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PrintWhatYouLike on Obscured Graphix -> Tech Line Tips

Tech Line Tips, ---Very helpful---

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MiniCarl Posted: Aug 8 2004, 02:14 PM

***I have erected as much info as I could from my brain about tech lines so here it

Tips for making tech lines on your own:

1.) Use only straight and 45 degree angles. Make 45 degree angles with the line tool by
holding shift. It should make it 45 degrees.

Group: Admin
Posts: 11,844 2.) Have the tech lines in groups or connected in some way. If they are scattered around
Member No.: 1 and aren't connected it will look messy. Separated by a few pixels is ok, but not more
Joined: 7-July 04
than 5.

3.) Don't have the tech lines be bigger than 1 pixel thick. If they are, it will cover up too
much space. Only have a line 2 pixels thick if you have 2 lines next to each other and you
want to make one stick out more.

4.) Build on a tech line ‘heart’ which is what you add all of the tech lines around.


Different types of tech lines to use:

1 of 3 Fri, 27/10/2017 14:48

PrintWhatYouLike on Obscured Graphix -> Tech Line Tips



For an example of using these tips I gave you up there and the different types, I will use
the tech lines in my signature. Here is my signature without the background and border.
Just the tech lines:

Notice how a lot of them are connected or are separated by few pixels, and i don't have
them scattered around the place.

Tip #4 said to have a ‘heart’ of which to build on. Mine in my sig was this:

It was a good place to build onto because it has 4 points that you could connect onto
going in each direction.

2 of 3 Fri, 27/10/2017 14:48

PrintWhatYouLike on Obscured Graphix -> Tech Line Tips

Also notice how i used every single type of tech line that I had up there, in my sig tech

I followed Tip #3 also. I only used a 2 pixel thick line in 3 places... Only to make the one
line stick out more and make it have more contrast.

Last, I only used straight and 45 degree angles. The reason why you want to only have it
as 45 º and straight lines is so that you don't get any rigid lines.

I did not mention circles in the types to use but you can use them. Do not use ovals, only
circles and do not overuse the circle. Tech lines are straightness, and a little curveness
doesn’t hurt...but dont use too much.

I garuntee that if you follow all of these tips, that you will create some good tech lines.
Thanks for reading this and I hope that I taught you something.


3 of 3 Fri, 27/10/2017 14:48

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