Single-Frequency Near-Field MIMO Imaging

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2017 11th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation (EUCAP)

Single-Frequency Near-Field MIMO Imaging

Thomas Fromenteze, Michael Boyarsky, Jonah Gollub,
Timothy Sleasman, Mohammadreza Imani, and David R. Smith
Center for Metamaterials and Integrated Plasmonics, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering,
Duke University, Durham, North Carolina 27708, USA

Abstract—A near-field radar imaging technique is presented transmit elements and nr receive elements located at rt and rr ,
based on single-frequency measurements from a multiple-input respectively. Here, the boldface symbols represent vector quan-
multiple-output (MIMO) array. Such arrays are able to fully sam- tities. Assuming the first Born approximation and isotropic
ple the k-space of a region of interest. Advantageously, both range
and cross-range information can be reconstructed, in contrast to antennas, the signal measured by each pair of transmit/receive
conventional single-input multiple-output systems which require elements can be expressed as:
wideband frequency illumination. A theory of single frequency Z
MIMO imaging is developed and studied through numerical s0 (rt , rr ) = g0 (rt , r) σ(r) g0 (r, rr ) d3 r, (1)
modeling and experimental validation. r
Index Terms—MIMO, Microwave imaging
where σ(r) is the target reflectivity and g0 (ra , rb ) is the
I. I NTRODUCTION free space Green’s function accounting for the propagation
of waves from ra to rb , with wavenumber k0 = 2πf0 /c.
Near-field radar imaging has found application in many By exploiting the spatial diversity that exists between the
fields, including medical diagnosis [1], through-wall imag- transmit and receive arrays and a frequency bandwidth, an
ing [2] and concealed weapon detection [3]. The resolution estimation of the target reflectivity can be computed on a
of these systems is usually facilitated by large and densely discrete spatial grid r by compensating for the impact of the
sampled antenna arrays that radiate ultra-wideband signals— Green functions. However, in the context of single-frequency
ensuring good coverage of the target space’s spatial Fourier processing, a comparison between a SIMO and a MIMO
domain (k-space). More recently, in an effort to develop more system demonstrates the advantage of exploiting both the
efficient imaging systems, the radar community has deployed spatial diversity in transmission and reception. To illustrate,
antenna arrays consisting of multiple independent transmission two identical one-dimensional arrays are studied (Fig. 1).
and reception elements to improve resolution, mitigate clutter,
and improve classification performance [4]. These multiple-
input multiple-output (MIMO) systems are built on exist- • •
• •
ing single-input multiple-output (SIMO) and multiple-input
• g0 (r •
single-output (MISO) solutions [4], [5], [6]. A MIMO system , rr g0 (r
) , rr
• • )
acquires measurements from independent transmission and •
g0 (rt , r )
y • y
reception antenna arrays. The principle presented in this paper • θt •
, r)
exploits the enhanced coverage of the k-space permitted by the • σ(r) • g 0 (r t σ(r)
use of these independent transmission and reception arrays. • •

Following [5], a stationary phase method is applied to show • •

that the Fourier space can be correlated with the interaction x x

of plane waves transmitted and received by the elements of (a) SIMO array. (b) Monostatic MIMO array.
each array, allowing for direct identification of the Fourier
Fig. 1: Radar imaging using a SIMO and a MIMO array. The
components measured by the imaging system [7]. We show
red triangles represent the transmit elements and the green
that if the target is in the near field of the array and a sufficient
circles, the receive elements.
number of transmitter and receiver positions are probed, these
measurement points can fully survey a target’s k-space—even In the depicted setup, the antenna locations are defined by
at a single frequency—obtaining both cross-range as well as xt and xr on the x-axis, allowing for an indexing of the
range information. The recovery of range information using measured signal as s0 (xt , xr ). A representation of the data
a MIMO array is in contrast with conventional radar systems in the Fourier space is given by computing the following two-
which must exploit a frequency bandwidth to fully sample the dimensional discrete Fourier transform:
k-space for depth resolution. XX
s0 (kxt , kxr ) = s0 (xt , xr ) ej(kxt xt +kxr xr ) (2)

To illustrate the technique of single-frequency MIMO imag- Considering uniformly sampled transmit and receive arrays
ing, we consider a generic antenna array consisting of nt of overall lengths ∆xt and ∆xr , of sampling δxt and δxr ,

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2017 11th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation (EUCAP)

and centered on xt0 and xr0 , the antenna array locations are
defined as follows on the plane y = 0:
xt = {−∆xt /2 : δxt : ∆xt /2} + xt0 (3) ....................
...... ...
xr = {−∆xr /2 : δxr : ∆xr /2} + xr0 (4) .. ..
.. ..
. .

allowing for the determination of the equivalent plane wave
components kxt and kxr : . .
kxt = {−π/δxt : 2π/∆xt : π/δxt } (5)
kxr = {−π/δxr : 2π/∆xr : π/δxr } (6) kt

