before going to bed, but even just once
anytime during each day is fine. You can now visualize symbol 3
(HSZSN) and say its name 3 times when you feel the strong
connection with Reiki.
• Do Remote Reiki (5-15 min.) everyday so that you’ll become totally
comfortable using the three symbols. Remember, you can do
remote Reiki on yourself, too.
• Do hands-on Reiki on yourself using the symbols. If you don’t
have enough time for a full treatment, it’s still effective to do the
head positions and the soles of your feet.
• Use the symbols when you do Reiki on others.
• Use the symbols in your daily life to do Reiki on the objects and
the space around you. All things have their own vibration and it’s
important to do Reiki on the things around you to harmonize
because your vibration is heightened again.
• Do Reiki with the symbols on anything!

Shinka Reiki 2

The next step - Reiki 3:

At a Reiki 3 class, you'll receive three Reiki 3 attunements and learn

the 4th (Master) Reiki symbol for more integrated healing. You will be
attuned to the highest level of Reiki vibration and become more aware
of being in the harmonious, loving energy with full of light.

Reiki becomes even more natural and simple to you…

Shinka Reiki
for your Truth & Evolution

Shinka Reiki 2 Essential Manual

v. 2

2015 © Lumié Aino, Shinka Reiki



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