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Experiment: To plot a graph between the distance of the knife edges from the centre of

gravity and time period of a compound pendulum. From the graph find
(a) Acceleration due to gravity.
(b) Radius of gyration and the moment of the inertia of the bar about an axis passing
through the centre of gravity.

Apparatus used: a compound pendulum, a wedge, a telescope, a stop watch, a meter rod, a
spring balance and a graph paper.

Theory: If a graph is plotted between the distance of knife edges from the centre of gravity
taken along the X-axis and the corresponding time period t taken along the Y-axis for the
compound pendulum, then the shape of graph is as shown as in fig
If a horizontal line ABCDE is drawn, it cuts the graph in points A, B and D about which the
time period is same. The points A and D or B and E lie on opposite side of centre of gravity at
unequal distance such that the time periods about these points are same. Hence one of these
corresponds to the centre of suspension and the other to the centre of oscillation. The distance
AD or BE gives the equivalent length of simple pendulum L. if t is the corresponding time period

t = 2π√L/g

Or g = 4π2L/t2

If l1 and l2 are the distances of the point of suspension and the point of oscillation from the
center of gravity, then
Radius of gyration K = √l1l2
And moment of inertia I = MK2
Where M is the mass of bar pendulum.

I. Pasted a small piece of paper on either end of compound pendulum. Drawn a line parallel
to the edge of the pendulum on each paper to serve as reference mark. Marked on the one
side A and on the other side B. Placed the knife edges in the first hole on either side
parallel to each other and made them tight, so that the sharp edge is pointing towards the
center of gravity.
II. Placed a spirit level on the glass plates fixed on the bracket in the wall meant for
suspending the pendulum and saw that upper surfaces of glass plates are in the same
III. Suspended the pendulum from the knife edge on the side A so that the knife edge is
perpendicular to the edge of slot and the pendulum is hanging parallel to wall.
IV. Adjusted the eye piece of the telescope so that the cross wires are clearly visible through
it. Focused the telescope at the reference line of compound pendulum.
V. Set the pendulum in the vibration with small amplitude of about 5° and allow it to made a
few vibrations so that these become regular.
VI. Looked through the telescope and when the image of the reference mark passes across the
intersection of cross wires, started the stop watch and count zero. Counted one when the
pendulum is passing through the same position in the same direction and so on. Noted the
time taken for 20 vibrations. Repeated again and taken the mean.
VII. Measured the distance between the C.G. and the inner edge of the edge.
VIII. Then suspend it on the knife edge on the side B and repeat the observation.
IX. Repeated the observation with the knife edges in the 2nd, 3rd, 4th etc. holes on either side
of the centre of the gravity.

Observation table
S.No. Side A Side B
Time for 20 Time Distance Time for 20 Time Distance
vibrations (in s) period from C.G. vibrations (in s) period from
1 2 mean ‘t’ (in s) (in cm) 1 2 mean ‘t’ (in C.G. (in
s) cm)
1 34 35 34.5 1.725 44.8 35 35 35 1.75 44.5
2 33 33 33 1.65 34.6 33 33 33 1.65 34.5
3 32 33 32.5 1.625 24.5 33 33 33 1.65 24.3
4 36 36 36 1.8 14.5 36 36 36 1.8 14.4
5 56 57 56.5 2.825 4.5 56 58 57 2.8 4.3
6 0.0 0.0
A. To find the value of ‘g’
S. No. Length of eq. simple pendulum (in Time period L/t2
cm) ‘t’ (in s)
1 2 Mean
1 AD = BE = 59.57 61.3 1.7 21.21

2 A’D’ = B’E’ = 59.8 1.6 23.36

60.9 58.7

Mean L/t2 = 22.29

g = 4π2L = 8.8 ms-2

Actual value of g = 9.8 ms-2
Percentage error = 10.2 %

B. To find the radius of gyration

S.No. l1 (in cm) l2 (in cm) K = √l1l2 (in cm)
1 AC = 38.26 CD = 17.83 26.12
2 CE = 38.04 BC = 17.61 25.88
3 A’C’ = 44.6 C’D’ = 16.3 26.96
4 C’E’ = 42.83 B’C’ = 15.9 26.1
5 PQ = 27.17 QR = 29.35 28.24
Mean value of K= 26.66 cm
C. To find moment of inertia

Mass of pendulum M= 1.6 kg

Radius of gyration K= 0.27 m
Moment of inertia MK2 = 0.12 kg-m2

a. The knife edges should be horizontal and the bar pendulum parallel to the wall.
b. Amplitude should be small.
c. The time period should be noted after the pendulum has made a few vibrations and the
vibrations has become regular.
d. Two knife edges should always lie symmetrically with respect to C.G.
e. The distance should be measured from the knife edges.
f. The graph should be a free hand curve.

Sources of error
a. Slight error is produced due to (i) resistance of air (ii) curvature of knife edges (iii)
yielding of support (iv) finite amplitude
b. The stop watch may not be very accurate.

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