The method of stationary phase applied in [8] allows for θt

an identification of the Fourier components probed by the −k0 k0
imaging system. The approximation for a MIMO system given
in [5] is modified to be compatible with arrays that are not Fig. 2: k-space coverage of a single-frequency SIMO imaging
centered on the same location: system.
Z ky
s0 (kxt , kxr ) ∝ σ(r) e−jkxt (x−xt0 ) e−jkxr (x−xr0 )
√ 2 2 √ 2 2 (7) 2k0
.......... ..........
.. .. ........
.... ........
......... .........
......... .........
e−j( k0 −kxt + k0 −kxr )y d2 r .
. . .
.... ....
........ . ..
... ..
. . . . . .....
.... .....
.. ........... ...........
.......... ...............
. .... .....
..... .
.. ......................................................................
. .
. .........
...... ...................
.. .. .
. .
. .
. .
. .
. ... . . . .
. . .
. .
. . .
. . .. . .
. . ..
.. . . . . .. . .. ............
..... .........................
The Fourier space is thus approximated by the multiplica- . . . .. ..
.. . . .
........ . . . .. . . .
. .
. . . .. .
. . .. . . ...
. . .. . .
. .. . . .
. . . .. .......................
. .. . . . .
...... ............... ...... . . . ........ . .
tion of plane waves excited by the arrays, with components .............
. ... .. . . .. ... . k r ...............
. . . ............ ......

.. . ..
........... . ....... .. . . .. ................. . . . .
.... ........

... . . . ... ++

... .
. .....

corresponding to the addition of the transmit and receive

+ +

... . . ... ... .

+ +
+ +
+ +
+ +

... +

.. . ..
wave vectors. In a SIMO configuration, the use of a unique . +

kt . .

. .. .
+ +

transmitter prevents the spatial control of the radiated field.
+ +

. . . kx
Following [9], the field radiated by a single transmit antenna −2k0
+ +

can thus be approximated around the target center location by
a plane wave kt defined by: Fig. 3: k-space coverage of a single-frequency MIMO imaging
system and two examples of transmit and receive plane wave
kxt = k0 cos(θt ), kyt = k0 sin(θt ) (8)
with θt the angle of incidence defined relative to the x-axis
by the location of the transmit element and the center of the III. E FFICIENT NUMERICAL RECONSTRUCTION
target space (Fig. 1a). Thus, for single-frequency illumination,
A Stolt f - k migration is implemented to efficiently esti-
the dispersion relation is approximated as:
mate a target reflectivity from the measurement of a single-
frequency MIMO matrix, adapting the reconstruction tech-
ky (kxr ) = k0 sin(θt ) + k02 − kx2 r (9)
nique introduced in [5] to a single-frequency measurement.
The spatial frequency components in a single-frequency According to Eq. (2), the target reflectivity can then be
SIMO configuration thus lie on a curve, since the system has estimated by compensating for the phase of the plane waves:
no control over the direction of the transmitted plane waves
and the norm of the wave vectors is a constant (Fig. 2). XX
This limitation can be circumvented by implementing a σ̂(x, y) = s0 (kxt , kxr )
kxt kxr
MIMO setup. Given a particular size and sampling of the ar-
rays, defined by xt and xr as in Eqs. 3 and 4, the independent ejkxt (x−xt0 ) ejkxr (x−xr0 )
control over the transmit and receive plane waves allows for a √ 2 2 √ 2 2
ej ( k0 −kxt + k0 −kxr )y
wide-coverage of the k-space, defined by Eq. 7 and depicted
in Fig. (3). The spatial diversity is significantly enhanced This operation can be performed efficiently by interpolating
compared with the SIMO and MISO cases because of this the phased matched signal sM 0 (kxt , kxr ) on the mean target
supplementary degree of freedom. In the SIMO approach, location (xC , yC ):
the inter-element spacing, δxt and δxr , is c/(2f0 ) to avoid
jkxt (xC −xt0 ) jkxr (xC −xr0 )
aliasing effects and ensure maximum coverage of the k-space sM
0 (kxt , kxr ) =s0 (kxt kxr )e e
√ 2 2 √ 2 2
sampling, according to the dimensions of the radiating arrays. ej ( k0 −kxt + k0 −kxr )yC
Having identified the elements relative to the spatial diver- (11)
sity measured by a single-frequency MIMO radar system, we
next suggest an efficient reconstruction method and validate onto a uniform grid sI (kx , ky ) and finally estimating the
its performance with numerical simulations. target reflectivity with a two-dimensional inverse fast Fourier

2017 11th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation (EUCAP)

transform: where ∆kx = 4k0 and ∆ky = 2k0 corresponds to the

maximum extension of the sampled k-space, as depicted in
σ̂(x, y)f −k = F−1
2D {sI (kx , ky )} (12) Fig. (3). The computation time is 0.15 s for the f - k migration
The discrete vectors kx and ky should be uniformly sampled and 25.5 s for the backpropagation on a computer equipped
on the total coverage of the k-space spectrum, spacing the with a 10-core 3.10 GHz CPU, making the Fourier domain
points by δkx and δky to reconstruct an image of overall technique approximately 164 times faster due to the efficiency
dimensions ∆x = π/δkx and ∆y = π/δky , avoiding the of fast Fourier transforms. Cross section plots of the estimated
aliasing from scattering targets located outside of the imaged target reflectivity along the cross range and range directions,
domain. By way of comparison, a backpropagation algorithm respectively, are shown in Fig. (5). Good agreement between
is also implemented, following: the actual locations of the targets and the reconstructed signals
exists for both techniques, demonstrating similar resolutions in
XX √ range and cross-range. The cross-range resolution is consistent
(xT −x)2 +y 2
σ̂(x, y)BP = s0 (xT , xR ) ejk0 (13) for all the targets and is on average ≈ 1.17λ0 , while the
xT xR range resolution increase linearly for both technique between
The f - k migration and the backpropagation are compared 1.7λ0 and 3.1λ0 with the distance. MIMO analytical resolution
in the context of single-frequency MIMO imaging in a two- models such as given in [10] can be adapted to this study be
dimensional numerical simulation. This principle is validated considering a single frequency problem.
for an operating frequency of 26.5 GHz, using two identical
arrays made of 101 radiating isotropic antennas spaced by 0
f-k migration
λ0 /2, leading to a total length of 57.1 cm for both axes. The -10 Backpropagation
arrays are shifted at two different locations xt0 = −0.42 m -20
and xr0 = 0.42 m to demonstrate the compatibility of this
technique with a non self-centered bi-static system and to
increase the k-space support of the target under test [9]. An -40
-0.4 -0.3 -0.2 -0.1 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4
array of 5 × 5 point scatterers is set in front of the imaging x (m)
system, spaced by 8 cm in both axis, and centered on xC = 0 0
f-k migration
and yC = 0.5 m (Fig. 4). -10 Backpropagation



0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9
y (m)

Fig. 5: Signals extracted from the first line (top) and central
column (bottom) of the target array. The dashed black lines
correspond to the actual locations of the targets.

One can note that the lack of magnitude compensation

in each case involves a decay of the responses in range,
allowing nevertheless for a correct estimation of the locations
of the targets. This principle is then experimentally validated
through a proof-of-concept experiment reproducing the numer-
ical model, retaining the same parameters and antenna array
characteristics as in simulation.
A simplified measurement of the single-frequency MIMO
matrix is proposed through the use of two translation stages,
Fig. 4: Numerical results from the simulation of a bistatic allowing for a sequential acquisition of the signal between the
single-frequency MIMO imaging system. transmit and receive antennas at different locations (Fig. 6).
Reproducing the experiment presented in the previous sec-
The reconstruction techniques reveal comparable perfor- tion, an array of 5×5 metal marbles with a diameter of 1.25 cm
mances, enabling the localization of all the point scatterers spaced by 8 cm set in a microwave-transparent foam plate is
from the single-frequency acquisition. The images are con- set above the synthetic aperture radar system, and tilted by 27◦
structed on a uniform grid made of 606 points on the x-axis along the optical axis to prevent the shadowing effect of each
and 202 points on the y-axis, sampled at δx = 2π/∆kx = line of marbles on the other ones, and allowing a pseudo two
λ0 /4 ≈ 2.83 mm and δy = 2π/∆ky = λ0 /2 ≈ 5.65 mm, dimensional image to be reconstructed. The f - k migration is

2017 11th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation (EUCAP)

A single-frequency MIMO imaging technique has been
presented that can resolve near-field objects in range and
cross-range. It exploits the independent control of the trans-
mitted and received plane waves available in MIMO antenna
array systems. The technique implemented in this paper is
compatible with real-time applications and might be applied
to antenna arrays connected to fast transmission and recep-
tion systems. By operating at a single frequency, hardware
and signal processing requirements are substantially reduced
Fig. 6: Experimental setup made of two translation stages as compared to conventional systems. The extrapolation of
allowing for the sequential acquisition of a single-frequency such a technique to three-dimensional imaging is possible
MIMO matrix to image an array of 5× 5 metal marbles. by using two-dimensional radiating apertures and modifying
the dispersion relation accordingly. Such an approach might
be of interest when applied to hyperspectral imaging, where
applied to the measurements, allowing for the reconstruction frequency selective and/or dispersive targets prevent the use of
of the scene’s reflectivity (Fig. 7). wideband coherent illumination. The idea of single frequency
near-field imaging can also be implemented using dynamic
metasurface antennas [11], [12], significantly simplifying the
Tx Antennas hardware used in this work. Such a device that is simple and
0.6 Rx Antennas fast in both hardware and software is the subject of our current
0.4 work.
y (m)


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